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little feast

  • 1 good as a feast

    достаточно [часть пословицы enough is as good as a feast; см. enough is as good as a feast]

    There were also very few materials accessible to a man like me to form a judgment from. But in such a case I verily believe that a little is as good as a feast - perhaps better. (J. Conrad, ‘Chance’, part I, ch. II) — Человеку в моем положении были доступны лишь немногие данные, на основании которых он мог бы составить свое мнение. Но я искренно считаю, что в этом случае и немногого достаточно, даже больше чем достаточно.

    At nineteen he had commenced one of those careers attractive and inexplicable to ordinary mortals for whom a single bankruptcy is good as a feast. (J. Galsworthy, ‘In Chancery’, part II, ch. I) — Девятнадцати лет от роду сей юноша вступил на стезю, привлекательную и непостижимую для простых смертных, для которых и одно банкротство достаточно памятное событие.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > good as a feast

  • 2 (as) good as a feast

       дocтaтoчнo [чacть пocлoвицы enough is as good as a feast xopoшeнькoгo пoнeмнoжку]
        There were also very few materials accessible to a man like me to form a judgment from. But in such a case I verily believe that a little is as good as a feast - perhaps better (J. Conrad). At nineteen he had commenced one of those careers attractive and inexplicable to ordinary mortals for whom a single bankruptcy is good as a feast (J. Galsworthy)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > (as) good as a feast

  • 3 Capitulum de Sequenti (Little Chapter of the Following Feast Breviary, сокр. Cap. de seq.)

    Религия: бревиарий "Капитулум де секвенти"

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Capitulum de Sequenti (Little Chapter of the Following Feast Breviary, сокр. Cap. de seq.)

  • 4 праздник

    ( религиозный) (church) festival, (religious) feast(day), feast [holy] day, (отмечаемый церк. службой) high festival, ( в определённой церкви) synaxis, библ. high day, катол., лат. festum

    Богородичные праздники правосл. — the feasts of the Theotokos, the feasts of the Mother of God

    большие праздники (напр. еврейские)high holy days

    праздники, во время которых верующие должны присутствовать на мессе и воздержаться от физического труда катол.holy days of obligation

    праздник в честь какого-л. святого катол.fete (day)

    праздник в честь св. заступника [покровителя] (в честь которого названа церковь или часовня)см. престольный праздник

    наименее важные праздники катол., лат. — memoriae ("memorials")

    переходящие [подвижные] праздники — см. скользящие праздники

    "простой" праздник катол. (не включённый в "удвоенные")simple (feast)

    средний праздник правосл. (к числу средних праздников Русской православной церкви относятся: еженедельное воскресенье как "малая Пасха", дни почитания некоторых особо чтимых икон Божией Матери, праздник архангела Михаила, пророка Илии, Николая Чудотворца, Сергия Радонежского, Серафима Саровского и некоторые др. праздники)lesser feast

    "удвоенные" праздники катол. (название более важных праздников в катол служебниках; они подразделяются на "удвоенные" (обычные) ( doubles), великие "удвоенные" ( greater doubles), "удвоенные" второго класса ( doubles of the second class) и "удвоенные" первого класса ( doubles of the first class), "удвоенные" главные ( doubles major) и "удвоенные" менее главные ( doubles minor) с подразделением в каждом классе на первостепенные ( primary) и второстепенные ( secondary), а тж. "полуудвоенные" [менее важные] ( semidoubles); такое деление было проведено папой Пием X в 1911 с целью выделения более важных праздников при их совпадении) — double [duplex] feasts

    праздник храмового святогосм. праздник в честь св. заступника [покровителя]

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > праздник

  • 5 правя

    на/превръщам в правя reduce/burn to ashes
    ставам на правя be reduced to ashes
    посипвам си главата с правя do penance in sackcloth and ashes; put ashes on o.'s head, cover o.'s head with ashes
    тури му правя let bygones be bygones, forget it
    правя на езика ти touch wood
    1. (изработвам, произвеждам) make
    (извършвам, изпълнявам, уреждам) do
    (сграда, мост и пр.) make. build
    (грешка) make, perpetrate
    (чай, кафе и пр.) make
    правя гаргара gargle
    правя добро do good
    правя впечатление на някого make/produce an impression on s.o., impress s.o.
    правя всичко възможно do o.'s utmost, do what one can
    правя въпрос raise an issue, разг. make a fuss, kick up a fuss (за about)
    правя избори hold elections
    правя засечка misfire, hang fire
    правя изключение make/be an exception
    правя икономии make economies, economize
    правя един кръг сп. get round one lap
    правя комплимент pay/make a compliment
    правя магарии get into mischief
    правя опити make experiments, experiment
    правя посещение pay a visit (на to)
    правя преброяване на населението take a census. of the population
    правя предложение make it proposal (на to), ( на събрание) table a motion, ( за женитба) propose to a lady
    правя сватба get married; give a wedding party, make a wedding feast
    ще правите ли сватба? are you going to give a wedding party/reception/feast?
    правя сензация make/cause a sensation
    правя снимка take a picture/snapshot
    правя стъпка take a step
    ' правя състояние make money/a fortune
    правя услуга на някого do s.o. a favour/service/kindness
    2. (постъпвам, действувам) do, act
    прави, както ти казвам- do as I tell you
    прави, каквото прави, все-радиото слуша he does nothing but listen to the radio, he keeps listening to the radio
    правя, каквото си ща have o.'s own way; obtain o.'s way
    правя (с някого), каквото си ща turn/twist/wind (s.o.) round o.'s (little) finger; mould s.o. like wax
    добре прави той, че he does well to (c inf.)
    зле правите, като you are wrong to
    правя същото do the same; follow suit
    защо ме правиш на дете? why do you treat me like a child?
    тази рокля я пвави по-дебела, отколкото е this dress makes her look fatter than she is; this dress is not slimming
    4. (превръщам в) turn (s.th.) into, make into
    правя нощта на ден turn night into day, ( работя до късно) burn the midnight oil
    правяна пепел burn to ashes
    6. (ставам причина за, предизвиквам) cause, bring about
    град глад не прави hail will/does not cause hunger
    този. шум ме прави да пощурея this noise drives me mad
    какво правите? how are you? how are you getting along?
    какво ще я правиш тази къща? (за какво ти е) what are you going to do with this house? what earthly good will this house be to you?
    не знам какво ще правя с тези... (не ми са нужни) I have no earthly use for..., I have no idea what to do with...
    правя дългове make/contract debts
    правя мили очи fawn (upon), toady
    правя някому компания keep s.o. company
    правя поведение stand on o.'s good behaviour, put o.'s best foot forward
    правя подаръци give/make presents
    правя скомина на някого set s.o.'s teeth on edge
    правя-струвам contrive, leave no stone unturned
    правя температура run a temperature
    правя бебе на get (a girl) ; n trouble, make (a woman) pregnant; put (a woman) in the family way
    правя си застраховка take out an insurance
    правя си зъбите have o.'s teeth fixed, have o.'s teeth attended to
    правя си илюзии cherish illusions
    правяси косата на апарат have o.'s hair permed, have a perm
    правя си костюм (н пр.) have a suit (etc.) made
    правя си къща have a house built
    правя си сметката без
    правя make/stage/engineer a coup
    7. (обрат) turn, (radical) change
    * * *
    гл., мин. св. деят. прич. пра̀вил 1. ( изработвам, произвеждам) make; ( извършвам, изпълнявам, уреждам) do; ( грешка) make, perpetrate; ( чай, кафе и пр.) make; има още много да се прави much yet remains to be done; \правя впечатление на някого make/produce an impression on s.o.; \правя всичко възможно do o.’s utmost, do what one can, do o.’s best, do all one can; \правя въпрос raise an issue, разг. make a fuss, kick up a fuss (за about); \правя добро do good; \правя една обиколка спорт. get round one lap; \правя изключение make/be an exception; \правя магарии get into mischief; \правя опити make experiments, experiment; \правя преброяване на населението take a census of the population; \правя сватба give a wedding party, make a wedding feast; \правя сензация make/cause a sensation; \правя снимка take a picture/snapshot; \правя сравнения/паралели/заключения draw comparisons/parallels/conclusions; \правя стъпка take a step; \правя състояние make money/a fortune;
    2. ( постъпвам, действам) do, act; зле правите като you are wrong to; прави, както ти казвам do as I tell you; \правя, каквото си ща have o.’s own way; obtain o.’s way; \правя (с някого), каквото си ща turn/twist/wind (s.o.) round o.’s (little) finger; mould s.o. like wax; \правя същото do the same; follow suit;
    3. ( представям някого за някакъв) take (s.o.) for; защо ме правиш на дете? why do you treat me like a child? тази рокля я прави по-дебела, отколкото е this dress makes her look fatter than she is;
    4. ( превръщам в) turn (s.th.) into, make into; \правя на пепел burn to ashes;
    6. ( ставам причина за, предизвиквам) cause, bring about;
    \правя се ( преструвам се) pretend, feign; \правя се на беден pretend to be poor; talk poor; \правя се на безразличен wear an air of indifference; \правя се на Ибрям башия play possum; \правя се на луд ( смахнат) play the fool/goat/monkey; \правя се на невинен put on an innocent air/look; \правя се, че върша нещо make a feint of doing s.th.; \правя се, че знам let on, look knowing; \правя се, че не виждам wink, connive, look the other way, (не обръщам внимание на) turn a blind eye to, pretend not to see; give (s.th./s.o.) the go-by; ( пренебрегвам) cut (s.o.) dead, give (s.o.) the cold shoulder; • какво правите? how are you? how are you getting along? не знам какво ще \правя с тези … (не ми са нужни) I have no earthly use for …, I have no idea what to do with …; \правя бебе на get (a girl) in trouble, make (a woman) pregnant; put (a woman) in the family way; \правя мили очи fawn (upon), toady; \правя някому компания keep s.o. company; \правя поведение stand on o.’s good behaviour, put o.’s best foot forward; \правя си застраховка take out an insurance; \правя си зъбите have o.’s teeth fixed, have o.’s teeth attended to; \правя си костюм (и пр.) have a suit (etc.) made; \правя си сметката без кръчмаря reckon without o.’s host; \правя си устата drop a hint (that one would like s.th.); \правя-струвам contrive, leave no stone unturned; това ви прави чест it does you credit.
    * * *
    make (изработвам, произвеждам): This house is made of bricks. - Тази къща е направена от тухли., He made money abroad. - Той направи пари в чужбина., She правяs experiments with white mice. - Тя прави експерименти с бели мишки., One and one правяs two. - Едно и едно прави две., The news made her happy. - Новината я направи щастлива., She made herself a cup of coffee. - Тя си направи чаша кафе.; do (извършвам, изпълнявам): Would you правя me a favor? - Ще ми направиш ли една услуга?, What am I going to правя now? - Какво ще правя сега?, She правяes her hair. - Тя си прави косата., I have lots of work to правя. - Имам да правя много неща.; pay (посещение): He paid me a visit. - Той ми направи посещение.; perpetrate (грешка); vitiate (недействителен за договор, юр.); pretend (се): She правяs to be sleeping. - Тя се прави на заспала.; take: правя a step ahead - правя стъпка напред;
    * * *
    1. 'ПРАВЯ състояние make money/a fortune 2. (грешка) make, perpetrate 3. (извършвам, изпълнявам, уреждам) do 4. (изработвам, произвеждам) make 5. (обрат) turn, (radical) change 6. (постъпвам, действувам) do, act 7. (превръщам в) turn (s.th.) into, make into 8. (представям някого за някакъв) take (s.o.) for 9. (при смятане) make 10. (сграда, мост и пр.) make. build 11. (ставам причина за, предизвиквам) cause, bring about 12. -ПРАВЯ си сметката без 13. ПРАВЯ (с някого), каквото си ща turn/ twist/wind (s.o.) round o.'s (little) finger;mould s.o. like wax 14. ПРАВЯ make/stage/engineer a coup 15. ПРАВЯ бебе на get (a girl) ;n trouble, make (a woman) pregnant;put (a woman) in the family way 16. ПРАВЯ впечатление на някого make/produce an impression on s.o., impress s.o. 17. ПРАВЯ всичко възможно do o.'s utmost, do what one can 18. ПРАВЯ въпрос raise an issue, разг. make a fuss, kick up a fuss (за about) 19. ПРАВЯ гаргара gargle 20. ПРАВЯ добро do good 21. ПРАВЯ дългове make/contract debts 22. ПРАВЯ един кръг сп. get round one lap 23. ПРАВЯ засечка misfire, hang fire 24. ПРАВЯ избори hold elections 25. ПРАВЯ изключение make/be an exception 26. ПРАВЯ икономии make economies, economize 27. ПРАВЯ комплимент pay/make a compliment 28. ПРАВЯ магарии get into mischief 29. ПРАВЯ мили очи fawn (upon), toady 30. ПРАВЯ на езика ти touch wood. 31. ПРАВЯ нощта на ден turn night into day, (работя до късно) burn the midnight oil 32. ПРАВЯ някому компания keep s.o. company 33. ПРАВЯ опити make experiments, experiment 34. ПРАВЯ поведение stand on o.'s good behaviour, put o.'s best foot forward 35. ПРАВЯ подаръци give/make presents 36. ПРАВЯ посещение pay a visit (на to) 37. ПРАВЯ преброяване на населението take a census. of the population 38. ПРАВЯ предложение make it proposal (на to), (на събрание) table a motion, (за женитба) propose to a lady: ПРАВЯ сватба get married;give a wedding party, make a wedding feast 39. ПРАВЯ сензация make/cause a sensation 40. ПРАВЯ си застраховка take out an insurance 41. ПРАВЯ си зъбите have o.'s teeth fixed, have o.'s teeth attended to 42. ПРАВЯ си илюзии cherish illusions 43. ПРАВЯ си костюм (н пр.) have a suit (etc.) made 44. ПРАВЯ си къща have a house built 45. ПРАВЯ скомина на някого set s.o.'s teeth on edge 46. ПРАВЯ снимка take a picture/snapshot 47. ПРАВЯ стъпка take a step 48. ПРАВЯ същото do the same;follow suit 49. ПРАВЯ температура run a temperature 50. ПРАВЯ услуга на някого do s.o. a favour/service/kindness 51. ПРАВЯ, каквото си ща have o.'s own way;obtain o.'s way 52. ПРАВЯ-струвам contrive, leave no stone unturned 53. ПРАВЯна пепел burn to ashes 54. ПРАВЯси косата на апарат have o.'s hair permed, have a perm 55. град глад не прави hail will/does not cause hunger 56. добре прави той, че he does well to (c inf.) 57. защо ме правиш на дете? why do you treat me like a child? 58. зле правите, като уоu are wrong to 59. има още много да се прави much yet remains to be done 60. какво правите? how are you?how are you getting along? 61. какво ще я правиш тази къща? (за какво ти е) what are you going to do with this house?what earthly good will this house be to you? 62. на/превръщам в ПРАВЯ reduce/burn to ashes 63. не знам какво ще правя с тези... (не ми са нужни) I have no earthly use for..., I have no idea what to do with... 64. пет по пет правят двадесет и пет five times five make twenty five 65. посипвам си главата с ПРАВЯ do penance in sackcloth and ashes;put ashes on o.'s head, cover o.'s head with ashes 66. прави, каквото прави, все-радиото слуша he does nothing but listen to the radio, he keeps listening to the radio 67. прави, както ти казвам-do as I tell you 68. ставам на ПРАВЯ be reduced to ashes 69. тази рокля я пвави по-дебела, отколкото е this dress makes her look fatter than she is;this dress is not slimming 70. това ви прави чест it does you credit 71. този. шум ме прави да пощурея this noise drives me mad 72. тури му ПРАВЯ let bygones be bygones, forget it 73. чaй, кафе и пр.) make 74. ще правите ли сватба? are you going to give a wedding party/reception/feast?

    Български-английски речник > правя

  • 6 BÚA

    (bý; bjó, bjoggum or bjuggum; búinn), v.
    1) to prepare, make ready;
    búa mál á hendr e-m, to take out a summons against one, be in a lawsuit;
    2) to dress, attire, adorn, ornament;
    bjó hón hana sem hón kunni bezt, she dressed her as well as she could;
    sá þeir konur vel búnar, well dressed;
    búa beð, rekkju, to make a bed;
    búa öndvegi, hús, to make a high seat, adorn a house (for a feast);
    öll umgjörðin var búin gulli ok silfri, adorned (mounted) with gold and silver;
    vápn búit mjök, much ornamented;
    3) to fix one’s abode in a place, = byggja( þegar munu jötnar Ásgarð búa);
    4) to deal with, to treat;
    þeir bjuggu búi sem þeim líkaði, they treated it as they liked, viz. recklessly;
    Haraldr bjó heldr úsparliga kornum Sveins, used S.’s stores rather unsparingly;
    5) to live, dwell (búa í tjöldum);
    þeir bjuggu þar um nóttina, they stayed there during the night;
    sá maðr bjó á skipi (had his berth) næst Haraldi;
    6) to have a household (cattle, sheep, and milk);
    meðan þú vilt búa, as long as thou will keep house;
    búa á or at, with the name of the place added in dat., to live at or in (hann bjó á Velli; Gunnar bjó at Hlíðarenda);
    búa í skapi, brjósti e-m, to be, dwell in one’s mind (eigi býr þér lítit í skapi);
    sýnandi þá hjartaliga gleði, er í brjósti býr, that fills the breast;
    8) to behave, conduct onself (bjuggu þeir þar fremr úfriðliga);
    9) with preps.:
    búa af e-u, to lose;
    láta e-n af baugum búa, to let him be deprived of his riches;
    búa at e-u, to treat, = búa e-u (cf. 4);
    þeir höfðu spurt hvern veg Þórólfr hafði búit at herbergjum þeirra, how Th. had treated their premises;
    búa e-t fyrir, to prepare (þeir hlutir, er guð hefir fyrir búit sínum ástvinum);
    búa fyrir, to be present (hann ætlar, at Selþórir muni fyrir búa í hverju holti);
    búa hjá konu, to lie with a woman;
    búa í e-u, to be at the bottom of, = búa undir e-u (en í þessu vináttumerki bjuggu enn fleiri hlutir);
    búa með e-m or e-rri, to cohabit with;
    búa með konu, to lie with;
    búa saman, to live together (as husband and wife, as friends); to have a common household (ef menn búa saman);
    búa e-t til, to prepare, take the preparatory steps in a case (búa sök, mál, vígsmál til, cf. 1);
    búa til veizlu, to prepare for a feast;
    búa um e-n, to make one’s bed (var búit um þá Þórodd á seti ok lögðust þeir til svefns);
    Þórólfr lét setja upp skip sitt ok um búa, he had his ship laid up and fenced round;
    kváðu nú Guðrúnu eiga at búa um rauða skör Bolla, said that G. would have to dress B.’s (her husband’s) bloody head;
    búa um andvirki, to fence and thatch hayricks;
    at búa svá um, at aldri mátti vökna, to pack it up so that it could not get wet;
    búa svá um, at (with subj.), to arrange it so, that;
    búa eigi um heilt við e-n, to be plotting something against one;
    búa um nökkurn skoll, to brood over some mischief (deceit);
    búa um grun, to be suspicious;
    búa um hverfan hug, to be fickleminded;
    gott er um öruggt at búa, to be in a safe position;
    búa undir e-u, to be subject to, suffer, endure (hart mun þykkja undir at búa);
    eiga undir slíkum ofsa at búa, to have to put up with such insolence; to be the (hidden) reason of, to be at the bottom of (þat bjó þar undir, at hann vildi taka ríkit undir sik);
    þér vitið gørst, hvat yðr býr undir (what reason you have) at girnast eina útlenda mey;
    sárt býr þú nú við mik, Þóra, thou treatest me sorely;
    búa við e-t, to enjoy (þú býr við eilífa ást ok bíðr eilífra ömbuna); to submit to, put up with;
    ok mun eigi við þat mega búa, it will be too hard to bide;
    búa yfir e-u, to hide, conceal;
    framhlutr ormsins býr yfir eitri, is venomous;
    lítill búkr býr yfir miklu viti, little body holds mickle wit;
    búa yfir brögðum, flærð ok vélum, to brood over tricks, falsehood, and deceit;
    10) refl., búast.
    * * *
    pret. sing. bjó, 2nd pers. bjótt, mod. bjóst; plur. bjoggu, bjöggu, and mod. bjuggu, or even buggu; sup. búit, búið, and (rarely) contr. búð; part. búinn; pret. subj. bjöggi, mod. byggi or bjyggi; pres. sing. indic. bý; pl. búm, mod. búum: reflex. forms býsk or býst, bjósk or bjóst, bjöggusk, búisk, etc.: poët. forms with suffixed negative bjó-at, Skv. 3. 39: an obsolete pret. bjoggi = bjó, Fms. ix. 440 (in a verse); bjöggisk = bjósk, Hom. 118. [Búa is originally a reduplicated and contracted verb answering to Goth. búan, of which the pret. may have been baibau: by bûan Ulf. renders Gr. οικειν, κατοικειν; Hel. bûan = habitare; Germ. bauen; Swed. and Dan. bo. The Icel. distinguishes between the strong neut. and originally redupl. verb búa, and the transit. and weak byggja, q. v.: búa seems to be kindred to Gr. φύω, εφυσα (cp. Sansk. bhû, bhavâmi, Lat. fui); byggja to Lat. făcio, cp. Swed.-Dan. bygga, Scot. and North. E. to ‘big,’ i. e. to build; cp. Lat. aedificare, nidificare: again, the coincidence in sense with the Gr. οικος, οικειν, Lat. vicus, is no less striking, cp. the references s. v. bú above. Búa, as a root word, is one of the most interesting words in the Scandin. tongues; bú, bær, bygg, bygð, byggja, etc., all belong to this family: it survives in the North. E. word to ‘big,’ in the Germ. bauen ( to till), and possibly (v. above) in the auxiliary verb ‘to be.’]
    A. NEUTER, to live, abide, dwell, = Gr. οικειν, Lat. habitare; sú synd sem í mér býr, Rom. vii. 17, 20; í mér, þat er í mínu holdi, býr ekki gott, 18; hann sem býr í ljósinu, 1 Tim. vi. 16; fyrir Heilagan Anda sem í oss býr, 2 Tim. i. 14; Látið Christs orð ríkulega búa meðal yðar, Col. iii. 16; þá trú … sem áðr fyr bjó í þinni ömmu Loide, 2 Tim. i. 5; þat hit góða sem í oss býr, 14; hann sem býr í ljósinu, þar einginn kann til að komast, 1 Tim. vi. 16; hence íbúð, living in, etc.; in many of those passages some Edd. of N. T. use byggja, but búa suits better: of a temporary abode, hann bjó í tjöldum, he abode in tents, Fms. x. 413.
    2. a naut. term; þeir bjuggu þar um nóttina, they stayed, cast anchor during the night, Fms. vii. 3: on board ship, to have one’s berth, sá maðr bjó á skipi næst Haraldi er hét Loðinn, 166; engi maðr skyldi búa á þessu skipi yngri en tvítugr, x. 321.
    3. to live together as man and wife; henni hagar að b. við hann, 1 Cor. vii. 12; hagar honum hjá henni að b., 13; b. með húsfrú sinni, Stj. 47; b. við; Helgi prestr bjó við konu þá, er Þórdís hét (of concubinage), Sturl. i. 141; but búa saman, of wedded life, K. Á. 134.
    4. b. fyrir, to be present in the place: at Selþórir muni fyrir b. í hverju holti, Fms. iv. 260: recipr., sjór ok skúgr bjoggusk í grend, Skálda 202, Baruch.
    5. esp. (v. bú) to have a household, cattle, sheep, and milk; hence búandi, bóndi, bær, and bú; búa við málnytu ( milk), ok hafa kýr ok ær at búi, Nj. 236, Grág. i. 168, 335; b. búi (dat.), 153, K. Þ. K. 90; búa búi sínu, to ‘big ane’s ain biggin,’ have one’s own homestead.
    β. absol., meðan þú vilt b., so long as thou wilt keep bouse, Hrafn. 9; b. vel, illa, to be a good (bad) housekeeper; vænt er að kunna vel að búa, Bb. 3. 1; Salomon kóngur kunni að b., 100; fara að b., to begin housekeeping, 2. 6; b. á jörðu, to keep a farm, gefa þeim óðul sín er á bjoggu, Fms. i. 21.
    γ. búa á …, at …, i …, with the name of the place added, to live at or in a place; hann bjó á Velli (the farm) á Rangárvöllum (the county), Nj. 1; Höskuldr bjó á Höskuldstöðum, 2: hann bjó at Varmalæk, 22; hann bjó undir Felli, 16; Gunnarr bjó at Hlíðarenda, 29; Njáll bjó at Bergþórshváli, 30, 38, 147, 162, 164, 173, 174, 213, Landn. 39–41, and in numberless passages; Eb., Ld., Eg., Sturl., Bs., Ísl. ii, etc. (very freq.): also b. í brjósti, skapi, huga e-m, to be, dwell in one’s mind, with the notion of rooted conviction or determination, þess hins mikla áhuga, er þér býr í brjósti, Fms. iv. 80; því er mér hefir lengi í skapi búit, 78; ekki muntu leynask fyrir mér, veit ek hvat í býr skapinu, Lv. 16.
    II. metaph. and with prepp.; b. um e-t, or b. yfir e-u, almost in an uncanny sense, to brood over hidden schemes, designs, resentment, or the like; búa um hverfan hug, to be of a fickle mind, Skv. 3. 39; b. eigi um heilt, to brood over something against one, to be insincere, Fms. xi. 365; b. um skoll, to brood over some deceit, id.; b. um grun, to be suspicious, ii. 87: in good sense, b. um eitt lunderni, to be of one mind, Jb. 17; b. um þrek, hug, to have a bold heart, Lex. Poët.: b. í or undir e-u, to be at the bottom of a thing; en í þessu vináttu merki bjoggu enn fleiri hlutir, Ó. H. 125; mart býr í þokunni (a proverb), many things bide in the mist; en þat b. mest undir ferð Áka, at …, Fms. xi. 45; þóttusk eigi vita hvat undir myndi b., Nj. 62: b. yfir e-u, to brood over something, conceal; (ormrinn) bjó yfir eitri, i. e. the snake was venomous, Fms. vi. 351: the saying, lítill búkr býr yfir miklu viti, little bulk hides mickle wit, Al.; b. yfir flærð ok vélum, to brood over falsehood and deceit, id.; b. yfir brögðum, Fas. i. 290: b. undir, við e-t, to live under or with a thing, to bide, put up with; eiga undir slíkum ofsa at b., to have to put up with such insolence, Fms. xi. 248; at hart mun þykkja undir at b., Nj. 90, 101; ok mun eigi við þat mega b., i. e. it will be too hard to bide, 164; því at bændr máttu eigi við hitt b., Fms. xi. 224.
    III. in a half active sense; b. at e-u, or b. e-u (with dat.), to treat; þeir höfðu spurt hvern veg Þórólfr hafði búit at herbergjum þeirra, how Th. had used their premises, Eg. 85; þeir bjoggu búi sem þeim líkaði (where with dat.), i. e. they treated it recklessly, Bs. i. 544; Haraldr jarl fór til bús Sveins, ok bjó þá heldr úspakliga kornum hans, Orkn. 424 (in all passages in bad sense): búa vel saman, to live well together, be friendly, Fms. xi. 312; hence sam-búð, living together; b. við e-n, to treat one so and so; sárt býr þú við mik, Þóra, thou treatest me sorely, vii. 203.
    B. ACTIVE, to make ready: the sense and form here reminds one of the Gr. ποιειν: [this sense is much used in Old Engl., esp. the part. bone, boon, or boun, ready, (‘boun to go,’ Chaucer, etc.); in later Engl. ‘boun’ was corrupted into ‘bound,’ in such naut. phrases as bound for a port, etc.: from this part, the ballad writers formed a fresh verb, to boun, ‘busk ye, boun ye;’ ‘busk’ is a remnant of the old reflex, búask, see Dasent, Burnt Njal, pref. xvi. note, and cp. below III.]
    I. to make ready, ‘boun,’ for a journey; b. ferð, för sína; and as a naut. term, b. skip, to make ready for sea; bjoggu þeir ferð sína, Fms. ix. 453; en er þeir vóru búnir, Nj. 122; ok vóru þá mjök brott búnir, they were ‘boun’ for sea, Fms. vii. 101; bjó hann skip sitt, Nj. 128; en skip er brotið, svá at eigi er í för búanda á því sumri, i. e. ship unfit to go to sea, Grág. i. 92; b. sik til göngu, to be ‘boun’ for a walk, Ld. 46; b. sik at keyra, to make one ready for …, Nj. 91.
    β. as a law term, b. sök, mál, or adding til, b. til sök, mál á hendr e-m, to take out a summons against one, begin a lawsuit; b. mál í dóm, of the preliminaries to a lawsuit, hence málatilbúningr, in numberless cases in the Grágás and Sagas.
    γ. generally to prepare, make; b. smyrsl, to make ointments, Rb. 82.
    2. = Old Engl. to boun, i. e. to dress, equip; b. sik, to dress; svá búinn, so dressed, Fms. xi. 272; hence búningr, dress (freq.); vel búinn, well-dressed, Nj. 3, Ísl. ii. 434; spari-búinn, in holiday dress; illa búinn, ill-dressed; síðan bjó hon hana sem hon kunni, she dressed her as well as she could, Finnb. 258; b. beð, rekkjur, to make a bed, Eg. 236; b. upp hvílur, id., Nj. 168; b. öndvegi, hús, to make a high seat, dress a house for a feast, 175, (hús-búnaðr, hús-búningr, tapestry); búa borð, to dress the table, (borð búnaðr, table-service); b. stofu, Fms. iv. 75.
    β. búa til veizlu, to make ‘boun’ ( prepare) for a feast, Eg. 38, Fms. vii. 307; b. til seyðis, to make the fire ‘boun’ for cooking, Nj. 199; b. til vetrsetu, to make ‘boun’ for a winter abode, Fms. x. 42; til-búa, and fyrir-b., to prepare; eg fer héðan að til-b. yðr stað, John xiv. 3; eignizt það ríki sem yðr var til-búið frá upphafi veraldar, Matth. xxv. 34.
    γ. b. um e-t, in mod. use with the notion of packing up, to make into a bundle, of parcels, letters, etc.; hence um-búningr and um-búðir, a packing, packing-cover; b. um rúm, hvílu, to make a bed; búa um e-n, to make one’s bed; var búið um þá Þórodd í seti, ok lögðusk þeir til svefns, Th.’s bed was made on the benches, and they went to sleep, Ó. H. 153; skaltú nú sjá hvar vit leggumk niðr, ok hversu ek bý um okkr (of the dying Njal), Nj. 701; er mér sagt at hann hafi illa um búit, of a dead body, 51; þeir höfðu (svá) um sik búit ( they had covered themselves so) at þá mátti eigi sjá, 261; kváðu nú Guðrúnu eiga at búa um rauða skör Bolla, said that G. would have to comb B.’s (her husband’s) bloody head, Ld. 244; búa svá um at aldri mátti vökna, pack it up so that it cannot get wet, Fms. vii. 225; Þórólfr lét setja upp skip ok um búa, he had the ship laid up and fenced it round (for the winter), Eg. 199; b. um andvirki, to fence and thatch bay-ricks, Grág. ii. 335: metaph. to manage, preserve a thing, Fms. ix. 52; aumlega búinn, in a piteous state, Hom. 115.
    3. to ornament, esp. with metals or artificial work of any kind, of clothes laced with gold; kyrtill hlaðbúinn, Ísl. ii. 434, Nj. 48, Vm. 129: of gloves, B. K. 84: of a belt with stones or artificial work, Fms. xi. 271: of a drinking-horn, D. N. (Fr.); but esp. of a weapon, sword, or the like, enamelled with gold or silver (gull-búinn, silfr-búinn); búin gulli ok silfri, Fms. i. 15; búinn knífr, xi. 271; vápn búit mjök, much ornamented, ii. 255, iv. 77, 130, Eb. 226, 228.
    β. part., búinn at e-u, or vel búinn, metaph. endowed with, well endowed; at flestum í þróttum vel búinn, Nj. 61, Fms. x. 295; at auð vel búinn, wealthy, 410; vel búinn at hreysti ok allri atgörvi, Eg. 82; bezt at viti búinn, Fms. xi. 51.
    II. particular use of the part. pass, ‘boun,’ ready, willing; margir munu búnir at kaupa, ready, willing to buy, Fms. vi. 218; hann kvaðsk þess fyrir löngu búinn, Ld. 66, Fms. iii. 123; nefna vátta at þeir eru búnir ( ready) at leysa kvið þann af hendi, Grág. i. 54; vóru allir til þess búnir, Fms. xi. 360: compar., engir menn sýna sik búnari ( more willing) til liðveizlu, Sturl. i. 103: the allit. phrase, vera boðinn og búinn til e-s, vide bjóða VI: denoting fitted, adapted, ek em gamall, ok lítt b. at ( little fit to) hefna sona minna, Nj. 200; þótt ek sé verr til b. en hann fyrir vanheilsu sakir, Fms. vii. 275; eiga við búið (mod. vera við búinn), to keep oneself ready, to be on one’s guard, Bs. i. 537.
    2. on the point of doing, about to do so and so; hann var búinn til falls, he was just about to tumble, Fms. x. 314; en áðr þeir kómu var búið til hins mesta váða, ix. 444, v. l.
    β. neut. búið is used almost adverbially, on the point of, just about to; ok búið við skipbroti, Ísl. ii. 245; búið við váða miklum, Fms. ix. 310; sagði at þá var búit við geig mikinn með þeim feðgum, Eg. 158: this is rare and obsolete in mod. usage; and the Icel. now say, liggja við mér lá við að detta, where an old writer would have said, ek var búinn at detta; the sense would else be ambiguous, as búinn, vera búinn, in mod. usage means to have done; ég er búinn að eta, I have done eating; vera búinn að e-u (a work, business of any kind), to have done with it; also absol., eg er búinn, I have done; thus e. g. vera b. að kaupa, fyrir löngu b., b. at græða, leysa, etc., in mod. sense means to have done, done long ago; only by adding prepp. við, til (vera við búinn, til búinn) the part. resumes its old sense: on the other hand, búinn in the sense of having done hardly ever occurs in old writers.
    γ. búð (búið) is even used adverbially = may be, may happen; with subj. with or without ‘at,’ búð, svá sé til ætlað, may be, it will come so to happen, Nj. 114; búð, dragi til þess sem vera vill, 185; búð, eigi fari fjarri því sem þú gazt til, id., Ed. Johns. 508, note c; búð, svá þykki sem ek grípa gulli við þá, 9, note 3; búð, eigi hendi hann slík úgipta annat sinn, 42; búð, ek láta annars víti at varnaði verða, 106; búð, vér þurfim enn hlífanna, Sturl. ii. 137 (vellum MSS.; um ríð, Ed., quite without sense), cp. also Eb. 27 new Ed.: in mod. usage it is freq. to say, það er búið, vel búið, albúið, etc., it is likely, most likely that …
    δ. svá búit, adverbially, and proncd. as if one word, as matters stand, or even temp. at present, as yet; eigi mun hlýða svá búit, i. e. it will not do ‘so done,’ i. e. something else must be done, Eg. 507; eigi munu þér fá at unnit svá búið, i. e. not as yet, Fms. vii. 270; stendr þar nú svá búit (i. e. unchanged), um hríð, xi. 81; en berjask eigi svo búit, not fight as yet, Nj. 229; segja Eyjólfi til svá búins, they tell Eyolf the state of things, viz. that nothing had been done, Gísl. 41; þeir skildu við svá búit; þeir lögðu frá við svá búið, implying ‘vain effort,’ Germ. ‘unverrichteter Sache,’ Ísl. ii, Hkr. i. 340: at svá búnu, adverbially, as yet, at present; hann kvaðsk eigi fýsask til Íslands at svá búnu, Nj. 123, Fms. xi. 131; þenna draum segjum vér engum manni at svá búnu, this dream we will not tell to anybody as yet, Nj. 212; en at svá búnu tjár ekki, Fas. i. 364.
    III. reflex. to ‘boun’ or ‘busk’ oneself, make oneself ready, equip oneself; gengu menn þá á skip sín, ok bjoggusk sem hvatligast, Fms. v. 15: adding the infinitive of a verb as predicate, bjósk hann at fara norðr til Þrandheims, Eg. 18; or ellipt., where búask thus denotes the act itself, nú býsk hann út til Íslands, i. e. he ‘busked’ him to go …, Nj. 10; bjoggusk þeir fóstbræðr í hernað, they went on a free-booting trip, Landn. 31; seg Agli at þeir búisk þaðan fimmtán, 94: or adding another verb denoting the act, in the same tense, bjósk Haraldr konungr úr Þrándheimi með skipaliði, ok fór suðr á Mæri, he ‘busked’ him … and went south, Eg. 7; the journey added in gen., búask ferðar sinnar, Fms. i. 3; búask menn ferða sinna, Ld. 177.
    β. denoting intention, hidden or not put into action; fór sá kurr, at Skúli byggisk á land upp, Fms. ix. 483.
    2. to prepare for a thing; búask við boði, veizlu, etc., Nj. 10, Korm. 10; b. (vel, kristilega) við dauða sínum, andláti sínu, (eccl.) to prepare for one’s death, Fs. 80, Bs. i. 74; búask við vetri, to provide for the winter, get store in, Fms. xi. 415; b. við úfriði, vii. 23.
    β. to be on one’s guard, take steps to prevent a thing; nú ríða hér úvinir þínir at þér; skaltu svá við búask, i. e. be sure of that, make up thy mind, Nj. 264; bústu svá við, skal hann kveða, at …, Grág. ii. 244.
    γ. such phrases as, búask um = búa um sik, to make one’s own bed, encamp, make oneself comfortable, Nj. 259; tjölduðu búðir ok bjöggusk vel um, 219; var hörð veðrátta, svá at ekki mátti úti um búask, Fms. x. 13. Ld. 348; in the last passage the verb is deponent.
    3. metaph., b. við e-u, to expect, freq. in mod. usage; in phrases, það er ekki við að búast, it cannot be expected; búast við e-m, to expect a guest, or the like.
    β. to intend, think about; eg býst við að koma, I hope to come; eg bjóst aldrei við því, I never hoped for that, it never entered my mind, and in numberless cases.
    4. passive (very rare and not classical); um kveldit er matr bjósk = er m. var búinn, Fms. ix. 364.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BÚA

  • 7 troppo

    1. adj too much
    troppi pl too many
    2. adv too much
    non troppo not too much
    è troppo tardi it's too late
    * * *
    troppo agg.indef.
    1 ( con riferimento alla quantità o all'intensità) too much; pl. too many: la domenica c'è troppo traffico sulle strade, there is too much traffic on the roads on Sundays; c'è troppa nebbia, there is too much fog (o it's too foggy); non fate troppo rumore, don't make too much noise; abbiamo troppo lavoro, we have too much work; non voglio invitare troppa gente, I don't want to invite too many people; ho mangiato troppi dolci, I've eaten too many sweet things; ha fatto troppi errori, he made too many mistakes; troppi dati erano inesatti, too many (of the) data were inexact; c'erano troppe difficoltà da superare, there were too many difficulties to overcome; hai avuto troppa fretta, you were too much in a hurry (o you were too hasty); questa frutta è troppa per me, there is too much fruit here for me; questo è troppo!, this is too much! (o this has gone too far!) // tra loro c'è troppa differenza d'età, there is too great an age difference between them // la prudenza non è mai troppa, you can't be too careful
    2 ( con riferimento alla durata) too long: è passato troppo tempo da allora, it is too long since then; rispondi subito a quella lettera, non lasciar passare troppo tempo!, answer that letter at once, don't wait too long! // Usato anche in espressioni ellittiche: ci vorrebbe troppo ad arrivare, it would take (us) too long to get there; c'è troppo da aspettare, it's too long to wait; abbiamo atteso ( anche) troppo, we've waited (far) too long
    3 ( con riferimento all'estensione nello spazio) too far: c'è ancora troppa strada da fare, there's still too far to go; l'albergo era a troppa distanza dalla spiaggia, the hotel was too far from the beach
    1 too much: il vino era buono, ma io ne ho bevuto troppo, the wine was good but I drank too much of it; prima aveva poco lavoro, ora ne ha anche troppo, he didn't have enough work before, now he's even got too much; ''Ne vuoi ancora?'' ''Sì, ma non troppo'', ''Do you want any more?'' ''Yes, but not too much''; ci sarebbe troppo da dire su questo argomento, there would be too much to say on this subject; chiedono troppo per quella casa, they are asking too much for that house; non posso venire, ho ancora troppo da fare, I can't come, I've still got too much to do; non dire altro, hai detto anche troppo, say no more, you have already said too much // ti chiedo troppo se..., am I asking you too much if...
    2 pl. too many ( anche con partitivo); ( troppa gente) too many people: me ne hai dati troppi, you have given me too many (of them); vorrei invitare qualche amico, ma non troppi, I'd like to invite a few friends, but not too many; troppi degli incidenti sono dovuti all'imprudenza, too many (of the) accidents are due to lack of caution; troppi di noi si sono fidati di lui, too many of us trusted him; (fin.) troppi la pensano così, (all) too many people think so; non ci stiamo tutti nella macchina, siamo in troppi, there are too many of us to fit in the car // vorrei degli spaghetti, ma non troppi, I'd like some spaghetti, but not too much
    s.m.: il troppo stroppia, too much is too much (o enough is as good as a feast).
    troppo avv.
    1 (con agg. e avv.) too: troppo alto, corto, too tall, short; troppo tardi, presto, too late, early; troppo poco, too little; è una ragazza troppo sensibile, she is too sensitive; sono abiti troppo costosi, those clothes are too expensive; macchine troppo veloci, cars that are too fast; è una zona troppo umida, that area is too damp; faceva troppo caldo, it was too hot; questa birra è troppo fredda, this beer is too cold; la proposta era troppo interessante per lasciarsela sfuggire, the proposal was too interesting to be missed; è troppo furbo perché lo si possa imbrogliare, he's too smart to be taken in // fin troppo, anche troppo, far too (o much too o all too): è anche troppo facile, it's far too (o much too o all too) easy; sai fin troppo bene che ho ragione, you know all too well that I'm right
    2 ( con verbi) too much: ti preoccupi troppo, you worry too much; ho mangiato troppo, I've eaten too much; abbiamo bevuto un po' troppo, we drank a bit too much; non devi fumare troppo, you mustn't smoke too much; hai parlato troppo, you said too much // avete fatto proprio troppo per noi, you've done much too much for us
    3 ( nel significato di molto, assai) too, so (very): troppo buono!, so good!; troppo gentile da parte tua!, so (very) kind of you!; non ne sarei troppo sicuro, I wouldn't be so sure; non lo farei troppo volentieri, I wouldn't be so (o too) keen to do it; non stava troppo bene, he wasn't too (o so) well // non ci sarebbe troppo da meravigliarsi se..., it wouldn't be so very (o all that) surprising if...
    4 di troppo: uno, venti di troppo, one, twenty too many; sono di troppo?, am I in the way?; ha detto qualcosa di troppo, what he said was uncalled for.
    * * *
    ['trɔppo] troppo (-a)
    1. agg indef
    (quantità: tempo, acqua) too much, (numero: persone, promesse) too many
    2. pron indef

    ha detto anche troppo — he's said far too much o quite enough

    non ne prendo più, ne ho fin troppi — I won't take any more, I've got far too many

    eravamo in troppi — there were too many of us

    ne vorrei ancora un po', ma non troppo — I'd like a little more, but not too much though

    3. avv
    1) (con aggettivo, avverbio) too, (con verbo: gen) too much, (aspettare, durare) too long

    ho aspettato troppo — I've waited too long

    è troppo bello per essere vero — it's too good to be true

    fidarsi troppo di qn — to trust sb too much

    è fin troppo furbo! — he's too clever by half!

    2) (rafforzativo) too, so (very)

    troppo buono da parte tua! (anche) iroyou're too kind!

    non ci sarebbe troppo da stupirsi se rifiutasse — I wouldn't be surprised if he refused

    non esserne troppo sicuro! — don't be too o so sure of that!


    di troppo — too much

    100 euro di troppo — 100 euros too much

    essere di troppo — to be in the way

    ha bevuto qualche bicchiere di troppo — he's had a few too many

    * * *
    ['trɔppo] 1.
    aggettivo indefinito too much, pl. too many
    1) (quantità eccessiva) too much, pl. too many

    prendi del pane, ne ho troppo — take some bread, I've got too much

    -i credono che... — too many people think that


    troppo facile, corto — too easy, short

    2) (molto) too

    non mi sento troppo bene — I don't feel too good; (enfatico)

    3) (con verbi) too much

    ho mangiato troppo — I ate too much, I've had too much to eat

    4) di troppo too many

    uno, due di troppo — one, two too many

    sentirsi di troppo — to feel one is in the way, to feel unwelcome

    5) fin troppo, anche troppo all too, only too

    è fin troppo evidenteit's all o only too obvious

    sostantivo maschile

    il troppo stroppia — enough is as good as a feast, you can have too much of a good thing


    chi troppo vuole nulla stringeprov. grasp all, lose all

    Troppo è principalmente usato come aggettivo, pronome o avverbio. - Come aggettivo e come pronome, si traduce con too much davanti o al posto di nomi non numerabili ( troppo vino = too much wine; troppo denaro = too much money; ne ho bevuto troppo = I drank too much (of it)) e too many davanti o al posto di sostantivi plurali ( troppi errori = too many mistakes; ce ne sono troppi = there are too many (of them)). - Come avverbio, troppo si usa dopo un verbo, e in tal caso si traduce too much (tu parli troppo! = you speak too much! ha bevuto troppo? = did he drink too much?); quando precede un altro avverbio o un aggettivo, si traduce con too ( è troppo forte per me = he is too strong for me; un libro troppo pesante = too heavy a book; parla troppo velocemente per me, non la capisco = she speaks too fast for me, I can't understand her). - Per gli altri usi di troppo e gli esempi relativi, si veda la voce qui sotto
    * * *
    Troppo è principalmente usato come aggettivo, pronome o avverbio. - Come aggettivo e come pronome, si traduce con too much davanti o al posto di nomi non numerabili ( troppo vino = too much wine; troppo denaro = too much money; ne ho bevuto troppo = I drank too much (of it)) e too many davanti o al posto di sostantivi plurali ( troppi errori = too many mistakes; ce ne sono troppi = there are too many (of them)). - Come avverbio, troppo si usa dopo un verbo, e in tal caso si traduce too much (tu parli troppo! = you speak too much! ha bevuto troppo? = did he drink too much?); quando precede un altro avverbio o un aggettivo, si traduce con too ( è troppo forte per me = he is too strong for me; un libro troppo pesante = too heavy a book; parla troppo velocemente per me, non la capisco = she speaks too fast for me, I can't understand her). - Per gli altri usi di troppo e gli esempi relativi, si veda la voce qui sotto.
     too much, pl. too many; troppo traffico too much traffic; - e persone too many people; senza -e difficoltà without too much trouble; - i incidenti too many accidents; ha -a paura di cadere he's too scared of falling; ci sono -e cose da fare there's too much to do
     1 (quantità eccessiva) too much, pl. too many; prendi del pane, ne ho troppo take some bread, I've got too much; ho troppo da fare I've got too much to do; ne ho mangiato -i I ate too many (of them); questo è troppo! that's it o the end! quando è troppo è troppo enough is enough
     2 (numero eccessivo di persone) siamo in -i there are too many of us; -i credono che... too many people think that...
     1 (con aggettivi o avverbi) too; troppo facile, corto too easy, short; un compito troppo difficile too difficult a task; è troppo presto it's too early; troppo bello per essere vero too good to be true; siamo troppo pochi there are too few of us; troppo pochi si rendono conto che too few people realize that; 5 euro è troppo poco 5 euros is too little; troppo a lungo too long; troppo spesso too often
     2 (molto) too; non mi sento troppo bene I don't feel too good; (enfatico) sei troppo gentile! you're too o so kind! è troppo simpatico he's so nice
     3 (con verbi) too much; ho mangiato troppo I ate too much, I've had too much to eat; lavori troppo you work too hard; senza crederci troppo without really believing in it
     4 di troppo too many; uno, due di troppo one, two too many; ho qualche chilo di troppo I'm a few kilos overweight; ci sono 2 euro di troppo there are 2 extra euros; ho bevuto qualche bicchiere di troppo I've had a few too many; una volta di troppo once too often; essere di troppo to be in the way; sentirsi di troppo to feel one is in the way, to feel unwelcome
     5 fin troppo, anche troppo all too, only too; è fin troppo evidente it's all o only too obvious; fin troppo spesso all too often; lo conosco fin troppo bene I know him only too well
      il troppo stroppia enough is as good as a feast, you can have too much of a good thing
    chi troppo vuole nulla stringe prov. grasp all, lose all.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > troppo

  • 8 dar

    1 to give.
    dar algo a alguien to give something to somebody, to give somebody something
    se lo di a mi hermano I gave it to my brother
    Ella me da dinero She gives me money.
    Su elogio da ánimos His praise gives encouragement.
    El negocio da muchas ganancias The business yields much profit.
    2 to give, to produce.
    la salsa le da un sabor muy bueno the sauce gives it a very pleasant taste, the sauce makes it taste very nice
    3 to have, to hold (fiesta, cena).
    dar una cena en honor de alguien to hold o give a dinner in someone's honor
    4 to turn or switch on (luz, agua, gas) (encender).
    5 to show (Cine, Teatro & TV).
    dan una película del oeste they're showing a western, there's a western on
    6 to show.
    dar muestras de sensatez to show good sense
    7 to teach.
    dar inglés/historia to teach English/history
    9 to strike (horas).
    dieron las tres en el reloj three o'clock struck
    10 to get, to catch.
    11 to deliver, to render, to allot, to confer.
    12 to feel.
    Me da alegría I feel joy.
    13 to be given, to be granted, to be offered, to be handed in.
    Se nos dio una buena casa We were given a good house.
    14 to give forth, to burst out.
    Ella dio un grito She gave forth a cry.
    15 to make one feel.
    Eso da asco That makes one feel revolt.
    16 to hit.
    Da duro el sol en este lugar The sun hits hard in this place
    17 to give up.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan.
    Past Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    , des, , demos, deis, den.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    da (tú), (él/Vd.), demos (nos.), dad (vos.), den (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) hit, strike
    3) hand over, deliver
    4) produce, yield
    - dar con
    - dar contra
    - dar por
    - darse a
    - darse de sí
    - dárselas de
    * * *
    Para las expresiones dar importancia, dar ejemplo, dar las gracias, dar clases, dar a conocer, dar a entender, darse prisa, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=entregar, conceder) [+ objeto, mensaje, permiso] to give; [+ naipes] to deal (out); [+ noticias] to give, tell

    le dieron el primer premio — he was awarded {o} given first prize

    déme dos kilos — I'll have two kilos, two kilos, please

    ir dando [cuerda] — to pay out rope

    dar los buenos [días] a algn — to say good morning to sb, say hello to sb

    2) (=realizar) [+ paliza] to give; [+ paso] to take

    dar un grito — to let out a cry, give a cry

    dar un paseo — to go for a walk, take a walk

    dar un suspiro — to heave {o} give a sigh, sigh

    3) (=celebrar) [+ fiesta] to have, throw
    4) (=encender) [+ luz] to turn on

    ¿has dado el gas? — have you turned on the gas?

    5) (=presentar) [+ obra de teatro] to perform, put on; [+ película] to show, screen

    dan una película de Almodóvar — there's an Almodóvar film on, they're showing {o} screening an Almodóvar film

    ¿qué dan hoy en la tele? — what's on TV tonight?

    6) (=hacer sonar) [reloj] to strike

    ya han dado las ocho — it's past {o} gone eight o'clock

    7) (=producir) [+ fruto] to bear; [+ ganancias, intereses] to yield

    una inversión que da un 7% de interés — an investment that pays {o} yields 7% interest

    8) (=tener como resultado)
    9) (=hacer sentir) [+ placer] to give

    las babosas me dan asco — I find slugs disgusting {o} revolting

    este jersey me da demasiado calor — this jumper is too hot, I'm too hot in this jumper

    tu padre me da miedo — I'm scared {o} frightened of your father

    10) * (=fastidiar) to ruin

    ¡me estás dando las vacaciones! — you're ruining the holiday for me!

    11) dar por (=considerar) to consider

    doy el asunto por concluido — I consider the matter settled, I regard the matter as settled

    lo daba por seguro — he was sure {o} certain of it

    - estar/seguir dale que dale o dale que te pego o dale y dale
    - a mí no me la das
    - ¡ahí te las den todas!

    para dar y tomar —

    tenemos botellas para dar y tomar — we've got loads {o} stacks of bottles

    1) (=entregar) to give

    dame, yo te lo arreglo — give it here, I'll fix it for you

    2) (=entrar)

    si te da un mareo siéntate — if you feel giddy, sit down

    3) (=importar)

    ¡qué más da!, ¡da igual! — it doesn't matter!, never mind!

    ¿qué más te da? — what does it matter to you?

    ¿qué más da un sitio que otro? — surely one place is as good as another!, it doesn't make any difference which place we choose

    lo mismo da — it makes no difference {o} odds

    me da igual, lo mismo me da, tanto me da — it's all the same to me, I don't mind

    4) [seguido de preposición]
    dar a (=estar orientado) [cuarto, ventana] to look out onto, overlook; [fachada] to face

    mi habitación da al jardín — my room looks out onto {o} overlooks the garden

    darle a (=hacer funcionar) [+ botón] to press; (=golpear) to hit; [+ balón] to kick

    dale a la tecla roja — hit {o} press the red key

    darle a la bomba — to pump, work the pump

    ¡dale! — hit him!

    dar con (=encontrar) [+ persona] to find; [+ idea, solución] to hit on, come up with

    al final di con la solución — I finally hit on the solution, I finally came up with the solution

    dar [consigo] en — to end up in

    dar contra (=golpear) to hit dar de

    dar de [beber] a algn — to give sb something to drink

    dar de [comer] a algn — to feed sb

    dar de [sí] — [comida, bebida] to go a long way

    dar en [+ blanco, suelo] to hit; [+ solución] to hit on, come up with

    dar en [hacer] algo — to take to doing sth

    darle a algn por hacer algo dar para (=ser suficiente) to be enough for

    una película que da en qué pensar — a thought-provoking film, a film which gives you a lot to think about

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( entregar) to give

    500 dólares ¿quién da más? — any advance on 500 dollars?; conocer verbo transitivo 3b, entender verbo transitivo 2b

    2) (regalar, donar) to give

    ¿me lo prestas? - te lo doy, no lo necesito — can I borrow it? - you can keep it, I don't need it

    tener para dar y venderto have plenty to spare

    3) <cartas/mano> to deal
    a) ( proporcionar) <fuerzas/valor/esperanza> to give
    b) (Mús) to give

    ¿me das el la? — can you give me an A?

    5) (conferir, aportar) <sabor/color/forma> to give
    a) ( aplicar) to give
    b) <sedante/masaje> to give
    a) ( conceder) <prórroga/permiso> to give

    nos dieron un premiowe won o got a prize

    b) (RPl) ( calcular)

    ¿qué edad le das? — how old do you think he is?

    a) (expresar, decir)

    ¿le diste las gracias? — did you thank him?, did you say thank you?

    dales saludos — give/send them my regards

    me dio su parecer or opinión — she gave me her opinion

    b) (señalar, indicar)

    me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando — the line's busy o (BrE) engaged

    9) ( producir) <fruto/flor> to bear

    esos bonos dan un 7% — those bonds yield 7%

    a) ( rendir)

    ha dado todo lo que esperaba de él — he has lived up to my/his expectations

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta)

    ¿cuánto da ese coche? — how fast can that car go?

    da 150 kilómetros por horait can do o go 150 kilometers an hour

    11) (causar, provocar)

    estos niños dan tanto trabajo! — these kids are such hard work!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿no te da calor esa camisa? — aren't you too warm in that shirt?

    este coche no me ha dado problemas — this car hasn't given me any trouble; ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc

    dar que + inf: el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden; lo que dijo me dio que pensar — what he said gave me plenty to think about; ver tb dar III 1)

    12) ( presentar) < concierto> to give

    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? — what's on TV tonight? (colloq)

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? — where's that film showing?

    a) < fiesta> to give; <baile/banquete> to hold
    b) < conferencia> to give; < discurso> (AmL) to make
    c) (CS) < examen> to take o (BrE) sit; ver tb clase 5)

    dar un grito/un suspiro — to give a shout/heave a sigh

    dar un paso atrás/adelante — to take a step back/forward

    dame un beso/abrazo — give me a kiss/hug; ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc

    15) ( considerar)

    dar algo/a alguien por algo: lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead; doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed; ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic; puedes dar por perdido el dinero you can say goodbye to that money; dalo por hecho! consider it done!; si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado — if I pass it will have been time well spent

    dar vi
    a) ( entregar)

    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo — you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you

    ¿me das para un helado? — can I have some money for an ice cream?

    b) ( en naipes) to deal
    2) (ser suficiente, alcanzar)

    dar para algo/alguien: este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken will do for two meals; con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round; (+ me/te/le etc) eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that; no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time; dar de sí to stretch; qué poco dan de sí mil pesetas! a thousand pesetas doesn't go very far!; no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with; lo que gano no da para más what I earn doesn't go any further; la fiesta no daba para más — the party was beginning to wind down

    a) puerta to give onto, open onto; ventana to look onto, give onto
    b) fachada/frente ( estar orientado hacia) to face
    c) ( llegar hasta) río to flow into, go into; calle to lead to

    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo — her test was positive/negative

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? — what does it come to?

    5) ( importar)

    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día — it doesn't matter, we'll go another day

    ¿qué más da un color que otro? — what difference does it make what color it is?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿el jueves o el viernes? - me da igual — Thursday or Friday? - I don't mind o it doesn't make any difference to me

    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? — what's it to you if he comes? (colloq)

    a) (pegar, golpear)

    darle a alguien — to hit somebody; ( como castigo) to smack somebody

    le dio en la cabeza/con un palo — he hit him on the head/with a stick

    b) (fam) (a tarea, asignatura)

    darle a algo: me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on my English; cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o (AmE) down the wine (colloq); cómo le han dado al queso! ya casi no queda! — they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! (colloq)

    c) ( acertar) to hit

    dar en el blanco/el centro — to hit the target/the bull's-eye

    7) (accionar, mover)

    darle a algoa botón/tecla to press something; a interruptor to flick something; a manivela to turn something; (+ compl)


    dale que dale or (Esp) dale que te pego! — (fam)

    dale que dale con lo mismo!stop going on about it!

    b) (RPl fam) ( instando a hacer algo) come on

    dale, prestámelo — come on o go on, lend it to me

    9) dar con ( encontrar) < persona> to find; < solución> to hit upon, find; < palabra> to come up with
    10) (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)

    me va a dar algo — (fam) I'm going to have a fit (colloq); ver tb dar verbo transitivo II 3, escalofrío, frío, gana, etc

    11) (hablando de manías, ocurrencias)

    darle a alguien por + inf — to take to -ing

    le ha dado por decir que... — he's started saying that...

    12) sol/viento/luz
    1) darse v pron
    2) ( producirse) to grow
    3) ( presentarse) oportunidad/ocasión to arise
    4) ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? — are you any good at sewing?

    a) (dedicarse, entregarse)

    darse a algo: se dio a la bebida she took to drink; se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa — she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause

    b) (CS, Ven) ( ser sociable)

    me di una duchaI took o had a shower

    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot; dárselas de listo to act smart; ¿y de qué se las da ése? — who does he think he is?

    b) (golpearse, pegarse)

    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techodon't hit o bang your head on the ceiling

    c) (recípr)

    se estaban dando (de) patadas/puñetazos — they were kicking/punching each other

    darse por algo: con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that; darse por vencido — to give up; ver tb aludir a, enterado 1

    * * *
    = allow, give, issue, pitch, hand over, pass over, give away, give out, get + free.
    Ex. Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex. An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex. Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex. This must be done in a fully commercial way, not by giving away machines or paper, nor by giving away imported books.
    Ex. Similarly, equipment such as this can often give out quite a lot of heat which has to be adequately dissipated.
    Ex. Most people know 'earbuds' as the cheap-o earphones you get free with a cell phone.
    * acción de dar un nombre a Algo = naming.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * con la sabiduría que da la experiencia = with the benefit of hindsight.
    * cosas que dan miedo = things that go bump in the night.
    * da la casualidad = as it happens.
    * dale alas a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dando sacudidas = jerkily.
    * dar el esquinazo a = give + Nombre + a wide berth.
    * dar a = look onto, give onto, overlook.
    * dar a Algo el nombre de = earn + Nombre + the name of.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar a Algo una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.
    * dar a Algo una nueva perspectiva = give + Nombre + a new twist.
    * dar a Alguien el beneficio de la duda = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar a Alguien una mano y te cogen el brazo = give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile, give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile.
    * dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfar = give + Nombre + a fighting chance.
    * dar a Alguien una palmada en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una palmadita en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espalda = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada trapera = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien un margen de confianza = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar abasto = cope.
    * dar abasto con = cope with.
    * dar acceso = provide + access.
    * dar acceso a = give + access to.
    * dar a conocer = bring to + the attention, communicate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, articulate, make + known.
    * dar a conocer la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * dar agua = lose + water, leak.
    * dar a la calle = give onto + the street.
    * dar a la caza de = chase down.
    * dar Algo a conocer = get + the word out.
    * dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.
    * dar al traste con los planes = upset + the applecart.
    * dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes = upset + Posesivo + plans, ruin + Posesivo + plans.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar a luz = birth, deliver.
    * dar a luz a = give + birth to.
    * dar ánimos = give + a word of encouragement, hearten.
    * dar apoyo = give + support, support, provide + support.
    * dar asco = stink, disgust.
    * dar aullidos = caterwaul.
    * dar autoría = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar autoridad a Algo = lend + authority to.
    * dar bandazos = lurch.
    * dar bastante importancia a = place + great store on.
    * dar brillo a = buff, buff up.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar cabida a = accommodate, include, hold, take, make + room (for), leave + room for, leave + room for.
    * dar cabida al crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * dar caladas = puff.
    * dar calidad = deliver + value.
    * dar caprichos = pamper.
    * dar cera = wax.
    * dar chillidos = shriek.
    * dar cien mil vueltas = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.
    * dar clase = give + a lesson, teach + class, teach + lesson, hold + class.
    * dar coba = toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * dar comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar como ejemplo = cite + as an example.
    * dar como norma = rule.
    * dar como resultado = add up to, result (in), lead to.
    * dar con = hit on/upon, put + Posesivo + finger on, stumble on.
    * dar conferencia = lecture.
    * dar consejo sobre = give + advice on.
    * dar consentimiento = give + licence.
    * dar con una esponja húmeda = sponging.
    * dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.
    * dar con una solución = come up with + solution.
    * dar coraje = peeve.
    * dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.
    * dar credibilidad = give + credence, lend + credence, bestow + credibility, provide + credibility.
    * dar crédito = give + credence.
    * dar cualquier cosa por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar cuerda a un reloj = wind + clock.
    * dar cuerpo = give + substance.
    * dar cuerpo a = flesh out.
    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dar de alta = discharge from + hospital.
    * dar de baja = take out of + circulation.
    * dar de cara a = front.
    * dar de comer = feed.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dar de lleno = hit + home.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar de mamar = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar de mamar a = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente = trot out.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar de quilla = keel over.
    * dar derecho a = entitle to.
    * dar descanso de = give + relief from.
    * dar de sí = stretch out.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * dar de Uno mismo = give of + Reflexivo.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dar directrices = give + guidance, provide + guidance.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * dar ejemplo = set + an example, lead by + example.
    * dar ejemplo de = illustrate.
    * dar el brazo a torcer = give in to.
    * dar el brazo derecho = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el do de pecho = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + Posesivo + utmost.
    * dar el efecto de = give + the effect of.
    * dar el esquinazo = dodge.
    * dar el esquinazo a = steer + clear of, steer away from.
    * dar el golpe de gracia = administer + the coup de grace, deliver + the coup de grace.
    * dar el nombre = label.
    * dar el oro y el moro = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el pecho = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar el pésame = pass + Posesivo + condolences.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar el primer paso = make + a start, take + the first step.
    * dar el puntillazo a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar el salto = make + the leap.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar el último empujón = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * dar el último repaso = tie + the pieces together.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve, clear, give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * dar el/un espectáculo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * dar empujones = shove.
    * dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.
    * dar en el clavo = hit + the nail on the head, be spot on, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth.
    * dar en el larguero = hit + the crossbar, hit + the crossbar.
    * dar en el travesaño = hit + the crossbar.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * dar énfasis = give + emphasis, place + stress, give + stress.
    * dar énfasis a = place + emphasis on.
    * dar en garantía = pawn.
    * dar en la diana = hit + home.
    * dar en mano = hand (over).
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.
    * dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.
    * dar estímulo = provide + boost.
    * dar evasivas = stonewall, play for + time.
    * dar evidencia = furnish with + evidence.
    * dar fe = attest, certify.
    * dar fe de = testify (to/of), vouch (for), be testimony to.
    * dar fe de que = attest to + the fact that.
    * dar fin = bring to + a close, draw to + a close, wind down.
    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.
    * dar forma cuadrada = square.
    * dar fruto = bear + fruit, come to + fruition.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * dar fuerza = empower, bring + strength.
    * dar gato por liebre = buy + a pig in a poke, pass off + a lemon.
    * dar golpes = pound.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * dar gritos = shriek, shout.
    * dar guerra = act up, play up.
    * dar gustirrinín = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar gusto = oblige, bring + pleasure, flavour [flavor, -USA].
    * dar hipo = hiccup.
    * dar ideas = offer + clues.
    * da rienda suelta a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dar ímpetu = lend + force, give + impetus.
    * dar importancia = attach + importance, give + prominence, stress, give + pre-eminence, give + relevance, place + importance, give + importance.
    * dar importancia a = give + weight to, place + emphasis on, attach + weight to, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, place + weight on.
    * dar importancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda, be on the agenda.
    * dar indicios de = show + signs of.
    * dar indicios y pistas = drop + hints and clues.
    * dar información = provide + information, give + information, release + information.
    * dar información adicional = give + further details.
    * dar información de = give + details of.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar la alarma = sound + alarm.
    * dar la apariencia de = place + a veneer of.
    * dar la bienvenida = welcome.
    * dar la casualidad que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * dar la enhorabuena = give + congratulations.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * dar la espalda = turn + aside.
    * dar la idea = give + the impression that.
    * dar la imagen = give + the impression that.
    * dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.
    * dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.
    * dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.
    * dar la la lata = nag (at).
    * dar la lata = play up.
    * dar la mano = extend + Posesivo + hand.
    * dar la mano derecha = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar la murga = be a pest.
    * dar la noticia = give + the news.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar la oportunidad = give + chance.
    * dar la oportunidad de = present with + opportunities for, allow + the opportunity to.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * dar la oportunidad de opinar = give + voice to.
    * dar la puntilla a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar largas = stonewall, play for + time, fob + Alguien + off with + Algo.
    * dar las cosas masticadas = spoon-feeding [spoonfeeding], spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed].
    * dar la sensación = give + a sense.
    * dar la sensación de = give + the effect of.
    * dar la señal = give + the word, give + the signal.
    * dar la señal de alarma = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de alerta = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dar lástima = feel + sorry for, pity.
    * dar la talla = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, measure up (to), be up to snuff, make + the cut.
    * dar latigazos = lash.
    * dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.
    * dar la vuelta = turn + Nombre + (a)round, flip, swing around, swing back, turn (a)round.
    * dar la vuelta a = round, turn on + its head.
    * dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.
    * darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a la botella = booze.
    * darle a la lengua = shoot + the breeze, shoot + the bull.
    * darle a la manivela de arranque = turn + the crank.
    * darle alas a Alguien = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * darle al palique = gas.
    * darle a Uno escalofríos por Algo desagradable = make + Nombre + flinch.
    * darle caña = hurry up, get + a move on, put + pressure on.
    * darle caña a = have + a go at, get + stuck into.
    * dar lecciones = give + lessons.
    * darle cien mil vueltas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle el puntillazo = nail it.
    * darle la razón a Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * darle largas = play + Nombre + along.
    * darle largas a Algo = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.
    * darle la vuelta a la tortilla = turn + the tables (on).
    * darle sopas con hondas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle una interpretación = give + interpretation.
    * darle una lección a Alguien = school.
    * darle una paliza a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners, give + Nombre + a beating, school.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * darle un repaso a = buff up on, brush up on.
    * darle un repaso a Alguien = school.
    * darle vueltas a = dwell on/upon.
    * darle vueltas a Algo = mull over, agonise over [agonize, -USA].
    * darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.
    * darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.
    * darle vueltas a un asunto = chew + the cud.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar libertad = give + licence.
    * dar libertad a un esclavo = manumit.
    * dar libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar los pasos necesarios = take + steps.
    * dar los primeros pasos en = venture into.
    * dar los últimos retoques a = put + the finishing touches on.
    * dar lugar = produce.
    * dar lugar a = cause, generate, give + rise to, mean, result (in), leave + room for, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar lugar a la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar lugar a queja = evoke + complaint.
    * dar lugar a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * dar marcha atrás = do + an about-face, back up, backpedal [back-pedal].
    * dar masaje = massage.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.
    * dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.
    * dar mejora (en) = give + improvement (in).
    * dar menos de lo debido = shortchange.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * dar muestras de = show + signs of.
    * dar + Nombre + una oportunidad = give + Nombre + a fair chance.
    * dar notoriedad a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].
    * dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.
    * dar opción = give + option.
    * dar origen = mother.
    * dar origen a = give + rise to, bring about, lead to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar otro paso muy importante = reach + another milestone.
    * dar pábulo a = fuel, spark off.
    * dar pábulo a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar palos de ciego = grope (for/toward).
    * dar pánico = scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, dread, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar parte de = report.
    * dar paso (a) = give + way (to), yield to, make + way (for).
    * dar patadas en el estómago = stick in + Posesivo + craw.
    * dar pavor = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar pecho = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar pereza = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * dar permiso = give + permission, give + time off, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar pie a = spark off, give + rise to, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar pisotones = stomp.
    * dar pistas = throw + hints.
    * dar pistas falsas = throw out + false leads.
    * dar placer = give + pleasure, give + enjoyment.
    * dar poderes = give + powers.
    * dar por = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar por concluido = put to + bed, close + the book on.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar por descontado = take for + granted, discount.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.
    * dar por saldado = close + the book on.
    * dar por seguro que = rest + assured that.
    * dar por sentado = take for + granted.
    * dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está = beg + the question.
    * dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar preferencia = give + preference.
    * dar prestigio = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar prioridad = award + priority, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + priority, give + precedence, assign + priority, give + preference.
    * dar prioridad a = give + pride of place to, place + emphasis on, prioritise [prioritize, -USA].
    * dar prioridad a algo = make + a priority.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * dar propina = tipping.
    * dar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * dar publicidad = publicise [publicize, -USA], give + publicity.
    * dar puntapiés = kick + Posesivo + feet.
    * dar punzadas = throb, twinge.
    * dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.
    * dar quehacer = make + trouble.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * dar razón de ser = bring + purpose.
    * dar recompensa = mete out + reward.
    * dar registro = accession.
    * dar relevancia = give + relevance.
    * dar relevancia a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar relevancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda.
    * dar resoplidos = chug.
    * dar respuesta = provide + answer, elicit + answer, develop + answer.
    * dar resultado = be successful, give + result, work, pay off, be a success, pay.
    * dar resultados = produce + results.
    * dar rienda suelta = unleash.
    * dar rienda suelta a = give + free rein to, allow + vent for, give + vent to, vent.
    * dar rienda suelta a + Nombre = let + Nombre + run riot.
    * dar riqueza a = add + richness to.
    * dar risitas = giggle.
    * dar sabor = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * dar saltitos = hop, skip.
    * dar sangre = donate + Posesivo + blood.
    * darse = appear, occur.
    * darse a = lend + Reflexivo + to.
    * darse aires = strut.
    * darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * darse a la fuga = flee, lam (it), go into + hiding, make + a quick getaway, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.
    * darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.
    * darse con un canto en los dientes = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, sink in, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * darse de baja de una suscripción = unsubscribe.
    * darse el caso que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * darse el gusto de = indulge in.
    * darse el gusto de comprar = splurge on.
    * darse el lote = snog, neck.
    * darse el lujo de = splurge on.
    * darse golpes de pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse golpes en el pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse la mano = join + hands, shake + hand.
    * dárselas de = fancy + Reflexivo.
    * dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.
    * dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * dar sentido = make + sense (out) of, make + sense of life.
    * dar sentido a = make + meaningful, give + meaning to.
    * dar sentido a las cosas = sense-making, meaning making.
    * dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.
    * dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.
    * dar señales de = show + signs of.
    * dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.
    * darse por afortunado = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * darse por derrotado = sound + note of defeat.
    * darse por vencido = throw in + the towel, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * darse prisa = hurry, hurry up, get on + Posesivo + running shoes, shake + a leg, hot-foot it to, make + haste, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, get + a move on.
    * darse prisa con calma = make + haste slowly.
    * dar servicio = service.
    * darse una comilona = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una leche = come + a cropper.
    * darse un apretón de manos = clasp + hands.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * darse un atracón = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on), stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * darse una transacción económica = cash + change hands.
    * darse una tripotada = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una vacante = occur + vacancy.
    * darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.
    * darse un chapuzón = take + a dip.
    * darse un descanso = give + Reflexivo + a break, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un festín de = feast on.
    * darse un garbeo = mosey.
    * darse un porrazo = come + a cropper.
    * darse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un tortazo = come + a cropper.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * dar sombra = shade.
    * dar su conformidad a = assent to.
    * dar sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * dar terror = scare + the living daylights out of.
    * dar testimonio = bear + witness, give + testimony.
    * dar tiempo = give + time, donate + Posesivo + time.
    * dar tiempo a Alguien = give + Nombre + some time.
    * dar título = title.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar tono = tone.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dar una advertencia = raise + caveat, issue + warning.
    * dar una apariencia de = provide + a semblance of, give + a semblance of.
    * dar una azotaina = spank.
    * dar una bofetada = cuff, slap.
    * dar una bofetada a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * dar una cabezadita = nap, catching 10, napping.
    * dar una carcajada = give + a laugh, let out + a laugh.
    * dar una charla = give + address, give + a talk, give + a presentation, give + speech.
    * dar una conferencia = deliver + talk, make + a speech, give + speech, deliver + lecture, give + a lecture.
    * dar una contractura muscular = pull + a muscle.
    * dar una cornada = gore.
    * dar una excusa = give + excuse.
    * dar una explicación = present + explanation.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar una fiesta = give + a party.
    * dar una galleta = slap.
    * dar una guantada = slap.
    * dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.
    * dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.
    * dar una imagen = convey + image, present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image, present + a picture.
    * dar una imagen de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.
    * dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * dar una lección de humildad = humble.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * dar una norma = give + prescription.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * dar una oportunidad = give + opportunity, provide + opportunity, grant + opportunity, present + an opportunity, create + opportunity.
    * dar una oportunidad a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una orden = issue + command, issue + instruction.
    * dar una paliza = clobber, pummel, slaughter, knock + the living daylights out of, knock + the hell out out of, whip, whitewash, thrash, wallop, lick, baste, take + a pounding, take + a beating, belt, trounce, beat + Nombre + (all) hollow.
    * dar una paliza a Alguien = beat + Nombre + up, beat + Nombre + black and blue.
    * dar una patada = kick, boot.
    * dar una pista = give + a hint.
    * dar una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * dar un apretón de manos = shake + hand.
    * dar una rabieta = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar una razón = give + reason.
    * dar una respuesta = furnish + answer, frame + response.
    * dar una sacudida = give + a shake, give + a jerk.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dar una solución = provide + solution, develop + solution.
    * dar una solución por buena que realmente no lo es = beg + the solution.
    * dar un aspecto + Adjetivo = give + a + Adjetivo + look.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * dar una torta = slap.
    * dar una torta a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una tunda = trounce.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una visión = present + view, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una visión general = give + a general picture.
    * dar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * dar una visión total = give + a complete picture.
    * dar un aviso = make + warning.
    * dar una voltereta = somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una voz = holler.
    * dar una vuelta de campana = capsize, somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un berrinche = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar un beso de despedida = kiss + Nombre + goodbye.
    * dar un bocado a = take + a bite out of.
    * dar un bofetón = cuff, slap.
    * dar un bofetón a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un cachete = spank, cuff, slap.
    * dar un cachete a Alguien = slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * dar un calambre = cramp.
    * dar un chillido = holler.
    * dar un comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar un coscorrón = cuff.
    * dar un ejemplo = give + example.
    * dar un empujón = give + a boost.
    * dar un golpe = knock.
    * dar un golpe por detrás = rear-end.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * dar un grito = holler.
    * dar un guantazo = slap.
    * dar un hachazo = hack.
    * dar un hervor = parboil.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un lavado de cara = spruce up.
    * dar un manotazo = swat at, cuff, slap.
    * dar un manotazo a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * dar un nuevo nombre = rename.
    * dar un ojo de la cara por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar unos azotes = spank.
    * dar un paseo = take + a stroll.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( entregar) to give

    500 dólares ¿quién da más? — any advance on 500 dollars?; conocer verbo transitivo 3b, entender verbo transitivo 2b

    2) (regalar, donar) to give

    ¿me lo prestas? - te lo doy, no lo necesito — can I borrow it? - you can keep it, I don't need it

    tener para dar y venderto have plenty to spare

    3) <cartas/mano> to deal
    a) ( proporcionar) <fuerzas/valor/esperanza> to give
    b) (Mús) to give

    ¿me das el la? — can you give me an A?

    5) (conferir, aportar) <sabor/color/forma> to give
    a) ( aplicar) to give
    b) <sedante/masaje> to give
    a) ( conceder) <prórroga/permiso> to give

    nos dieron un premiowe won o got a prize

    b) (RPl) ( calcular)

    ¿qué edad le das? — how old do you think he is?

    a) (expresar, decir)

    ¿le diste las gracias? — did you thank him?, did you say thank you?

    dales saludos — give/send them my regards

    me dio su parecer or opinión — she gave me her opinion

    b) (señalar, indicar)

    me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando — the line's busy o (BrE) engaged

    9) ( producir) <fruto/flor> to bear

    esos bonos dan un 7% — those bonds yield 7%

    a) ( rendir)

    ha dado todo lo que esperaba de él — he has lived up to my/his expectations

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta)

    ¿cuánto da ese coche? — how fast can that car go?

    da 150 kilómetros por horait can do o go 150 kilometers an hour

    11) (causar, provocar)

    estos niños dan tanto trabajo! — these kids are such hard work!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿no te da calor esa camisa? — aren't you too warm in that shirt?

    este coche no me ha dado problemas — this car hasn't given me any trouble; ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc

    dar que + inf: el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden; lo que dijo me dio que pensar — what he said gave me plenty to think about; ver tb dar III 1)

    12) ( presentar) < concierto> to give

    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? — what's on TV tonight? (colloq)

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? — where's that film showing?

    a) < fiesta> to give; <baile/banquete> to hold
    b) < conferencia> to give; < discurso> (AmL) to make
    c) (CS) < examen> to take o (BrE) sit; ver tb clase 5)

    dar un grito/un suspiro — to give a shout/heave a sigh

    dar un paso atrás/adelante — to take a step back/forward

    dame un beso/abrazo — give me a kiss/hug; ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc

    15) ( considerar)

    dar algo/a alguien por algo: lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead; doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed; ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic; puedes dar por perdido el dinero you can say goodbye to that money; dalo por hecho! consider it done!; si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado — if I pass it will have been time well spent

    dar vi
    a) ( entregar)

    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo — you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you

    ¿me das para un helado? — can I have some money for an ice cream?

    b) ( en naipes) to deal
    2) (ser suficiente, alcanzar)

    dar para algo/alguien: este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken will do for two meals; con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round; (+ me/te/le etc) eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that; no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time; dar de sí to stretch; qué poco dan de sí mil pesetas! a thousand pesetas doesn't go very far!; no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with; lo que gano no da para más what I earn doesn't go any further; la fiesta no daba para más — the party was beginning to wind down

    a) puerta to give onto, open onto; ventana to look onto, give onto
    b) fachada/frente ( estar orientado hacia) to face
    c) ( llegar hasta) río to flow into, go into; calle to lead to

    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo — her test was positive/negative

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? — what does it come to?

    5) ( importar)

    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día — it doesn't matter, we'll go another day

    ¿qué más da un color que otro? — what difference does it make what color it is?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿el jueves o el viernes? - me da igual — Thursday or Friday? - I don't mind o it doesn't make any difference to me

    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? — what's it to you if he comes? (colloq)

    a) (pegar, golpear)

    darle a alguien — to hit somebody; ( como castigo) to smack somebody

    le dio en la cabeza/con un palo — he hit him on the head/with a stick

    b) (fam) (a tarea, asignatura)

    darle a algo: me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on my English; cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o (AmE) down the wine (colloq); cómo le han dado al queso! ya casi no queda! — they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! (colloq)

    c) ( acertar) to hit

    dar en el blanco/el centro — to hit the target/the bull's-eye

    7) (accionar, mover)

    darle a algoa botón/tecla to press something; a interruptor to flick something; a manivela to turn something; (+ compl)


    dale que dale or (Esp) dale que te pego! — (fam)

    dale que dale con lo mismo!stop going on about it!

    b) (RPl fam) ( instando a hacer algo) come on

    dale, prestámelo — come on o go on, lend it to me

    9) dar con ( encontrar) < persona> to find; < solución> to hit upon, find; < palabra> to come up with
    10) (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)

    me va a dar algo — (fam) I'm going to have a fit (colloq); ver tb dar verbo transitivo II 3, escalofrío, frío, gana, etc

    11) (hablando de manías, ocurrencias)

    darle a alguien por + inf — to take to -ing

    le ha dado por decir que... — he's started saying that...

    12) sol/viento/luz
    1) darse v pron
    2) ( producirse) to grow
    3) ( presentarse) oportunidad/ocasión to arise
    4) ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? — are you any good at sewing?

    a) (dedicarse, entregarse)

    darse a algo: se dio a la bebida she took to drink; se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa — she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause

    b) (CS, Ven) ( ser sociable)

    me di una duchaI took o had a shower

    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot; dárselas de listo to act smart; ¿y de qué se las da ése? — who does he think he is?

    b) (golpearse, pegarse)

    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techodon't hit o bang your head on the ceiling

    c) (recípr)

    se estaban dando (de) patadas/puñetazos — they were kicking/punching each other

    darse por algo: con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that; darse por vencido — to give up; ver tb aludir a, enterado 1

    * * *
    = allow, give, issue, pitch, hand over, pass over, give away, give out, get + free.

    Ex: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.

    Ex: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex: She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex: This must be done in a fully commercial way, not by giving away machines or paper, nor by giving away imported books.
    Ex: Similarly, equipment such as this can often give out quite a lot of heat which has to be adequately dissipated.
    Ex: Most people know 'earbuds' as the cheap-o earphones you get free with a cell phone.
    * acción de dar un nombre a Algo = naming.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * con la sabiduría que da la experiencia = with the benefit of hindsight.
    * cosas que dan miedo = things that go bump in the night.
    * da la casualidad = as it happens.
    * dale alas a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dando sacudidas = jerkily.
    * dar el esquinazo a = give + Nombre + a wide berth.
    * dar a = look onto, give onto, overlook.
    * dar a Algo el nombre de = earn + Nombre + the name of.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar a Algo una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.
    * dar a Algo una nueva perspectiva = give + Nombre + a new twist.
    * dar a Alguien el beneficio de la duda = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar a Alguien una mano y te cogen el brazo = give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile, give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile.
    * dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfar = give + Nombre + a fighting chance.
    * dar a Alguien una palmada en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una palmadita en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espalda = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada trapera = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien un margen de confianza = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar abasto = cope.
    * dar abasto con = cope with.
    * dar acceso = provide + access.
    * dar acceso a = give + access to.
    * dar a conocer = bring to + the attention, communicate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, articulate, make + known.
    * dar a conocer la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * dar agua = lose + water, leak.
    * dar a la calle = give onto + the street.
    * dar a la caza de = chase down.
    * dar Algo a conocer = get + the word out.
    * dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.
    * dar al traste con los planes = upset + the applecart.
    * dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes = upset + Posesivo + plans, ruin + Posesivo + plans.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar a luz = birth, deliver.
    * dar a luz a = give + birth to.
    * dar ánimos = give + a word of encouragement, hearten.
    * dar apoyo = give + support, support, provide + support.
    * dar asco = stink, disgust.
    * dar aullidos = caterwaul.
    * dar autoría = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar autoridad a Algo = lend + authority to.
    * dar bandazos = lurch.
    * dar bastante importancia a = place + great store on.
    * dar brillo a = buff, buff up.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar cabida a = accommodate, include, hold, take, make + room (for), leave + room for, leave + room for.
    * dar cabida al crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * dar caladas = puff.
    * dar calidad = deliver + value.
    * dar caprichos = pamper.
    * dar cera = wax.
    * dar chillidos = shriek.
    * dar cien mil vueltas = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.
    * dar clase = give + a lesson, teach + class, teach + lesson, hold + class.
    * dar coba = toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * dar comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar como ejemplo = cite + as an example.
    * dar como norma = rule.
    * dar como resultado = add up to, result (in), lead to.
    * dar con = hit on/upon, put + Posesivo + finger on, stumble on.
    * dar conferencia = lecture.
    * dar consejo sobre = give + advice on.
    * dar consentimiento = give + licence.
    * dar con una esponja húmeda = sponging.
    * dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.
    * dar con una solución = come up with + solution.
    * dar coraje = peeve.
    * dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.
    * dar credibilidad = give + credence, lend + credence, bestow + credibility, provide + credibility.
    * dar crédito = give + credence.
    * dar cualquier cosa por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar cuerda a un reloj = wind + clock.
    * dar cuerpo = give + substance.
    * dar cuerpo a = flesh out.
    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dar de alta = discharge from + hospital.
    * dar de baja = take out of + circulation.
    * dar de cara a = front.
    * dar de comer = feed.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dar de lleno = hit + home.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar de mamar = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar de mamar a = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente = trot out.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar de quilla = keel over.
    * dar derecho a = entitle to.
    * dar descanso de = give + relief from.
    * dar de sí = stretch out.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * dar de Uno mismo = give of + Reflexivo.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dar directrices = give + guidance, provide + guidance.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * dar ejemplo = set + an example, lead by + example.
    * dar ejemplo de = illustrate.
    * dar el brazo a torcer = give in to.
    * dar el brazo derecho = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el do de pecho = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + Posesivo + utmost.
    * dar el efecto de = give + the effect of.
    * dar el esquinazo = dodge.
    * dar el esquinazo a = steer + clear of, steer away from.
    * dar el golpe de gracia = administer + the coup de grace, deliver + the coup de grace.
    * dar el nombre = label.
    * dar el oro y el moro = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el pecho = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar el pésame = pass + Posesivo + condolences.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar el primer paso = make + a start, take + the first step.
    * dar el puntillazo a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar el salto = make + the leap.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar el último empujón = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * dar el último repaso = tie + the pieces together.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve, clear, give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * dar el/un espectáculo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * dar empujones = shove.
    * dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.
    * dar en el clavo = hit + the nail on the head, be spot on, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth.
    * dar en el larguero = hit + the crossbar, hit + the crossbar.
    * dar en el travesaño = hit + the crossbar.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * dar énfasis = give + emphasis, place + stress, give + stress.
    * dar énfasis a = place + emphasis on.
    * dar en garantía = pawn.
    * dar en la diana = hit + home.
    * dar en mano = hand (over).
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.
    * dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.
    * dar estímulo = provide + boost.
    * dar evasivas = stonewall, play for + time.
    * dar evidencia = furnish with + evidence.
    * dar fe = attest, certify.
    * dar fe de = testify (to/of), vouch (for), be testimony to.
    * dar fe de que = attest to + the fact that.
    * dar fin = bring to + a close, draw to + a close, wind down.
    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.
    * dar forma cuadrada = square.
    * dar fruto = bear + fruit, come to + fruition.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * dar fuerza = empower, bring + strength.
    * dar gato por liebre = buy + a pig in a poke, pass off + a lemon.
    * dar golpes = pound.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * dar gritos = shriek, shout.
    * dar guerra = act up, play up.
    * dar gustirrinín = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar gusto = oblige, bring + pleasure, flavour [flavor, -USA].
    * dar hipo = hiccup.
    * dar ideas = offer + clues.
    * da rienda suelta a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dar ímpetu = lend + force, give + impetus.
    * dar importancia = attach + importance, give + prominence, stress, give + pre-eminence, give + relevance, place + importance, give + importance.
    * dar importancia a = give + weight to, place + emphasis on, attach + weight to, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, place + weight on.
    * dar importancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda, be on the agenda.
    * dar indicios de = show + signs of.
    * dar indicios y pistas = drop + hints and clues.
    * dar información = provide + information, give + information, release + information.
    * dar información adicional = give + further details.
    * dar información de = give + details of.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar la alarma = sound + alarm.
    * dar la apariencia de = place + a veneer of.
    * dar la bienvenida = welcome.
    * dar la casualidad que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * dar la enhorabuena = give + congratulations.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * dar la espalda = turn + aside.
    * dar la idea = give + the impression that.
    * dar la imagen = give + the impression that.
    * dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.
    * dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.
    * dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.
    * dar la la lata = nag (at).
    * dar la lata = play up.
    * dar la mano = extend + Posesivo + hand.
    * dar la mano derecha = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar la murga = be a pest.
    * dar la noticia = give + the news.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar la oportunidad = give + chance.
    * dar la oportunidad de = present with + opportunities for, allow + the opportunity to.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * dar la oportunidad de opinar = give + voice to.
    * dar la puntilla a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar largas = stonewall, play for + time, fob + Alguien + off with + Algo.
    * dar las cosas masticadas = spoon-feeding [spoonfeeding], spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed].
    * dar la sensación = give + a sense.
    * dar la sensación de = give + the effect of.
    * dar la señal = give + the word, give + the signal.
    * dar la señal de alarma = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de alerta = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dar lástima = feel + sorry for, pity.
    * dar la talla = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, measure up (to), be up to snuff, make + the cut.
    * dar latigazos = lash.
    * dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.
    * dar la vuelta = turn + Nombre + (a)round, flip, swing around, swing back, turn (a)round.
    * dar la vuelta a = round, turn on + its head.
    * dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.
    * darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a la botella = booze.
    * darle a la lengua = shoot + the breeze, shoot + the bull.
    * darle a la manivela de arranque = turn + the crank.
    * darle alas a Alguien = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * darle al palique = gas.
    * darle a Uno escalofríos por Algo desagradable = make + Nombre + flinch.
    * darle caña = hurry up, get + a move on, put + pressure on.
    * darle caña a = have + a go at, get + stuck into.
    * dar lecciones = give + lessons.
    * darle cien mil vueltas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle el puntillazo = nail it.
    * darle la razón a Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * darle largas = play + Nombre + along.
    * darle largas a Algo = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.
    * darle la vuelta a la tortilla = turn + the tables (on).
    * darle sopas con hondas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle una interpretación = give + interpretation.
    * darle una lección a Alguien = school.
    * darle una paliza a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners, give + Nombre + a beating, school.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * darle un repaso a = buff up on, brush up on.
    * darle un repaso a Alguien = school.
    * darle vueltas a = dwell on/upon.
    * darle vueltas a Algo = mull over, agonise over [agonize, -USA].
    * darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.
    * darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.
    * darle vueltas a un asunto = chew + the cud.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar libertad = give + licence.
    * dar libertad a un esclavo = manumit.
    * dar libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar los pasos necesarios = take + steps.
    * dar los primeros pasos en = venture into.
    * dar los últimos retoques a = put + the finishing touches on.
    * dar lugar = produce.
    * dar lugar a = cause, generate, give + rise to, mean, result (in), leave + room for, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar lugar a la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar lugar a queja = evoke + complaint.
    * dar lugar a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * dar marcha atrás = do + an about-face, back up, backpedal [back-pedal].
    * dar masaje = massage.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.
    * dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.
    * dar mejora (en) = give + improvement (in).
    * dar menos de lo debido = shortchange.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * dar muestras de = show + signs of.
    * dar + Nombre + una oportunidad = give + Nombre + a fair chance.
    * dar notoriedad a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].
    * dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.
    * dar opción = give + option.
    * dar origen = mother.
    * dar origen a = give + rise to, bring about, lead to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar otro paso muy importante = reach + another milestone.
    * dar pábulo a = fuel, spark off.
    * dar pábulo a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar palos de ciego = grope (for/toward).
    * dar pánico = scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, dread, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar parte de = report.
    * dar paso (a) = give + way (to), yield to, make + way (for).
    * dar patadas en el estómago = stick in + Posesivo + craw.
    * dar pavor = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar pecho = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar pereza = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * dar permiso = give + permission, give + time off, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar pie a = spark off, give + rise to, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar pisotones = stomp.
    * dar pistas = throw + hints.
    * dar pistas falsas = throw out + false leads.
    * dar placer = give + pleasure, give + enjoyment.
    * dar poderes = give + powers.
    * dar por = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar por concluido = put to + bed, close + the book on.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar por descontado = take for + granted, discount.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.
    * dar por saldado = close + the book on.
    * dar por seguro que = rest + assured that.
    * dar por sentado = take for + granted.
    * dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está = beg + the question.
    * dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar preferencia = give + preference.
    * dar prestigio = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar prioridad = award + priority, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + priority, give + precedence, assign + priority, give + preference.
    * dar prioridad a = give + pride of place to, place + emphasis on, prioritise [prioritize, -USA].
    * dar prioridad a algo = make + a priority.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * dar propina = tipping.
    * dar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * dar publicidad = publicise [publicize, -USA], give + publicity.
    * dar puntapiés = kick + Posesivo + feet.
    * dar punzadas = throb, twinge.
    * dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.
    * dar quehacer = make + trouble.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * dar razón de ser = bring + purpose.
    * dar recompensa = mete out + reward.
    * dar registro = accession.
    * dar relevancia = give + relevance.
    * dar relevancia a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar relevancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda.
    * dar resoplidos = chug.
    * dar respuesta = provide + answer, elicit + answer, develop + answer.
    * dar resultado = be successful, give + result, work, pay off, be a success, pay.
    * dar resultados = produce + results.
    * dar rienda suelta = unleash.
    * dar rienda suelta a = give + free rein to, allow + vent for, give + vent to, vent.
    * dar rienda suelta a + Nombre = let + Nombre + run riot.
    * dar riqueza a = add + richness to.
    * dar risitas = giggle.
    * dar sabor = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * dar saltitos = hop, skip.
    * dar sangre = donate + Posesivo + blood.
    * darse = appear, occur.
    * darse a = lend + Reflexivo + to.
    * darse aires = strut.
    * darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * darse a la fuga = flee, lam (it), go into + hiding, make + a quick getaway, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.
    * darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.
    * darse con un canto en los dientes = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, sink in, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * darse de baja de una suscripción = unsubscribe.
    * darse el caso que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * darse el gusto de = indulge in.
    * darse el gusto de comprar = splurge on.
    * darse el lote = snog, neck.
    * darse el lujo de = splurge on.
    * darse golpes de pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse golpes en el pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse la mano = join + hands, shake + hand.
    * dárselas de = fancy + Reflexivo.
    * dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.
    * dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * dar sentido = make + sense (out) of, make + sense of life.
    * dar sentido a = make + meaningful, give + meaning to.
    * dar sentido a las cosas = sense-making, meaning making.
    * dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.
    * dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.
    * dar señales de = show + signs of.
    * dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.
    * darse por afortunado = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * darse por derrotado = sound + note of defeat.
    * darse por vencido = throw in + the towel, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * darse prisa = hurry, hurry up, get on + Posesivo + running shoes, shake + a leg, hot-foot it to, make + haste, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, get + a move on.
    * darse prisa con calma = make + haste slowly.
    * dar servicio = service.
    * darse una comilona = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una leche = come + a cropper.
    * darse un apretón de manos = clasp + hands.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * darse un atracón = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on), stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * darse una transacción económica = cash + change hands.
    * darse una tripotada = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una vacante = occur + vacancy.
    * darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.
    * darse un chapuzón = take + a dip.
    * darse un descanso = give + Reflexivo + a break, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un festín de = feast on.
    * darse un garbeo = mosey.
    * darse un porrazo = come + a cropper.
    * darse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un tortazo = come + a cropper.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * dar sombra = shade.
    * dar su conformidad a = assent to.
    * dar sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * dar terror = scare + the living daylights out of.
    * dar testimonio = bear + witness, give + testimony.
    * dar tiempo = give + time, donate + Posesivo + time.
    * dar tiempo a Alguien = give + Nombre + some time.
    * dar título = title.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar tono = tone.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dar una advertencia = raise + caveat, issue + warning.
    * dar una apariencia de = provide + a semblance of, give + a semblance of.
    * dar una azotaina = spank.
    * dar una bofetada = cuff, slap.
    * dar una bofetada a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * dar una cabezadita = nap, catching 10, napping.
    * dar una carcajada = give + a laugh, let out + a laugh.
    * dar una charla = give + address, give + a talk, give + a presentation, give + speech.
    * dar una conferencia = deliver + talk, make + a speech, give + speech, deliver + lecture, give + a lecture.
    * dar una contractura muscular = pull + a muscle.
    * dar una cornada = gore.
    * dar una excusa = give + excuse.
    * dar una explicación = present + explanation.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar una fiesta = give + a party.
    * dar una galleta = slap.
    * dar una guantada = slap.
    * dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.
    * dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.
    * dar una imagen = convey + image, present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image, present + a picture.
    * dar una imagen de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.
    * dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * dar una lección de humildad = humble.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * dar una norma = give + prescription.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * dar una oportunidad = give + opportunity, provide + opportunity, grant + opportunity, present + an opportunity, create + opportunity.
    * dar una oportunidad a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una orden = issue + command, issue + instruction.
    * dar una paliza = clobber, pummel, slaughter, knock + the living daylights out of, knock + the hell out out of, whip, whitewash, thrash, wallop, lick, baste, take + a pounding, take + a beating, belt, trounce, beat + Nombre + (all) hollow.
    * dar una paliza a Alguien = beat + Nombre + up, beat + Nombre + black and blue.
    * dar una patada = kick, boot.
    * dar una pista = give + a hint.
    * dar una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * dar un apretón de manos = shake + hand.
    * dar una rabieta = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar una razón = give + reason.
    * dar una respuesta = furnish + answer, frame + response.
    * dar una sacudida = give + a shake, give + a jerk.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dar una solución = provide + solution, develop + solution.
    * dar una solución por buena que realmente no lo es = beg + the solution.
    * dar un aspecto + Adjetivo = give + a + Adjetivo + look.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * dar una torta = slap.
    * dar una torta a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una tunda = trounce.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una visión = present + view, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una visión general = give + a general picture.
    * dar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * dar una visión total = give + a complete picture.
    * dar un aviso = make + warning.
    * dar una voltereta = somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una voz = holler.
    * dar una vuelta de campana = capsize, somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un berrinche = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar un beso de despedida = kiss + Nombre + goodbye.
    * dar un bocado a = take + a bite out of.
    * dar un bofetón = cuff, slap.
    * dar un bofetón a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un cachete = spank, cuff, slap.
    * dar un cachete a Alguien = slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * dar un calambre = cramp.
    * dar un chillido = holler.
    * dar un comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar un coscorrón = cuff.
    * dar un ejemplo = give + example.
    * dar un empujón = give + a boost.
    * dar un golpe = knock.
    * dar un golpe por detrás = rear-end.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * dar un grito = holler.
    * dar un guantazo = slap.
    * dar un hachazo = hack.
    * dar un hervor = parboil.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un lavado de cara = spruce up.
    * dar un manotazo = swat at, cuff, slap.
    * dar un manotazo a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * dar un nuevo nombre = rename.
    * dar un ojo de la cara por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar unos azotes = spank.
    * dar un paseo = take + a stroll, t

    * * *
    dar [ A25 ]
    ■ dar (verbo transitivo)
    A entregar
    B regalar, donar
    C en naipes
    1 proporcionar
    2 Música
    E conferir, aportar
    1 aplicar capa de barniz etc
    2 dar: inyección etc
    1 conceder prórroga etc
    2 atribuir
    3 pronosticando duración
    4 dar: edad, años
    1 expresar, decir
    2 señalar, indicar
    A producir
    B rendir, alcanzar hasta
    C causar, provocar
    D arruinar, fastidiar
    A presentar
    B ofrecer, celebrar
    C dar: conferencia
    A realizar la acción indicada
    B dar: limpiada etc
    Sentido V considerar
    ■ dar (verbo intransitivo)
    1 entregar
    2 en naipes
    B ser suficiente, alcanzar
    1 dar a: puerta etc
    2 llegar hasta
    3 estar orientado hacia
    D comunicar
    E arrojar un resultado
    F importar
    1 pegar, golpear
    2 darle a algo: tarea
    3 darle a algo: hacer uso de
    4 acertar
    1 darle a algo: accionar
    2 mover
    1 indicando insistencia
    2 instando a alguien a hacer algo
    D dar con
    A acometer, sobrevenir
    1 darle a alguien por algo
    2 darle a alguien con algo
    C dar en
    D dar: sol, viento, luz
    E acabar
    ■ darse (verbo pronominal)
    A producirse
    B ocurrir
    C resultar
    A dedicarse, entregarse
    B tratarse, ser sociable
    A realizar la acción indicada
    1 golpearse, pegarse
    2 darse (de) golpes
    3 darse (de) patadas etc
    Sentido IV considerarse
    A (entregar) to give
    dale las llaves a Jaime give the keys to Jaime, give Jaime the keys
    se las di a Jaime I gave them to Jaime
    dale esto a tu madre de mi parte give this to your mother from me
    deme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?
    500 dólares ¿quién da más? any advance on 500 dollars?
    dar algo A + INF:
    da toda la ropa a planchar/lavar she sends all her clothes to be ironed/washed, she has all her ironing/washing done for her
    comer1 vi A 2. (↑ comer (1)), conocer, entender1 vt A 2. (↑ entender (1)), mamar
    B (regalar, donar) to give
    ¿me lo prestas? — te lo doy, yo no lo necesito can I borrow it? — you can have it o keep it, I don't need it
    a mí nunca nadie me dio nada nobody's ever given me anything
    daría cualquier cosa por que así fuera I'd give anything o ( colloq) I'd give my right arm for that to be the case
    donde las dan las toman two can play at that game
    estarlas dando ( Chi fam): entremos sin pagar, aquí las están dando let's just walk in without paying, they're asking for it ( colloq)
    con ese profesor las están dando they get away with murder with that teacher ( colloq)
    para dar y tomar or vender: coge los que quieras, tengo para dar y tomar or vender take as many as you want, I have plenty to spare o ( colloq) I've stacks of them
    C (en naipes) to deal
    ¡me has dado unas cartas horribles! you've dealt o given me a terrible hand
    1 (proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza› to give
    sus elogios me han dado ánimos his praise has given me encouragement o has encouraged me
    eso me dio la idea para el libro that's where I got the idea for the book, that's what gave me the idea for the book
    me dio un buen consejo she gave me some useful advice
    mi familia no pudo darme una carrera my family weren't in a position to send me to o put me through university o to give me a university education
    es capaz de robar si le dan la ocasión given the chance he's quite capable of stealing
    pide que te den un presupuesto/más información ask them to give you o supply you with an estimate/more information
    2 ( Música) to give
    ¿me das el la? can you give me an A?
    E (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma› to give
    las luces le daban un ambiente festivo a la plaza the lights gave the square a very festive atmosphere, the lights lent a very festive atmosphere to the square
    les dio forma redondeada a las puntas he rounded off the ends
    necesita algo que le dé sentido a su vida he needs something that will give his life some meaning
    1 (aplicar) ‹capa de barniz/mano de pintura› to give
    dale otra capa de barniz/otra mano de pintura give it another coat of varnish/paint
    hay que darle cera al piso we have to wax the floor
    dale una puntada para sujetarlo put a stitch in to hold it
    2 ‹inyección/lavativa/sedante› to give, administer ( frml); ‹masaje› to give
    1 (conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso› to give
    te doy hasta el jueves I'll give you until Thursday
    ¿quién te ha dado permiso para entrar allí? who gave you permission to go in there?, who said you could go in there?
    si usted nos da permiso with your permission, if you will allow us
    el dentista me ha dado hora para el miércoles I have an appointment with the dentist on Wednesday
    dan facilidades de pago they offer easy repayment facilities o terms
    nos dieron el tercer premio we won o got third prize, we were awarded third prize
    al terminar el cursillo te dan un diploma when you finish the course you get a diploma
    (atribuir): no le des demasiada importancia don't attach too much importance to it
    yo le doy otra interpretación a ese pasaje I see o interpret that passage in a different way
    tuvieron que darme la razón they had to admit I was right
    no le dan ni dos meses de vida they've given him less than two months to live
    no le doy ni un mes a esa relación I don't think they'll last more than a month together
    ( RPl) ‹edad/años› ¿cuántos años or qué edad le das? how old do you think o reckon she is?
    yo no le daba más de 28 I didn't think he was more than 28
    (expresar, decir): ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?
    no me dio ni los buenos días she didn't even say hello
    dales recuerdos de mi parte give/send them my regards
    tenemos que ir a darles el pésame we must go and offer our condolences
    me gustaría que me dieras tu parecer or opinión I'd like you to give me your opinion
    le doy mi enhorabuena I'd like to congratulate you
    ¿me da la hora, por favor? have you got the time, please?
    me tocó a mí darle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    te han dado una orden you've been given an order, that was an order
    han dado orden de desalojar el edificio they've ordered that the building be vacated
    (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or ( Esp) comunicando the line's busy o ( BrE) engaged
    el reloj dio las cinco the clock struck five
    (producir): estos campos dan mucho grano these fields have a high grain yield
    esta estufa da mucho calor this heater gives out a lot of heat
    esta clase de negocio da mucho dinero there's a lot of money in this business
    esos bonos dan un 7% those bonds give a yield of 7%
    los árboles han empezado a dar fruto the trees have begun to bear fruit
    no le pudo dar un hijo she was unable to bear o give him a child
    (rendir, alcanzar hasta): ¿cuánto da ese coche? how fast can that car go?
    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometers an hour
    ha dado todo lo que el público esperaba de él he has lived up to the public's expectations of him
    el coche venía a todo lo que daba the car was traveling at full speed
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    (causar, provocar): la comida muy salada da sed salty food makes you thirsty
    ¡estos críos dan tanto trabajo! these kids are such hard work!
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿no te da calor esa camisa? aren't you too warm in that shirt?
    el vino le había dado sueño the wine had made him sleepy
    me da mucha pena verla tan triste I can't bear o it hurts me to see her so sad
    ¡qué susto me has dado! you gave me such a fright!
    me da no sé qué que se tenga que quedar sola I feel a bit funny about leaving her on her own
    este coche no me ha dado problemas this car hasn't given me any trouble
    ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc dar QUE + INF:
    el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden
    los niños dan que hacer children are a lot of work
    lo que dijo me dio que pensar what he said gave me plenty of food for thought o plenty to think about
    D ( Esp fam) (arruinar, fastidiar) to spoil, ruin
    Isabelita nos dio la noche we had an awful night thanks to little Isabel
    (presentar): ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? ( colloq)
    en el cine Avenida dan una película buenísima there's a really good movie on at the Avenida, they're showing a really good movie at the Avenida
    ayer fuimos al teatro, daban una obra de Calderón we went to the theater yesterday, it was a play by Calderón
    va a dar un concierto el mes que viene he's giving a concert next month
    deja de gritar así, estás dando un espectáculo stop shouting like that, you're making a spectacle of yourself
    B (ofrecer, celebrar) ‹fiesta› to give; ‹baile/banquete› to hold
    C ‹conferencia› to give
    dar examen (CS); to take o ( BrE) sit an exam
    ver tb clase1 f E. (↑ clase (1))
    (realizar la acción indicada): dieron lectura al comunicado they read out the communiqué
    estuvo dando cabezadas durante toda la película he kept nodding off all through the film
    dio un grito/un suspiro she shouted/sighed, she gave a shout/heaved a sigh
    dio un paso atrás/adelante he took a step back/forward
    (+ me/te/le etc): dame un beso/abrazo give me a kiss/hug
    me dio un tirón del pelo he pulled my hair
    dársela a algn ( Esp fam); to take sb in, put one over on sb
    dárselas a algn ( Chi fam); to beat sb up
    ‹limpiada/barrida/planchazo› con que le des una enjuagada alcanza just a quick rinse will do
    hay que darle una barrida al suelo de la cocina the kitchen floor needs a sweep o needs sweeping
    quiero darle otra leída a este capítulo ( AmL); I want to run o read through this chapter again
    Sentido V (considerar) dar algo/a algn POR algo:
    lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead
    doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed
    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic
    si le has prestado dinero ya lo puedes dar por perdido if you've lent him money you can kiss it goodbye
    ¿eso es lo que quieres? ¡dalo por hecho! is that what you want? consider it done! o ( AmE colloq) you got it!
    si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado if I pass it will have been time well spent
    ■ dar
    (entregar): dame, yo te lo coso let me have it o give it here, I'll sew it for you
    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you
    ¿me das para un helado? can I have some money for an ice cream?
    2 (en naipes) to deal
    te toca dar a ti it's your deal, it's your turn to deal
    B (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dar PARA algo/algn:
    este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken is enough o will do for two meals
    con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round
    da para hablar horas y horas you could talk about it for hours
    (+ me/te/le etc): eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that
    no le da la cabeza para la física he hasn't much of a head for physics
    no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time
    dar de sí to stretch
    me quedan un poco ajustados, pero ya darán de sí they're a bit tight on me, but they'll stretch o give
    ¡cuánto ha dado de sí esa botella de jerez! that bottle of sherry's gone a long way!
    ¡qué poco dan de sí seis euros! six euros don't go very far!
    el pobre ya no da más de sí the poor guy's fit to drop
    no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with
    yo me voy, esto ya no da para más I'm leaving, this is a waste of time
    ya no da para más or (CS) ya no da más de tanto trabajar he's worked himself into the ground
    estoy que no doy más I'm all in ( colloq), I'm shattered o dead beat ( colloq), I'm pooped ( AmE colloq)
    1 «puerta/habitación» (comunicar con) to give on to
    la puerta trasera da a un jardín/a la calle Palmar the back door opens o gives onto a garden/onto Palmar Street
    todas las habitaciones dan a un patio all the rooms look onto o give onto a courtyard
    2 (llegar hasta) «río» to go o flow into; «camino/sendero» to lead to
    la calle va a dar directamente a la playa the street goes right down o leads straight to the beach
    3 «fachada/frente» (estar orientado hacia) to face
    la fachada principal da al sur the main facade faces south
    la terraza da al mar the balcony overlooks o faces the sea
    ( RPl) (comunicar) darle a algn CON algn: ¿me das con Teresa, por favor? can I speak to Teresa, please?
    en seguida le doy con el señor Seco I'll just put you through to Mr Seco
    (arrojar un resultado): ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?
    a mí me dio 247 ¿y a ti? I made it (to be) 247, how about you?
    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo her test was positive/negative
    (importar): ¿cuál prefieres? — da igual which do you prefer? — I don't mind
    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día it doesn't matter, we'll go another day
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿el jueves o el viernes? — a mí me da igual Thursday or Friday? — I don't mind o it doesn't matter o it doesn't make any difference to me o it's all the same to me
    la sopa se ha enfriado un poco — ¡qué más da! the soup's gone a bit cold — never mind o it doesn't matter
    ¿qué más da un color que otro? surely one color is as good as another!, what difference does it make what color it is?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¡qué más le da a él que otros tengan que hacer su trabajo! what does he care if others have to do his work?
    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? what difference does it make to you if he comes?, what's it to you if he comes? ( colloq)
    no quiere venirtanto da she doesn't want to come — it makes no difference o so what?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿a qué hora quieren cenar? — tanto nos da what time do you want to have dinner? — it's all the same to us o whenever
    1 (pegar, golpear) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le dio en la cabeza it hit him on the head
    dale al balón con fuerza kick the ball hard
    ¡te voy a dar yo a ti como no me obedezcas! you're going to get it from me if you don't do what I say ( colloq)
    le dio con la regla en los nudillos she rapped his knuckles with the ruler
    cuando te agarren te van a dar de palos when they get you they're going to give you a good beating
    2 ( fam) (a una tarea, asignatura) darle A algo:
    me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on o studying my English ( colloq)
    vas a tener que darle más fuerte si quieres aprobar you're going to have to push yourself harder o put more effort into it if you want to pass
    quiero darle un poco más a esta traducción antes de irme I want to do a bit more work on this translation before I go
    3 ( fam) (hacer uso de) darle A algo:
    ¡cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o ( AmE) down the wine ( colloq)
    ¡cómo le han dado al queso! ¡ya casi no queda! they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! ( colloq)
    ¡cómo les has dado a estos zapatos! you've really been hard on these shoes!, you've worn these shoes out quickly!
    4 (acertar) to hit
    dar en el blanco/el centro to hit the target/the bull's-eye
    1 (accionar) darle A algo:
    le dio al interruptor she flicked the switch
    le di a la manivela I turned the handle
    dale al pedal press the pedal
    tienes que darle a este botón/esta tecla you have to press this button/key
    2 (mover) (+ compl):
    dale al volante hacia la derecha turn the wheel to the right
    1 ( fam)
    (indicando insistencia): ¡y dale! ya te he dicho que no voy there you go again! I've told you I'm not going ( colloq)
    estuvo todo el día dale que dale con el clarinete he spent the whole day blowing away on his clarinet
    ¡y dale con lo de la edad! ¿qué importa eso? stop going on about her age! what does it matter?
    ¡dale que te pego! ( fam): he estado toda la mañana dale que te pego con esto I've been slaving away at this all morning
    yo quiero olvidarlo y él ¡dale que te pego con lo mismo! I want to forget about it and he keeps on and on about it o he keeps banging on about it
    ( RPl fam) (instando a algn a hacer algo): dale, metete, el agua está lindísima come on, get in, the water's lovely
    dale, prestámelo come on o go on, lend it to me
    por mucho que buscaron no dieron con él although they searched high and low they couldn't find him
    creo que ya he dado con la solución I think I've hit upon o found the solution
    cuando uno no da con la palabra adecuada when you can't come up with o find the right word
    A (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le dio un mareo she felt dizzy
    le dio un infarto he had a heart attack
    como no se calle, me va a dar algo ( fam); if you don't shut up, I'm going to have a fit ( colloq)
    ¡me da una indignación cuando hace esas cosas …! I feel so angry when he does those things!
    me da que ya no vienen ( fam); I have a (funny o sneaky) feeling they're not coming ( colloq)
    B (hablando de ocurrencias, manías)
    1 darle a algn POR algo:
    le ha dado por decir que ya no lo quiero he's started saying that I don't love him any more
    le ha dado por beber he's taken to drink, he's started drinking
    le ha dado por el yoga she's got into yoga
    ¡menos mal que me dio por preguntar por cuánto saldría! it's just as well it occurred to me to ask o I thought to ask how much it would be!
    darle a algn por ahí ( fam): ¿ahora hace pesas? — sí, le ha dado por ahí is he doing weights now? — yes, that's his latest craze o that's what he's into now
    ¿por qué lo hiciste? — no sé, me dio por ahí why did you do it? — I don't know, I just felt like it
    cualquier día le da por ahí y la deja one of these days he'll just up and leave her
    2 darle a algn CON algo:
    le ha dado con que me conoce he's got it into his head he knows me
    (tender a): ha dado en salir acompañada por galanes jóvenes she has taken to being escorted in public by handsome young men
    ha dado en esta locura she has got this crazy idea into her head
    lo que se ha dado en llamar `drogodependencia' what has come to be known as `drug-dependence'
    «sol/viento/luz»: aquí da el sol toda la mañana you get the sun all morning here
    siéntate aquí, donde da el sol sit down here in the sun
    en esa playa da mucho el viento it's very windy on that beach
    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    (acabar): ir/venir a dar: la pelota había ido a dar al jardín de al lado the ball had ended up in the next door garden
    ¿cómo habrá venido a dar esto aquí? how on earth did this get here?
    A (producirse) to grow
    en esta zona se da bien el trigo wheat grows well in this area
    (ocurrir) «caso/situación»: bien podría darse una situación así this kind of situation could well arise o occur
    para esto se tienen que dar las siguientes circunstancias this requires the following conditions
    ¿qué se da? ( fam); what's going on o happening? ( colloq)
    C (resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):
    se le dan muy bien los idiomas she's very good at languages
    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? how are you at sewing?, how's your sewing?
    A (dedicarse, entregarse) darse A algo:
    se dio a la bebida she took to drink, she hit the bottle ( colloq)
    se da a la buena vida he spends his time having fun o living it up
    se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause
    ( RPl) (tratarse, ser sociable) darse CON algn: no se da con la familia del marido she doesn't have much to do with her husband's family
    A ( refl)
    (realizar la acción indicada): voy a darme una ducha I'm going to take o have a shower
    vamos a darnos un banquete we're going to have a feast
    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot
    va dándoselas de rico y no tiene un duro he makes out he's rich but he hasn't got a penny
    ¿pero ése de qué se las da? si es un obrero como tú y yo who does he think he is? he's just another worker like you and me
    no te las des de listo don't act so smart
    (golpearse, pegarse): se dio con el martillo en el dedo he hit his finger with the hammer
    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techo don't hit o bang your head on the ceiling
    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed o went into a tree
    se va a dar un golpe en la cabeza/espalda he's going to hit o bump his head/hit his back
    se dio con la nariz or de narices contra la puerta he ran/walked straight into the door, he went smack into the door ( colloq)
    2 ( refl):
    darse (de) golpes to hit oneself
    ¡podría darme (de) patadas! I could kick myself!
    3 ( recípr):
    se estaban dando (de) patadas/tortazos en plena calle they were kicking/punching each other right there on the street
    Sentido IV (considerarse) darse POR algo:
    con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that
    no se dará por vencida hasta que lo consiga she won't give up until she gets it
    puedes darte por contento de haber salido con vida you can count yourself lucky you weren't killed
    no quiere darse por enterado he doesn't want to know
    aludir vi 1. (↑ aludir)
    * * *


    dar ( conjugate dar) verbo transitivo

    déme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?;
    See Also→ conocer verbo transitivo 3 b, entender verbo transitivo
    b)cartas/mano to give

    a) (donar, regalar) ‹sangre/limosna to give;

    b) ( proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza to give;

    información/idea to give
    a) (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma to give

    b) ( aplicar) ‹mano de pintura/barniz to give

    c)sedante/masaje to give

    4 ( conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso to give;

    nos dieron un premio we won o got a prize
    a) (expresar, decir) ‹parecer/opinón to give;

    ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?;

    dales saludos give/send them my regards;
    tuve que darle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    b) (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando the line's busy o (BrE) engaged;

    a) ( producir) ‹fruto/flor to bear;

    dividendos to pay;

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta):

    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometres an hour;

    venía a todo lo que daba it was travelling at full speed;
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    2 (causar, provocar) ‹placer/susto to give;
    problemas to cause;

    el calor le dio sueño/sed the heat made him sleepy/thirsty
    1 ( presentar) ‹ concierto to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? (colloq);

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? where's that film showing?
    a)fiesta/conferencia to give;

    baile/banquete to hold;
    discurso› (AmL) to make
    b) (CS) ‹ examen› to take o (BrE) sit;

    ver tb clase 4
    ( realizar la accion que se indica) ‹ grito to give;

    dame un beso give me a kiss;
    ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc
    ( considerar) dar algo/a algn por algo:

    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic;
    ¡dalo por hecho! consider it done!
    verbo intransitivo

    [ventana/balcón] to look onto, give onto;
    [fachada/frente] to face
    2 (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dar para algo/algn to be enough for sth/sb;

    dar de sí ‹zapatos/jersey to stretch
    3 ( arrojar un resultado):

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?;
    a mí me dio 247 I made it (to be) 247
    4 ( importar):

    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    ¿qué más da? what difference does it make?;
    me da igual I don't mind
    5 ( en naipes) to deal
    a) (pegar, golpear): darle a algn to hit sb;

    ( como castigo) to smack sb;

    el balón dio en el poste the ball hit the post

    2 (accionar, mover) darle a algo ‹a botón/tecla to press sth;
    a interruptor to flick sth;
    a manivela/volante to turn sth

    soluciónto hit upon, find;
    palabra to come up with
    4 (hablando de manías, ocurrencias) darle a algn por hacer algo ‹por pintar/cocinar to take to doing sth;
    le ha dado por decir que … he's started saying that …

    5 [sol/luz]:

    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    darse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) [fruta/trigo] to grow
    2 ( presentarse) [oportunidad/ocasión] to arise
    3 ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):

    a) ( refl) ( realizar lo que se indica) ‹ducha/banquete to have;

    dárselas de algo: se las da de valiente/de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he's brave/he knows a lot;

    dárselas de listo to act smart
    b) (golpearse, pegarse):

    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed into a tree;
    se dio dar un golpe en la rodilla he hit his knee
    ( considerarse) darse por algo:

    ver tb aludir a, enterado 1
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to give: dame la mano, hold my hand
    2 (conceder) to give: mi padre me dio permiso, my father gave me permission
    le doy toda la razón, I think he is quite right
    3 (transmitir una noticia) to tell
    (un recado, recuerdos) to pass on, give
    dar las gracias, to thank
    4 (retransmitir u ofrecer un espectáculo) to show, put on
    5 (organizar una fiesta) to throw, give
    6 (producir lana, miel, etc) to produce, yield
    (fruto, flores) to bear
    (beneficio, interés) to give, yield
    7 (causar un dolor, malestar) dar dolor de cabeza, to give a headache
    (un sentimiento) dar pena, to make sad
    le da mucha vergüenza, he's very embarrassed
    8 (proporcionar) to provide: su empresa da trabajo a cincuenta personas, his factory gives work to fifty people
    9 (una conferencia, charla) to give
    (impartir clases) to teach
    (recibir una clase) to have
    US to take
    10 (presentir) me da (en la nariz/en el corazón) que eso va a salir bien, I have a feeling that everything is going to turn out well
    11 (estropear) to ruin: me dio la noche con sus ronquidos, he spoilt my sleep with his snoring
    12 (abrir el paso de la luz) to switch on
    (del gas, agua) to turn on
    13 (propinar una bofetada, un puntapié, etc) to hit, give
    14 (aplicar una mano de pintura, cera) to apply, put on
    (un masaje, medicamento) to give
    15 (considerar) dar por, to assume, consider: lo dieron por muerto, he was given up for dead
    ese dinero lo puedes dar por perdido, you can consider that money lost
    dar por supuesto/sabido, to take for granted, to assume
    16 (la hora, un reloj) to strike: aún no habían dado las ocho, it was not yet past eight o'clock
    17 (realizar la acción que implica el objeto) dar un abrazo/susto, to give a hug/fright
    dar un paseo, to go for a walk
    dar una voz, to give a shout
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (sobrevenir) le dio un ataque de nervios, she had an attack of hysterics
    2 dar de comer/cenar, to provide with lunch/dinner 3 dar a, (mirar, estar orientado a) to look out onto, to overlook
    (una puerta) to open onto, lead to: esa puerta da al jardín, this door leads out onto the garden 4 dar con, (una persona, objeto) to come across: no fuimos capaces de dar con la contraseña, we couldn't come up with the password
    dimos con él, we found him 5 dar de sí, (una camiseta, bañador) to stretch, give 6 dar en, to hit: el sol me daba en los ojos, the sun was (shining) in my eyes 7 dar para, to be enough o sufficient for: ese dinero no me da para nada, this money isn't enough for me
    ♦ Locuciones: dar a alguien por: le dio por ponerse a cantar, she decided to start singing
    le dio por nadar, he got it into his head to go swimming
    dar a entender a alguien que..., to make sb understand that...
    dar la mano a alguien, to shake hands with sb
    dar para: el presupuesto no da para más, the budget will not stretch any further
    dar que hablar, to set people talking
    dar que pensar: el suceso dio que pensar, the incident gave people food for thought
    dar a conocer, (noticia) to release
    ' dar' also found in these entries:
    - abrigar
    - acelerón
    - acertar
    - acogerse
    - acomodar
    - acreditar
    - admitir
    - aflojar
    - agradecer
    - alarma
    - albergue
    - alcance
    - alerta
    - alimentar
    - alojamiento
    - alta
    - amagar
    - apetecer
    - apurar
    - armar
    - asesorar
    - atinar
    - baño
    - batalla
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bola
    - bote
    - brazo
    - brinco
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabezada
    - cabida
    - cada
    - calabaza
    - calentar
    - callar
    - callada
    - callo
    - campanada
    - cancha
    - cante
    - cara
    - carpetazo
    - carrete
    - casar
    - chivatazo
    - citar
    - about-turn
    - act up
    - advance
    - amplify
    - announce
    - around
    - attach
    - attest
    - back
    - backpedal
    - barge into
    - bear
    - beat
    - beat up
    - beg
    - begrudge
    - birth
    - block
    - bluster
    - bolster
    - bop
    - boss about
    - boss around
    - bother
    - bounce
    - bound
    - breast-feed
    - brief
    - buff
    - bull's-eye
    - butt
    - call
    - chase down
    - checkmate
    - cheer
    - chime
    - circle
    - clout
    - coach
    - come across
    - credence
    - day
    - deal
    - death
    - deliver
    - deposit
    - direct
    - discharge
    - disgust
    * * *
    1. [entregar, otorgar] to give;
    dar algo a alguien to give sth to sb, to give sb sth;
    da parte de sus ingresos a los necesitados she gives o donates part of her income to the poor;
    dame el azúcar, por favor could you pass o give me the sugar, please?;
    ¡dámelo! give it to me!, give me it!;
    se lo di a mi hermano I gave it to my brother;
    daría cualquier cosa por saber lo que piensa I'd give anything to know what he's thinking
    2. [pagar] to give;
    [ofrecer en pago] to offer;
    ¿cuánto te dieron por la casa? how much did they give you for the house?;
    el concesionario me da 2.000 euros por la moto vieja the dealer's offering 2,000 euros for my old motorbike;
    300 dólares, ¿quién da más? [en subasta] is there any advance on 300 dollars?
    3. [proporcionar] to give, to provide with;
    la salsa le da un sabor muy bueno the sauce gives it a very pleasant taste, the sauce makes it taste very nice;
    este color le da un aspecto diferente a la habitación this colour makes the room look different;
    le di instrucciones de cómo llegar a casa I gave her directions for getting to my house;
    no nos dio ninguna explicación sobre su ausencia he didn't give us o provide us with any explanation for his absence;
    le dimos ánimos para que siguiera con su trabajo we encouraged her to continue with her work;
    su familia hizo un gran esfuerzo por darle estudios universitarios his family went to a great deal of effort to enable him to go to university
    4. [conceder] to give;
    le han dado el Premio Nobel she has been awarded o given the Nobel Prize;
    le dieron una beca he was awarded o given a grant;
    yo no le daría demasiada importancia I wouldn't attach too much importance to it;
    al final me dieron la razón in the end they accepted that I was right;
    le dieron una semana más para presentar el informe they gave o allowed him one more week to hand in the report;
    me dieron permiso para ir al médico I got o was allowed time off work to go to the doctor;
    ¿da su permiso para entrar? may I come in?;
    nos dieron facilidades de pago they offered us easy payment terms;
    los médicos no le dan más de seis meses de vida the doctors don't give him more than six months (to live);
    ¿qué interpretación das a este descubrimiento? how would you interpret this discovery?
    5. [decir]
    dar los buenos días to say hello;
    le di las gracias por su ayuda I thanked her for her help;
    fuimos a darles el pésame we went to offer them our condolences;
    dale recuerdos de mi parte give him my regards, say hello to him from me;
    dale la enhorabuena give her my congratulations;
    me dio su opinión al respecto he gave me his opinion on the matter;
    ¿quién le dará la noticia? who's going to tell o give her the news?
    6. [producir] to give, to produce;
    [frutos, flores] to bear; [beneficios, intereses] to yield;
    estas vacas dan mucha leche these cows produce a lot of milk;
    esta cuenta da un 5 por ciento de interés this account offers a 5 percent interest rate, this account bears interest at 5 percent;
    esta lámpara da mucha luz this light is very bright;
    le dio tres hijos she bore him three children
    7. [provocar] to give;
    me da vergüenza/pena it makes me ashamed/sad;
    me da risa it makes me laugh;
    me da miedo it frightens me;
    ¡me da una rabia que me traten así! it infuriates me that they should treat me in this way!;
    me dio un susto tremendo she gave me a real fright;
    el viaje me dio mucho sueño the journey made me really sleepy;
    da gusto leer un libro tan bien escrito it's a pleasure to read such a well-written book;
    los cacahuetes dan mucha sed peanuts make you very thirsty;
    este paseo me ha dado hambre this walk has made me hungry o given me an appetite;
    estas botas dan mucho calor these boots are very warm
    8. [luz, agua, gas] [encender] to turn o switch on;
    [suministrar por primera vez] to connect; [suministrar tras un corte] to turn back on
    9. [fiesta, cena] to have, to hold;
    dar una cena en honor de alguien to hold o give a dinner in sb's honour;
    darán una recepción después de la boda there will be a reception after the wedding
    10. [en naipes] [repartir] to deal
    11. [sujeto: reloj] to strike;
    el reloj dio las doce the clock struck twelve
    12. Cine, Teatro & TV to show;
    [concierto, interpretación] to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? – dan una película del oeste what's on the TV tonight? – they're showing a western o there's a western on;
    dieron la ceremonia en directo they broadcast the ceremony live
    13. [propinar]
    le di una bofetada I slapped him, I gave him a slap;
    dio una patada a la pelota he kicked the ball;
    darle un golpe/una puñalada a alguien to hit/stab sb
    14. [untar con, aplicar]
    dar una capa de pintura al salón to give the living-room a coat of paint;
    dar barniz a una silla to varnish a chair
    15. [señales, indicios] to show;
    dar pruebas de sensatez to show good sense;
    dar señales de vida to show signs of life
    16. [enseñar] to teach;
    [conferencia] to give;
    dar inglés/historia to teach English/history;
    dio una clase muy interesante she gave a very interesting class;
    mañana no daremos clase there won't be a class tomorrow
    17. Esp [recibir] [clase] to have;
    doy clases de piano con una profesora francesa I have piano classes with a French piano teacher;
    doy dos clases de francés a la semana I have two French classes a week
    18. [expresa acción]
    dar un grito to give a cry;
    dar un suspiro to sigh, to give a sigh;
    dar un vistazo a to have a look at;
    dio lectura a los resultados de la elección she read out the election results;
    cuando se enteró de la noticia, dio saltos de alegría when he heard the news, he jumped for joy;
    voy a dar un paseo I'm going (to go) for a walk
    19. Esp Fam [fastidiar] to ruin;
    es tan pesado que me dio la tarde he's so boring that he ruined the afternoon for me;
    el bebé nos da las noches con sus lloros the baby never lets us get a decent night's sleep
    20. [considerar]
    dar algo por to consider sth as;
    eso lo doy por hecho I take that for granted;
    doy por sentado que vendrás a la fiesta I take it for granted that o I assume you'll be coming to the party;
    doy por explicado este periodo histórico that's all I want to say about this period of history;
    doy esta discusión por terminada I consider this discussion to be over;
    dar a alguien por muerto to give sb up for dead
    21. Fam [presentir]
    me da que no van a venir I have a feeling they're not going to come
    22. RP [inyección] to give
    23. Comp
    donde las dan las toman you get what you deserve;
    no dar una to get everything wrong
    1. [en naipes] [repartir] to deal;
    me toca dar a mí it's my deal
    2. [entregar]
    dame, que ya lo llevo yo give it to me, I'll carry it
    3. [horas] to strike;
    dieron las tres three o'clock struck
    4. [golpear]
    le dieron en la cabeza they hit him on the head;
    la piedra dio contra el cristal the stone hit the window;
    como no te portes bien, te voy a dar if you don't behave, I'll smack you
    5. [accionar]
    dar a [llave de paso] to turn;
    [botón, timbre] to press;
    dale al control remoto hit the remote control;
    dale al pedal press down on the pedal;
    dale a la tecla de retorno hit o press return;
    dale a la manivela turn the handle
    6. [estar orientado]
    dar a [sujeto: ventana, balcón] to look out onto, to overlook;
    [sujeto: pasillo, puerta] to lead to; [sujeto: casa, fachada] to face;
    todas las habitaciones dan al mar all the rooms look out onto o face the sea
    7. [sujeto: luz, viento]
    el sol daba de lleno en la habitación the sunlight was streaming into the room;
    la luz me daba directamente en la cara the light was shining directly in my face;
    aquí da mucho viento it's very windy here
    8. [encontrar]
    dar con algo/alguien to find sth/sb;
    he dado con la solución I've hit upon the solution
    9. [proporcionar]
    dar de beber a alguien to give sb something to drink;
    da de mamar a su hijo she breast-feeds her son
    10. [ser suficiente]
    dar para to be enough for;
    no dar ni para pipas: ¡eso no te da ni para pipas! that's not even enough to buy a bag of peanuts!
    11. [motivar]
    esta noticia va a dar mucho que hablar this news will set people talking;
    aquello me dio que pensar that made me think
    12. [importar]
    ¡y a ti qué más te da! what's it to you?;
    me da igual o [m5] lo mismo it's all the same to me, I don't mind o care;
    no vamos a poder ir al cine – ¡qué más da! we won't be able to go to the cinema – never mind!;
    y si no lo conseguimos, ¿qué más da? if we don't manage it, so what?;
    ¡qué más da quién lo haga con tal de que lo haga bien! what does it matter o what difference does it make who does it as long as they do it properly?;
    lo siento, no voy a poder ayudar – da igual, no te preocupes I'm sorry but I won't be able to help – it doesn't matter, don't worry;
    ¿vamos o nos quedamos? – da lo mismo should we go or should we stay? – it doesn't make any difference
    13. [acertar]
    dio en el blanco she hit the target;
    diste en el blanco, hay que intentar reducir las pérdidas you hit the nail on the head, we have to try and reduce our losses
    14. [tomar costumbre]
    le ha dado por el yoga he's decided to go in for yoga;
    ahora le ha dado por no comer fruta now she's decided not to eat fruit;
    le dio por ponerse a cantar en medio de la clase he took it into his head to start singing in the middle of the class;
    ¿está aprendiendo ruso? – sí, le ha dado por ahí is she learning Russian? – yes, that's her latest thing;
    dar en hacer algo to take to doing sth;
    el viejo dio en leer libros de caballería the old man took to reading books on chivalry
    15. [expresa repetición]
    le dieron de palos they beat him repeatedly with sticks
    16. [afectar]
    le dio un infarto he had a heart attack
    dar de sí [ropa, calzado] to give, to stretch;
    no dar más de sí o [m5] para más [persona, animal] not to be up to much any more;
    este sueldo da mucho de sí this salary goes a long way;
    estos zapatos no dan para más these shoes have had it;
    es un poco tonto, no da para más he's a bit stupid, he's not up to anything else
    18. [expresa enfado]
    te digo que pares y tú, ¡dale (que dale)! I've told you to stop, but you just carry on and on!;
    ¡y dale con la música! there he goes again, playing loud music!;
    te hemos dicho que no menciones el tema, y tú, dale que te pego we've told you not to mention the subject, but you just carry on regardless o but here you are, bringing it up again;
    ¡y dale! te lo he dicho bien claro, no voy a ir how many times do I have to tell you? o I've said it once and I'll say it again, I'm not going
    19. RP [comunicar]
    ¿me darías con tu madre? could I speak to your mother?, could you put your mother on?;
    le doy con el Sr. Hualde I'll put you through to Mr Hualde
    20. Comp
    para dar y tomar: había cerveza para dar y tomar there was loads of beer;
    darle a: ¡cómo le da a la cerveza! he certainly likes his beer!;
    darle algo a alguien: si no se calla me va a dar algo if he doesn't shut up soon, I'll go mad;
    si sigues trabajando así te va a dar algo you can't go on working like that;
    Esp muy Fam
    ¡que le den!: ¿que no quiere cooperar? ¡que le den! he doesn't want to co-operate? well, stuff him!
    * * *
    <part dado>
    I v/t
    1 give; fiesta give, have;
    dar un salto/una patada jump/kick, give a jump/kick;
    dar miedo a frighten;
    el jamón me dio sed the ham made me thirsty;
    dar de comer/beber a alguien give s.o. something to eat/drink
    2 fruta bear; luz give off; beneficio yield
    3 película show, screen
    el reloj dio las tres the clock struck three
    ¡dale (que dale)! fam don’t keep on! fam ;
    y siguió dale que te pego fam and he kept on and on
    II v/i
    1 give; de cartas en juego deal;
    dame give it to me, give me it
    dar a de ventana look onto
    dar con algo/alguien come across sth/s.o., find sth/s.o.;
    no di con el nombre I couldn’t think of the name
    dar de sí de material stretch, give;
    dar para be enough for;
    no da para más it’s past its best
    le dio por insultar a su madre fam she started insulting her mother
    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    da igual it doesn’t matter
    en algo hit sth;
    el sol le daba en la cara he had the sun in his eyes, the sun was in his eyes
    dar por muerto a alguien give s.o. up for dead
    dar que hablar give people something to talk about;
    da que pensar it makes you think, it gives you something to think about
    * * *
    dar {22} vt
    1) : to give
    2) entregar: to deliver, to hand over
    3) : to hit, to strike
    4) : to yield, to produce
    5) : to perform
    6) : to give off, to emit
    dar por : to regard as, to consider
    dar vi
    1) alcanzar: to suffice, to be enough
    no me da para dos pasajes: I don't have enough for two fares
    dar a or
    dar sobre : to overlook, to look out on
    dar con : to run into
    dar con : to hit upon (an idea)
    dar de sí : to give, to stretch
    * * *
    dar vb
    1. (en general) to give [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¿cuánto me das por lavarte el coche? how much will you give me for washing your car?
    ¿me da un kilo de naranjas, por favor? could I have a kilo of oranges, please?
    5. (ofrecer fiesta) to have
    6. (impartir clases) to teach [pt. & pp. taught]
    7. (tener ataque, enfermedad) to have
    8. (producir fruto, flores) to bear [pt. bore; pp. borne]
    9. (sonar las horas) to strike [pt. & pp. struck]
    10. (encender, conectar) to turn on
    ¿has dado el gas? have you turned the gas on?
    11. (chocar, golpear) to hit [pt. & pp. hit]
    12. (decir) to say [pt. & pp. said]
    me dio las buenas noches he said goodnight to me / he wished me goodnight
    dar a to overlook / to look onto
    dar a entender to imply [pt. & pp. implied]
    dar a luz to give birth [pt. gave; pp. given]
    dar de comer to feed [pt. & pp. fed]
    dar igual not to matter / not to mind

    Spanish-English dictionary > dar

  • 9 JÓL

    Noel, Nowell, Noóel
    * * *
    n. pl. Yule, a great midwinter feast in the heathen time, afterwards applied to Christmas.
    * * *
    n. pl., in rhymes, gólig, Jóla, Ó. H. (in a verse); [A. S. geôl, sometimes used of the whole month of December, whereas December is also called æra geola = fore Yule, and January æftera geola = after Yule; the plur. in Icel. perhaps refers to this double month. The origin and etymology of the word Yule is much contested, and has been treated at length by Grimm (Gesch. der Deutschen Sprache), who tries to make out a relation between the Lat. Jūlus or Jūlius and the Teut. Yule, the one being a midsummer month, the other a midwinter month; like former etymologists, he also derives the word from hjól, a wheel, as referring to the sun’s wheeling round at midwinter and midsummer time. The resemblance of the words is striking, as also the old northern celebration of the midsummer feast Jónsvaka (see below), which was in fact a kind of midsummer Yule.]
    B. Yule, a great feast in the heathen time, afterwards applied to Christmas (as still in North. E.) In Icel. popular usage Yule-eve is a kind of landmark by which the year is reckoned, so that a man is as many years old as he has passed Yule nights, hafa lifað (so and so) margar Jóla-nætr; for the year counts from Yule night, whence the phrase, vera ílla or vel á ár kominn, to become well or ill in the year; thus a person born shortly before Yule is ‘ílla á ár kominn,’ for at next Yule he will be reckoned one year old, whereas one born just after it is ‘vel á ár kominn.’ The heathen Yule lasted thirteen days, whence are derived the names Þrettándi, the thirteenth = Epiphany, i. e. the 6th of January, as also the Engl. ‘Twelfth-night;’ it is however probable that the heathen feast was held a little later than the Christian (see hökunótt). The heathen Yule was a great merry-making, and tales of ghosts, ogres, and satyrs were attached to it, esp. the Jóla-sveinar or ‘Yule-lads,’ a kind of goblins or monster satyrs, thirteen in number, one to each day of the feast, sons of the kidnapping hag Grýla (q. v.), whose names were used to frighten children with, see Ísl. Þjóðs. i. 219, 220. As the night lengthens and the day shortens, the ghosts gain strength, and reach their highest at Yule time, see Grett. ch. 34–37, 67–70, Eb. ch. 34, Flóam. S. ch. 22. The day next before Yule is called atfanga-dagr (q. v.) Jóla, when stores were provided and fresh ale brewed, Jóla-öl. Passages in the Sagas referring to Yule are numerous, e.g. Hervar. S. ch. 4, Hálfd. S. Svarta ch. 8, Har. S. Hárf. ch. 16 (in a verse), Hák. S. Góða ch. 12, 15, 19, Ó. H. ch. 151, Eb. ch. 31, Landn. 3. ch. 15 (in the Hb.), Bjarn. 51 sqq., Sturl. iii. 127. As for Yule games cp. the Norse and Danish Jule-buk, Jola-geit (Ivar Aasen) = a Yule goat, Dan. Jule-leg = a Yule game.
    II. in poetry a feast (generally); hugins jól, a raven’s feast, Fms. vi. 255 (in a verse), cp. Bjarn. 36.
    COMPDS: Jólaaptan, Jólabál, Jólaboð, Jólabók, Jóladagr, Jóladrykkja, Jólafasta, Jólafriðr, Jólaföstubók, Jólaföstutíð, Jólagjöf, Jólagrið, Jólahald, Jólahelgi, Jólahöll, Jólakveld, Jólales, Jólamorgin, Jólanótt, Jólaskrá, Jólasveinar, Jólatíð, Jólatíðir, Jólatíðabók, Jólatungl, Jólaveizla, Jólavist, Jólaöl.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > JÓL

  • 10 fête

    fête [fεt]
    1. feminine noun
       a. ( = commémoration) (religieuse) feast ; (civile) holiday
       b. ( = jour du prénom) saint's day
       c. ( = congé) holiday
       d. ( = foire, kermesse) fair
       e. ( = réception) party
    faire une fête (pour son anniversaire etc) to have a (birthday etc) party
       f. ( = allégresse collective) la fête celebration
    c'est la fête ! everyone's celebrating!
    air/atmosphère de fête festive air/atmosphere
    The Fête de la Musique is a music festival which has taken place every year since 1981. On 21 June throughout France everybody is invited to play music in public places such as parks, streets and squares.
    Holidays to which employees are entitled in addition to their paid leave in France are as follows:
    Religious holidays: Christmas Day, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Assumption (15 August) and All Saints' Day (1 November).
    Other holidays: New Year's Day, 1 May (« la fête du travail »), 8 May (commemorating the end of the Second World War), 14 July (Bastille Day) and 11 November (Armistice Day).
    * * *
    1) ( jour chômé) public holiday GB, holiday US

    ça va être ma fête! — (colloq) iron I'm going to cop it! (colloq)

    3) ( solennité religieuse) festival
    4) ( célébration) (day of) celebration

    je serai de la fête!fig I'll be there!

    être à la fêtefig to have a field day

    ne pas être à la fêtefig to be having a bad time

    6) ( foire) fair; ( kermesse) fête, fair; ( manifestation culturelle) festival; ( réjouissances officielles) celebrations (pl)
    Phrasal Verbs:

    faire sa fête (colloq) à quelqu'un — to give somebody a working over (colloq)

    ce n'est pas tous les jours la fêteProverbe life is not a bed of roses

    * * *
    1. nf
    1) (avec des amis, en famille) party, (pour fêter un événement) celebration, party

    Nous organisons une petite fête pour son anniversaire. — We're having a little party for his birthday.

    faire la fête — to live it up, to celebrate

    C'est sa fête aujourd'hui. — It's his name day today.

    ça va être sa fête! fig * — he's going to get it!, *

    4) (publique) holiday
    5) [vendanges, lumières] festival

    Dimanche prochain, c'est la fête des vendanges. — Next Sunday is the grape harvest festival.

    2. fêtes nfpl
    (Noël et Nouvel An) festive season
    * * *
    fête nf
    1 ( jour chômé) public holiday GB, holiday US; le vendredi saint, c'est fête? is Good Friday a public holiday GB ou a holiday US?; sauf dimanches et fêtes except Sundays and public holidays GB ou holidays US; où passes-tu les fêtes de Pâques/fin d'année? where are you going for Easter/Christmas?;
    2 ( jour du saint patron) c'est ma fête it's my (saint's) name-day; bonne fête! happy name-day!; ça va être ma fête! iron I'm going to cop it!; aujourd'hui, c'est la fête des pompiers today is the festival of the patron saint of firemen;
    3 ( solennité religieuse) festival; fête païenne/chrétienne pagan/Christian festival; la fête des morts All Souls' Day;
    4 ( célébration) (day of) celebration; les fêtes du bicentenaire the bicentenary celebrations;
    5 ( réjouissances privées) party; donner or faire une fête to give ou have a party; faire la fête to live it up; être de la fête lit to be one of the party; compte sur moi, je serai de la fête! fig I'll be there!; fête de famille family gathering; ambiance/air de fête festive atmosphere/look; l'ambiance est à la fête the mood is festive; toute la ville était en fête the whole town was in holiday mood; avoir le cœur en fête to feel incredibly happy, to be bubbling over with joy; c'est une fête pour les yeux it's a feast for the eyes; être à la fête fig to have a field day; ne pas être à la fête to be having a bad time;
    6 ( réjouissances publiques) ( foire) fair; ( kermesse) fête, fair; ( manifestation culturelle) festival; ( réjouissances officielles) celebrations (pl); fête de la musique/bière music/beer festival; il y a la fête au village there's a fair in the village; que la fête commence! let the festivities begin!; fête paroissiale parish fête; les fêtes de Carnaval the carnival festivities; la fête de la moisson the harvest festival.
    fête de bienfaisance charity bazaar; fête fixe fixed feast; fête foraine funfair; fête légale public holiday GB, legal holiday US; fête des Mères Mothers' Day, Mothering Sunday GB; fête mobile movable feast; fête des Pères Fathers' Day; fête des Rois (Mages) Twelfth Night, Epiphany; fête du travail Labour Day, 1 May; Fête Nationale national holiday; ( en France) Bastille Day.
    le chien me fait fête quand je rentre the dog makes a great fuss of me when I get in; faire sa fête à qn to give sb a working over; ce n'est pas tous les jours la fête Prov you have to take the rough with the smooth, life is not a bed of roses.
    Fête nationale France's fête nationale is celebrated annually on the 14th July with nationwide firework displays, street parties, dancing and other local festivities. The date was chosen because of its symbolic significance, commemorating the fall of the Bastille in 1789 which signalled the end of the ancien régime.
    [fɛt] nom féminin
    1. [célébration - civile] holiday ; [ - religieuse] feast
    la fête des Mères Mother's Day, Mothering Sunday (UK)
    a. [généralement] the national holiday
    b. [en France] Bastille Day
    c. [aux États-Unis] Independence Day
    la fête des Rois Twelfth Night, Epiphany
    2. [d'un saint] saint's day, name day
    3. [réunion - d'amis] party
    on donne ou organise une petite fête pour son anniversaire we're giving a party for his birthday, we're giving him a birthday party
    le film est une vraie fête pour l'esprit/les sens the film is really uplifting/a real treat for the senses
    vous serez de la fête ? will you be joining us/them?
    4. [foire] fair
    [kermesse] fête, fete
    [festival] festival, show
    faire la fête to have a party ou (some) fun ou a good time
    fête foraine [attractions] funfair (UK), carnival (US)
    la fête de la Musiqueannual music festival organized on the 21st of June in the streets of large towns
    fêtes nom féminin pluriel
    [généralement] holidays
    [de Noël et du jour de l'an] the Christmas and New Year celebrations
    les fêtes juives/catholiques the Jewish/Catholic holidays
    de fête locution adjectivale
    [air, habits] festive
    en fête locution adjectivale
    la ville/les rues en fête the festive town/streets
    The French traditionally wish bonne fête to the person who has the same name as the saint commemorated on a particular day.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > fête

  • 11 accontentare

    * * *
    accontentare v.tr. to satisfy, to please, to content, to meet*: accontentare i desideri di qlcu., to meet (o to satisfy) s.o.'s wishes; accontentare qlcu., to please s.o.; è difficile da accontentare, she's hard (o difficult) to please; fallo per accontentarmi, do it to please me.
    accontentarsi v.rifl. to be satisfied (with sthg.), to be pleased (with sthg.), to be content (with sthg.): ci accontentiamo di molto poco, we are content with very little; voleva cento euro ma poi si è accontentato di molto meno, he wanted one hundred euros but in the end he settled for much less.
    * * *
    1. vt

    accontentarsi (di) — to content o.s. (with)

    mi dovrò accontentare di vederlo in TV — I'll have to make do with seeing it on TV, (essere soddisfatto) to be content (with), be satisfied (with)

    chi si accontenta gode (Proverbio) well pleased is well served

    * * *
    [akkonten'tare] 1.
    verbo transitivo (soddisfare) to satisfy, to please, to content [ persona]

    difficile da accontentare — hard to please, choosy

    verbo pronominale accontentarsi to content oneself (di with)

    chi si accontenta godeprov. enough is as good as a feast

    * * *
    /akkonten'tare/ [1]
      (soddisfare) to satisfy, to please, to content [ persona]; difficile da accontentare hard to please, choosy
    II accontentarsi verbo pronominale
     to content oneself (di with); - rsi di fare to be content to do; mi accontento di poco I'm satisfied with very little
    chi si accontenta gode prov. enough is as good as a feast.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > accontentare

  • 12 CONTENT

    • Be content with what you have - Довольствуйся тем, что имеешь (Д)
    • Contented mind is a continual feast (A) - Довольствуйся тем, что имеешь (Д)
    • He is not rich that possesses much, but he that is content with what he has - Не тем богат, что есть, а тем богат, что рад (H)
    • He is rich enough who is contented with little - Довольствуйся тем, что имеешь (Д)
    • They need much whom nothing will content - Ненасытному все мало (H)
    • То be content with little is true happiness - Довольствуйся тем, что имеешь (Д)

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > CONTENT

  • 13 hambriento

    hungry, craving, famished, hungering.
    hungry person, hungerer.
    * * *
    1 hungry, starving
    2 figurado hungry, longing
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 hungry person, starving person
    1 the hungry
    * * *
    (f. - hambrienta)
    * * *
    hambriento, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=con hambre) hungry; (=famélico) starving

    venimos hambrientoswe're starving *, we're very hungry

    SM / F [con hambre] hungry person; [en situación desesperada] starving person
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo [estar] hungry, starving (colloq), famished (colloq)
    - ta masculino, femenino
    * * *
    = hungry [hungrier -comp., hungriest -sup.], starving, ravenous.
    Ex. The article 'Text timeshares: sitting ducks for hungry dogs' examines how US text timesharing companies, responsible for deliver of information to users, are operating, against a background of US business in general.
    Ex. The rights of the little starving author, and the weight of the enormous publishing industry, both are pretty hefty in legal and legislative thinking.
    Ex. You read him to the end with a ravenous appetite and rise from the feast with an unaccountable sense of emptiness.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * hambriento de poder = power-hungry.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo [estar] hungry, starving (colloq), famished (colloq)
    - ta masculino, femenino
    * * *
    = hungry [hungrier -comp., hungriest -sup.], starving, ravenous.

    Ex: The article 'Text timeshares: sitting ducks for hungry dogs' examines how US text timesharing companies, responsible for deliver of information to users, are operating, against a background of US business in general.

    Ex: The rights of the little starving author, and the weight of the enormous publishing industry, both are pretty hefty in legal and legislative thinking.
    Ex: You read him to the end with a ravenous appetite and rise from the feast with an unaccountable sense of emptiness.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * hambriento de poder = power-hungry.

    * * *
    [ ESTAR] hungry
    compra unos cuantos, estoy hambriento buy several, I'm hungry o ( colloq) I'm starving o ( colloq) I'm famished
    los niños hambrientos del mundo the world's starving children
    hambriento DE algo hungry FOR sth
    el pueblo está hambriento de justicia the people are hungry for justice, the people hunger for o after justice
    huérfanos hambrientos de cariño orphans hungry for o craving affection
    masculine, feminine
    los hambrientos hungry people
    dar de comer al hambriento to feed the starving o hungry
    * * *

    ◊ -ta adjetivo [estar] hungry, starving (colloq);

    hambriento de algo hungry for sth
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino: los hambrientos hungry people
    hambriento,-a adjetivo
    1 (por inanición) starving
    (por apetito) hungry
    2 (deseoso) hungry, craving: está hambriento de aventuras, he's hungry for adventure

    ' hambriento' also found in these entries:
    - hungry
    - ravenous
    - starving
    * * *
    hambriento, -a
    starving person;
    los hambrientos the hungry
    * * *
    adj tb fig
    hungry (de for)
    * * *
    hambriento, -ta adj
    : hungry, starving
    * * *
    1. (con hambre) hungry [comp. hungrier; superl. hungriest]
    2. (muerto de hambre) starving

    Spanish-English dictionary > hambriento

  • 14 HALDA

    * * *
    (held; hélt, héldum; haldinn), v.
    I. with dat.
    1) to hold fast (Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr);
    to keep back, restrain (Hrafn fekk eigi haldit henni heima);
    2) to withhold (héldu bœndrgjaldinu);
    3) to keep, retain (þú skalt jafhan þessu sæti halda);
    to preserve (halda virðingu sinni, lífi ok limum);
    halda vöku sinni, to keep oneself awake;
    4) to hold, keep one’s stock;
    also ellipt. (vetr var illr ok héldu menn illa);
    5) phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy (= halda njósnum til um e-t);
    halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold (the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes;
    halda hendi yfir e-m, to protect one;
    6) to hold, stand, steer, ellipt., þeir héldu aptr (held back again) um haustit;
    þeir héldu út eptir fírði, they stood out the firth;
    halda heim, to steer homewards;
    7) to graze, put in the field (halda fé til haga);
    8) impers. to continue, last (hélt því lengi um vetrinn);
    II. with acc.
    1) to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate (þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum);
    2) to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday (í hvers minning heldr þú þenna. dag?);
    3) to keep (halda orð sín, eið, sættir, frið);
    to observe (halda guðs lög ok landsins);
    4) to uphold, maintain, support (halda vini sína, halda e-n til ríkis);
    5) halda sik, to comport oneself (kunna halda sik með hófi);
    halda sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously;
    halda sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from;
    6) to hold, consider, deem (hón hélt engan hans jafningja);
    7) to hold, keep up;
    halda varnir, to keep up a defence;
    halda vörð, to keep watch;
    8) to hold, compel, bind (heldr mik þá ekki til útanferðar);
    þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, thou hast some excuse for trying;
    III. with preps.:
    halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand (halda á sverði);
    to hold to a thing, go on with it, be busy about (halda á drykkju, á ferð sinni, á sýslu);
    halda e-t af e-m, to hold (land, office) from or of one (þeir er höfðu haldið land af Danakonungi);
    halda mikit af e-m, to make much of one;
    halda eptir e-m, to pursue one;
    halda e-u eptir, to keep back;
    halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself back from, refrain from;
    halda e-u fram, to uphold, support;
    halda e-u fyrir e-u, to withhold from one;
    to protect against (héldu engar grindr fénu fyrir birninum);
    halda e-n fyrir e-t, to hold, consider one to be so and so (síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan vin);
    halda í e-t, to hold fast, grasp (þú skalt halda í hurðarhringinn);
    halda til e-s, to be the cause of, be conducive to;
    heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this;
    hélt til þess (conduced to it) góðgirni hans;
    halda til e-s, to be bent on, fond of (halda mjök til skarts, til gleði);
    halda til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one;
    halda um e-t, to grasp with the hand (= halda hendi um e-t);
    halda barni undir skírn, to hold at baptism;
    halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, lift (halda upp höndum);
    halda upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling;
    to uphold, maintain, support (halda upp hofum, kristninni);
    to keep going (halda upp bardaga);
    to discharge (halda upp kostnaði, bótum);
    halda upp bœnum fyrir e-m, to pray for one;
    halda e-u við, to maintain a thing;
    halda við e-m, to stand against (hvar sem harm kom fram, hélt ekki við honum);
    hélt þá við atgöngu (acc.), they were near coming to fight;
    heldr nú við hót, it is little short of threats;
    IV. refl., haldast.
    * * *
    pret. hélt (= Goth. haihald), 2nd pérs. hélt, mod. hélzt, pl. héldum; pres. held, pl. höldum; pret. subj. héldi; part. haldinn; imperat. hald and haltú: [Ulf. haldan = βόσκειν, ποιμαίνειν, whereas he renders to keep, hold by other words; Hel. haldan = alere, fovere, colere, which thus seems to be the primitive sense of the word, and to be akin to Lat. cŏlo; again, A. S. healdan, Engl. hold, O. H. G. haltan, Germ. halten, Swed. hålla, halda, Dan. holde, are all of them used in a more general sense]:—to hold.
    A. WITH DAT. to hold to:
    I. to hold fast by; with the notion of restraint or force, tók Gizurr förunaut Ögmundar ok hélt honum, Sturl. i. 150; Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr, Nj. 92; ef maðr heldr manni …, varðar fjörbaugs-garð, Grág. ii. 110; h. e-m undir drep, 17; h. skipum ( to grapple the ships) með stafnljám, Fms. ii. 315: to keep back, Hrafn fékk eigi haldit henni heima þar, Ísl. ii. 249; ok halda þeim veðr í enni sömu höfn, Grág. i. 92; h. (sér) í e-t, to hold oneself fast by, grasp, þú skalt h. í hurðar-hringinn, Dropl. 29; heldr sér í faxit, Sd. 177.
    β. so in the phrases, halda barni (manni) undir skírn, vatn, primsignan, biskups hönd, eccl. to hold a bairn ( man) at baptism, prima signatio, confirmation, Grág. i. 29; h. vatni (tárum), to hold one’s tears, 623. 56, Fms. viii. 232, vi. (in a verse); halda munni, to hold one’s tongue, be silent, vii. 227; halda tungu sinni, Þórð.
    2. to withhold; þá megu þeir h. tíundum hans í móti, K. Þ. K. 62; h. vætti, Grág. i. 42; h. gögnum, 56; ef goði heldr tylftar-kvið, er hann heldr kviðnum, 58; halda matinum fyrir honum, 47; h. sköttum fyrir e-m, Nj. 8; h. skógar-manni fyrir e-m, Finnb. 334; um þat er hann hefir konunni haldit, Grág. i. 313; héldu bændr gjaldinu, Fms. vii. 302; hélt ek því (i. e. the money) fyrir honum, i. e. paid it not, Ísl. ii. 244.
    II. to hold, of a rope or the like; sá maðr hugði h. mundu er festi, … ok h. mundu í slíku veðri, Grág. ii. 361; reip þau tíu er tveggja manna afli haldi hvert, id.; skal hann svá göra at haldi fyrir fyrnsku, 268.
    β. to hold, hold out, last; optast halda þar íllviðri litla hríð, Sks. 212; sunnudags-helgi ríss upp á laugardegi, ok heldr ( lasts) til mánadags, N. G. L. i. 138.
    III. to keep, retain, Germ. behalten; fá-ein skip héldu seglum sinum, Fms. x. 143; þú skalt jafnan þessu sæti h., Nj. 6; h. bústað sínum, Ld. 26; h. ríki sínu, Al. 58, Fms. i. 13; h. öllum Noregi, viii. 155; h. frelsi ok eignum, vi. 40; h. hlut sínum, to uphold one’s right, Eg. passim; halt sömum vinum sem ek hefi haft, Fas. i. 375; h. hreinleik sínum, Al. 58.
    β. to hold, keep safe, preserve; h. hlut sínum, Ld. 54; h. heilsu, Grág. i. 145; h. virðingu sinni, Ld. 16; þá heldr hann kosti sínum, Grág. ii. 209; h. tíma ( honour) sínum, Al. 59; h. lífi ok limum, Eg. 89; h. lífinu, Nj. 111; h. trúnaði sínum, 109; vináttu sinni, Ld. 200; einorð sinni, Fb. ii. 265; h. sér réttum, to keep oneself right, Ld. 158; h. e-m heilum, Odd. 30; h. ríki fyrir e-m, Fms. v. 279; h. manna-forræði fyrir e-m, Hrafn. 19; h. réttu máli fyrir e-m, Fms. vii. 64.
    2. to continue to keep, keep all along; h. teknum hætti, Fms. iv. 254; h. vöku, to keep oneself awake, Ld. 152; but h. vöku fyrir e-m, to keep another awake; halda sýslu sinni, Fs. 36; h. högum, to keep grazing, Eb. 104, Ld. 148.
    3. to hold, keep one’s stock; ellipt., vetr var íllr ok héldu menn ílla, the winter was cold and it was ill to keep live stock, Sturl. ii. 143, (cp. fjár-höld); hann hélt vel svá at nær lifði hvat-vetna, Hrafn. 22: metaph., ílla hefir þinn faðir þá haldit, Fms. xi. 144; öld hefir ílla haldit, the people have had a sad loss, vi. (in a verse); h. fangi, and also ellipt. halda, of sheep and cattle, opp. to ‘to go back.’
    4. phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy, Fms. viii. 146, Nj. 113; hann hélt njósnum til Önundar, Landn. 287; hélt konungr njósnum til, ef …, Fms. vii. 128; hann skyldi h. njósnum til ok gera orð konungi, i. 54; h. njósnum til um e-t, iv. 119, Nj. 93; halda njósn (sing.) um skip þat, Eg. 74; þér haldit njósnum nær færi gefr á Arnkatli, Eb. 186; hann lét h. njósnum uppi á landi, Fms. vii. 316; hann hélt fréttum til, ef …, iv. 349.
    β. halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold ( the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes, Nj. 132, Fms. v. 196; h. fyrir munn e-m, to hold ( the hand) over one’s mouth; h. hendi yfir e-m, to hold the hand over one, protect one, Nj. 266, Fbr. 22, Korm.; h. hendi um háls e-m, to clasp the hands around one’s neck, Fms. i. 9; h. skildi fyrir e-n, to hold the shield for one as a second in a duel, Ísl. ii. 257, passim; h. e-m til náms, to hold one to the book, make one study, K. Þ. K. 56; h. e-m til virðingar, Ld. 98.
    IV. ellipt. (liði, skipi, för, stefnu, etc. understood), to hold, stand in a certain direction, esp. as a naut. term; þeir héldu aptr ( stood back again) um haustið, Eg. 69; treystisk hann eigi á haf at halda, Eb. 6; héldu þeir vestr um haf, id.; stigu þeir á skip sín, ok héldu út ( stood out) eptir firði, Fms. i. 63; þeir héldu þat sama sumar til Íslands, Ld. 6; hann hélt upp eptir hinni eystri kvísl, Fms. vii. 55; h. heim, to hold one’s course, stand homewards, Odd. 30; h. á braut, Grág. i. 92; Hrútr hélt suðr til Eyrar-sunds, Nj. 8; h. eptir e-m, to pursue one, 7; h. undan, to fly, Fms. x. 396, Nj. 98 (on land); kom móti þeim sunnan-veðr með myrkri, ok urðu þeir fyrir at h., to lay one’s course for the wind, A. A. 271; h. útleið, to stand on the outer tack, Eg. 78; h. til, to turn against, attack (on sea), Fms. xi. 72; hélt hann liði sínu suðr á Mæri, i. 62; þeir héldu liði sínu norðr til Þrándheims, id.; Haraldr konungr hélt norðan liði sínu, Eg. 32; héldu þeir skipi því suðr með landi, 69; skipi því lét hann halda vestr til Englands, id.; Unnr hélt skipinu í Orkneyjar, eptir þat hélt Unnr skipi sínu til Færeyja, Ld. 8.
    β. to graze, put in the field, of sheep, cattle; þykkir mér þat miklu skipta at þeim sé vel til haga haldit, Eg. 714; hvert Steinarr hafði látið nautum sínum halda, 715; ok bað hann h. nautunum annan veg, 716.
    γ. phrases, halda kyrru fyrir, to hold still, remain quiet, Ld. 216, Þórð. 30 new Ed., Nj. 223, 258; Hallr heldr nú til fangs ( went fishing) sem áðr, Ld. 38.
    V. with prep.; halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand, freq. in mod. usage, h. á bók, penna, fjöðr, hníf, skærum, nál, etc.; hafði hverr þat er hélt á, Nj. 279; h. á sverði, Fb. i. 33; hann tók við öxinni ok hélt (viz. á), ok sá á, Eg. 180: to hold fast, heldr nú maðr á manni, Fas. i. 12; eigi máttu helvítis byrgi h. á honum, 656 C. 6; ef hann heldr á fénu ( withholds it), Grág. i. 427.
    β. [Germ. anhalten], to hold to a thing, go on with, be busy about; h. á sýslu, to be busy, Rm. 14; h. á keri, qs. halda á drykkju, to go on drinking, carousing, Hm. 18: h. á hinni sömu bæn, Stj. 417; h. á fyrirsátrum við e-n, Þórð. 51 new Ed.; h. á búnaði sínum, Ld. 164; hélt hann þá á búnaði sínum sem skjótligast, Fms. ix. 215, x. 119, Sturl. ii. 245; þogar á bak Jólum hélt Ólafr konungr á búningi, Fms. v. 41; hann heldr nú á málinu, Nj. 259; nú heldr Þórðr á málinu ok verðr Oddný honum gipt, Bjarn. 11, Konr. (Fr.); h. á tilkalli, Fms. i. 84; h. á þessum sið, xi. 41; h. á för, to go on with one’s journey, Sighvat; gengu síðan brott ok héldu á ferð sinni, and went on their journey, Sturl.;—whence the mod. phrase, halda áfram, to go on, which seems not to occur in old writers.
    2. halda e-u fram, to hold up, make much of; bróðir minn mun mér mjök hafa fram haldit fyrir ástar sakir, Nj. 3.
    β. to hold on doing, (hence fram-hald, continuation); halda fram upp-teknu efni, Fms. i. 263; slíku hélt hann fram meðan hann lifði, iv. 254; hélt hann (fram) teknum hætti um veizlurnar, id., Grett. 14.
    3. halda saman, to hold together, Eluc. 6, Fms. vii. 140, Rb. 340.
    4. halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, Yngvarr hélt upp vísu þeirri, Eg. 152; steinninn heldr upp annarr öðrum, Rb. 390; h. upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling, Fas. ii. 517, N. G. L. i. 65.
    β. to uphold, maintain, support; halda upp hofi, Landn. 64, Eb. 24; h. upp hofum ok efla blót, Fms. i. 91; h. upp kirkju, K. Þ. K. 52; h. upp Kristninni, Fms. i. 32: to keep going, h. upp bardaga, orrostu, xi. 66, 188, 340.
    γ. to discharge; h. upp féráns-dómi, Grág. i. 120; h. upp lögskilum, 145; h. upp svörum, Ó. H. 174; h. upp kostnaði, Eg. 77; h. upp gjaldi, Grág. i. 384; gjöldum, Fms. i. 81; h. upp bót, Grág. ii. 182; bótum, Eb. 100, 162, N. G. L. i. 311; ef hann heldr upp yfirbót ( penance) þeirri, Hom. 70; h. upp bænum fyrir e-m, to pray for one, Fms. xi. 271; hélt hann því vel upp sem vera átti, discharged it well, x. 93.
    δ. halda sér vel upp, to hold oneself well up, Sturl.
    ε. metaph., skal-at hann lögvillr verða, svá at honum haldi þat uppi (i. e. went unpunished), Grág. i. 316; ok heldr honum þat uppi ( that will save him), ef hann er rétt-hafi at orðinn, ii. 242.
    5. halda e-u við, to maintain a thing, Hkr. i. 195.
    VI. impers.,
    1. to continue, last; hélt því nokkura stund dags, Fms. x. 125: hélt því lengi um vetrinn, Ld. 288; regni hélt haustnótt gegnum, Fms. vi. 83.
    2. with prep. við, to be on the brink of; hélt þá við atgöngu, they were within a hair’s breadth of coming to fight, Hkr. i. 143; hélt þá við vandræði, Fms. ix. 434; heldr við bardaga, vi. 8; heldr nú við hót, it is little short of a threat, i. 305; hélt við blót, x. 106; ok hélt við flótta, i. 174; hélt við meiðingar, Nj. 21, Sd. 143; henni hélt við, at hón mundi drepa hana, Nj. 118; þeim hélt við váða sjálfan, Ó. H. 168; konungi hélt við, hvárt hann mundi standask eðr eigi, Mag. 100; honum hélt við kafnan, Bs. i. 18; hélt þó við at þeir mundi berjask, Fs. 53.
    B. WITH ACC. to hold:
    I. to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate, office, or the like; þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum, Fms. xi. 131; þeir er áðr höfðu haldit land af Dana-konungi, i. 232; Eirekr skyldi h. land af Aðalsteini konungi, 23; Vemundr hélt Firða-fylki, Eg. 12; hélt hann þat ríki undir Knút konungi, Ísl. ii. 242; í þeirri borg héldu þeir langfeðgar fimmtán konungdóma, Ver. 37; h. land sem leigu-land, Grág. ii. 278; konungrinn heldr af Guði nafnit, Sks. 599 B; prestar er kirkjur halda, H. E. i. 486; sá prestr er heldr Pétrs-kirkju, N. G. L. i. 312; presta þeirra er kirkju halda, 346; skal sá maðr ráða er kirkju heldr, K. Þ. K. 60; Ólafs kirkju þá er Væringjar halda (the parish church of W.), Hkr. iii. 408.
    2. halda ábyrgju, ábyrgð á e-n, to have the responsibility of a thing, Grág. ii. 399, K. Þ. K. 66; h. grip, to be in the possession of, Grág. i. 438, ii. 190; h. skóla, to keep a school, Mar.; h. fylgð, to perform, Fms. ix. 279; eiga vandræði at h., to be in a strait, difficulty, Eb. 108.
    II. to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday, or the like; halda kirkju-dag, K. Þ. K. 42; í hvers minning heldr þú þenna dag? Nj. 157; h. helgan þvátt-dag hvern, Pr. 437; h. helga daga, Sl.; h. Jóla-dag, Páska, Hvíta-sunnu, Rb. 134; minnstú að h. helgan hvíldar-daginn Drottins Guðs þíns (the Fourth Commandment in the Icel. version); h. heilagt, to keep holiday, Dipl. ii. 14; í dag þá hátíð höldum vér til himna sté vor Herra, Hólabók 54; er Júdar héldu hátíðligt, Stj. 110; (hence forn-haldinn, time-honoured): of the day-marks (vide dagr, p. 95), er þaðan haldinn miðr-morgin, Hrafn. 9.
    2. to keep; halda orð sín, to keep one’s word, Fms. x. 95; höldum öll einka-mál vár, vii. 305; h. sættir, Nj. 57; gerðú svá vel, félagi, at þú halt vel sætt þessa, 111, Sturl. iii. 153, Fs. 65, Gullþ. 20; hann kvaðsk vilja hafa svardaga af þeim ok festu, at halda, Nj. 164; h. eið, Sturl. iii. 153; h. frið, to keep peace, Greg. 7; ef þú vilt nokkura hluti eigi h. þá er ek hefi á lagt við þik, Eg. 738: to observe faith, law, rite, etc., halda átrúnað, Fms. i. 34, x. 277; h. Guðs lög ok landsins, vii. 305; h. lands lög, viii. 155; h. ein lög, 625. 52; hafa ok halda þau lög, Fms. i. 34; h. Kristilega trú, K. Á. 74; h. mál (orð) e-s, Greg. 17; h. alla hluti með athugasamlegu minni, Sks. 439.
    3. to keep, tend; halda geitr, Hkv. 2. 20 (exactly as in Gothic).
    III. to uphold, maintain, support; þykkir mér þér sé nú ísjár-vert, hvárt þú munt fá haldit þik eðr eigi, Nj. 155; munu vér þó ekki einhlitir at h. oss eptir þessi verk, Háv. 50; at hón mætti með valdi h. sik ok menn sína, Fas. i. 375; þat væri nokkurr várkunn, at þú héldir frænda þinn eðr fóstbróður, en þetta er alls engi (at) halda útlaga konungs, Ó. H. 145; enda ætla ek lítinn viljann til at h. vini þína, Fms. vii. 244; því at Eysteinn konungr kenndi Inga konungi, at hann héldi þá menn, 248; ef þú heldr hann ( upholdest him) til þess at ganga á vini mína, Eg. 339; viljum vér allir fylgja þér ok þik til konungs halda, Fms. i. 34; Stephanus skyldi h. hann til laga ok réttinda, Sks. 653; h. e-n til ríkis, Fb. i. 236; vinsæld föður hans hélt hann mest til alþýðu vináttu, Fms. vii. 175; þeir sem upp h. ( sustain) þenna líkama, Anecd. 4.
    β. phrases, halda e-m kost, borð, to keep at board, entertain, Fms. ix. 220, x. 105, 146, Nj. 6; or, halda e-n at klæðum ok drykk, Ó. H. 69; h. stríð, bellum gerere (not class.), Fms. x. 51; h. úfrið, Fas. ii. 539.
    2. halda sik, to comfort oneself, Sks. 281, Hom. 29; kunna sik með hófi at h., Sturl. iii. 108; h. sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously, Ld. 234; hann hélt betr húskarla sína en aðrir, Fms. vii. 242; h. mjök til skarts, to dress fine, Ld. 196; þar var Hrefna ok hélt allmjök til skarts, id.; hann var hægr hvers-dagliga, ok hélt mjök til gleði, Sturl. iii. 123; hélt hann hér mjök til vinsælda ok virðinga, he enjoyed much popularity and fame, Ld. 298.
    β. ellipt. (sik understood), at h. til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one, Ld. 40; ef þér hefir eigi til þess hug eðr afl at h. til jafns við e-n húskarl Þorsteins, Eg. 714; h. til fullnaðar, to stand on one’s full rights; ef þær taka eigi fullrétti, eðr h. eigi til fullnaðar, Grág. ii. 109; h. fullara, to hold one above other men, Ó. H. (in a verse); lét konungr þá h. mjök til ( make great preparations) at syngja messu hátíðliga, Hkr. i. 287.
    3. to hold forth, put forward; at þeim inyiidi þungbýlt vera í nánd honum, ef þeir héldi nokkurn annan fyrir betra mann en hann, Ld. 26; síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan mann, Fms. ix. 399.
    β. to hold, deem, be of opinion; the old writers seem not to use the word exactly in this sense, but near to it come such phrases as, hón hélt engan hans jafningja innan hirðar hvárki í orðum né öðrum hlutum, i. e. she held him to be above all men, Ld. 60; halda menn hann fyrir konung, Fb. i. 216; still closer, halda menn at Oddný sé nú betr gipt, Bjarn. 12 (but only preserved in a paper MS.): this sense is very freq. in mod. usage, to hold, mean, eg held það; eg held ekki, I think not; (hence hald, opinion.)
    γ. phrases, halda mikit upp á e-n, to hold one in much esteem, love, Stj. 33; halda af e-m, id., Fas. i. 458, ii. 63, 200, iii. 520, esp. freq. in mod. usage, (upp-á-hald, af-hald, esteem.)
    4. to hold on, keep up; halda varnir, to keep up a defence, Sks. 583; halda vörð, to keep watch, Eg. 120, Grág. i. 32, 264; halda njósn, Eg. 72, 74, Fms. xi. 46; halda tal af e-m, to speak, communicate with one, ii. 88.
    5. to hold, be valid, be in force, a law term; á sú sekt öll at halda, Grág. i. 89; á þat at h. allt er þeir urðu á sáttir, 86; enda á þat at h. með þeim síðan, ii. 336.
    IV. to hold, compel, bind (with the notion of obligation or duty); heldr mik þá ekki til utan-ferðar, Nj. 112; þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, i. e. thou art excused, thou hast some excuse in trying, 21; var auðsætt hvat til hélt um sættir, Bjarn. 70; þik heldr eigi hér svá mart, at þú megir eigi vel bægja héraðs-vist þinni, Eb. 252; þar mælir þú þar, er þik heldr várkunn til at mæla, Nj. 227; ek mun vera vinr hans, ok alla þá, er at mínum orðum láta, halda til vináttu við hann, i. e. I will be his friend, and all those who lend ear to my words I will hold to friendship with him, Eg. 18.
    2. halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself from, to refrain from a thing, Sks. 276 B; h. sik frá munaðlífi, Post. 656 A. ii. 16, Hom. 53, 135; h. sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from, Hkr. i. 512.
    V. absol. to be the cause of, be conducive to a thing; heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this, Nj. 192; vildim vér vita hvat til heldr, Fms. vii. 106; en hann vissi eigi hvat til hafði haldit, er hann kom eigi, xi. 11; margir hlutir héldu til þess, Eg. 38; þat hélt til þess, at …, Al. 94; hélt til þess ( conduced to it) góðgirnd hans, stórmennska ok vitsmunir, Fs. 29; hefir þat mjök til haldit, er ek hefi svá lengi dvalizt, at ek ætlaða, Ld. 32; hann lét bæði til h. vingan ok mágsemd, Fs. 24; heldr þat mest til at þá var komit útfall sjávar, Ld. 56; hélt þat mest til þess, at hann gafsk bezt í öllum mannraunum, 60; þat eitt hélt til, at þeir fóru eigi málum á hendr Þórði, at þeir höfðu eigi styrk til, 138.
    VI. to hold, comprise; sólar-öld heldr tuttugu ok átta ár, Rb. 510; h. skor (of weight), Grág. i. 500.
    ☞ In some instances the use of dat. and acc. wavers, e. g. halda húsum, to keep up the houses, Grág. ii. 278, 335; h. hliði, to keep the gate in repair, 265; but halda hlið (acc.), 332: to keep, observe, h. lögum, griðum, boðorðum, Glúm. 333, Grág. i. 357, ii. 166, 623. 28; hélt hann þessu sumu, Fms. x. 416 (Ágrip); halda ílla orðum, vii. (in a verse); þeir er því þingi áttu at h., Glúm. 386; h. sáttum, St. 17; h. eiðum, Bkv. 18; Gizuri þótti biskup h. ríkt ( protect strongly) brennu-mönnum, Sturl. i. 201 C; Guð er sínum skepnum heldr (keeps, protects) ok geymir, Mar.; þá hélt engi kirkju mönnum, … kept no man safe, Fms. ix. 508; h. njósn (acc.) um e-t, Eg. 74; h. til njósn, 72; njósnir, Fms. xi. 46. In most of these instances the acc. is the correct case, and the dat. is due either to careless transcribers or incorrect speaking: in some instances an enclitic um has been taken for a dative inflexion, thus e. g. sáttum haldi in Stor. l. c. is to be restored to sátt um haldi; eiðum haldit in Bkv. l. c. to eið (for eiða) um haldit; in others the prep. um has caused the confusion, as ‘halda njósn um at’ has been changed into halda njósnum at. But in the main the distinction between the use of dat. and acc. is fixed even at the present time: the acc. seems to represent the more primitive usage of this verb, the dat. the secondary.
    C. REFLEX.:
    I. to hold oneself, to stay; héldusk þeir þá ekki fyrir norðan Stað, Fms. i. 63; mátti hann eigi þar haldask, Landn. 246; h. á baki, to keep oneself on horseback, keep one’s seat, Grág. ii. 95; munu þeir skamma stund hér við haldask, Nj. 247: to be kept, remain, þá skal hann h. með Helju, Edda 39: to resist, megu vér ekki við h. fyrir ofreflis-mönnum þessum, Nj. 254; hélzk þá ekki við honum, Eg. 289; mann er svá hefir haldisk við höfuð-syndum, Hom. 157.
    β. to hold out, last, continue; ok hélzk ferillinn, Eg. 579; hélzk undr þetta allt til dags, Nj. 272 (twice); hélzk konungdómr í kyni hans, Rb. 394; lengi síðan hélzk bruna-öld með Svíum, Yngl. S.; lengi hélzk þat í ætt þeirri, at …, Eg. 770; hélzk vinátta með þeim, Nj. 66; þat hefir enn haldizk í ætt hans, Fms. iv. 8; ok hefir þat haldizk ( it has continued to be so) síðan er ek hefi hann séð, Ld. 174; honum haldisk (imperat.) sigr ok langt líf, Ver. 57; betr þætti mér, at hún héldisk þér, that it (the luck) would hold out for thee, Fb. ii. 74; ef hann helzk í útrú sinni, if he perseveres in his untruth, 623. 26.
    γ. to be kept safe and sound; menn allir héldusk ( all bands were saved) ok svá fé, Ld. 8, Fs. 143; þar héldusk menn allir ok mestr hluti fjár, Eg. 405; hafði fé vel haldizk, has been well kept, done well, Ld. 34.
    δ. to be valid, stand; eigu þau handsöl hennar at haldask, Grág. i. 334; engi má haldask dómr hans, Edda 15; skyldu þau (the truce) haldask um þingit, Nj. 348.
    2. impers., mér helzk, e-m helzk vel, ílla, á e-u, to have a good hold, have luck with a thing; mér helzk lítt á sauða-mönnum, Grett. 110 A.
    3. recipr., haldask á, to hold or pull one against another, wrestle, (hence á-höld); var sagt Magnúsi, at þeir héldisk á úti, that they were fighting outside, Sturl. ii. 44.
    II. part. pass. haldinn, [Dan. holden], so ‘holden,’ in such and such a state; vel haldinn, in good condition, faring well, well to do, Eg. 20, 234; hugðusk þar ok haldnir ( safe) mundu vera, Ver. 34; þungliga h., very sick, Eg. 565, Hkr. ii. 199; vel haldinn, doing well; tak heldr annat fé, svá mikit, at þú þykisk vel haldinn af, i. e. fully satisfied, having got full redress, Boll. 350; Sveinn sagði, at hann vill hafa tvá hluti fjárins, Hrani sagðisk ekki af því haldinn ( satisfied) vera, Fms. iv. 31: in the phrase, heilu ok höldnu, safe and sound, Bs. i. 191, Fms. xi. 376, Hkr. i. 319; með höldnu hljóði, preserving the sound, Skálda 175.
    2. ok mun þykkja sér misboðit ef þú ert haldinn (kept, protected), Finnb. 344.
    β. kept, observed, Fms. xi. 99.
    γ. held in custody, in prison, Bs. i. 419, Sturl. i. 151.
    III. gerund., haldandi, holding good, valid; sá dómr er eigi haldandi, is not valid, K. Á. 304; af öllu afli er friðr haldandi, Hom. 5.
    2. part. act., með upp haldandi höndum, with uplifted hands, Bs. i. 684.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HALDA

  • 15 FARA

    * * *
    (fer; fór, fórum; farinn), v.
    1) to move, pass along, go;
    gekk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went;
    fara heim (heiman), to go home (from home);
    fara á fund e-s to visit one;
    fjöld ek fór, I travelled much;
    hann sagði, hversu orð fóru með þeim, what words passed between them;
    absol., to go begging (ómagar, er þar eigu at fara í því þingi);
    2) with ‘ferð, leið’ or the like added in acc., gen., or dat.;
    fara leiðar sinnar, to go one’s way, proceed on one’s journey (= fara ferðar sinnar or ferða sinna, fara ferð sina, fara för sina, förum sínum);
    fara þessa ferð, to make this journey;
    fara fullum dagleiðum, to travel a full days journeys;
    fara stefnuför, to go a-summoning;
    fara bónorðsför, to go a-wooing;
    fara sigrför, to go on the path of victory, to triumph;
    fara góða för, to make a lucky journey;
    fig., fara ósigr, to be defeated;
    fara mikinn skaða, to suffer great damage;
    fara hneykju, skömm, to incur disgrace;
    fara erendleysu, to fail in one’s errand;
    with the road in acc. (fara fjöll ok dala);
    3) fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode;
    fara eldi ok arni, to move one’s hearth and fire;
    4) fara einn saman, to go alone;
    fara eigi ein saman, to go with child (= fara með barni);
    5) with infin.;
    fara sofa, to go to sleep (allir menn vóru sofa farnir);
    fara vega, to go to fight;
    fara leita, to go seeking (var leita farit);
    6) with an a., etc.;
    fara villr, to go astray;
    fara haltr, to walk lame;
    fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind;
    fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of;
    fara andvígr e-m, to give battle;
    fara leyniliga (leynt), to be kept secret;
    eigi má þetta svá fara, this cannot go on in that way;
    fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means;
    fór þat fjarri, at ek vilda, I was far from desiring it;
    7) to turn out, end;
    fór þat sem líkligt var, it turned out as was likely (viz. ended ill);
    svá fór, at, the end was, that;
    ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess;
    á sómu leið fór um aðra sendimenn, it went the same way with the other messengers;
    8) to fare well, ill;
    biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell;
    9) to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair (ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn; hárit fór vel);
    impers., fór illa á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse;
    10) impers., e-m ferr vel, illa, one behaves or acts well, ill;
    honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter;
    e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way;
    11) fara e-t höndum, to touch with the hands, esp. of a healing touch, = fara höndum um e-t (bið hann fara höndum meinit);
    fara land herskildi, brandi, to visit a land with ‘warshield’, with fire, to ravage or devastate it (gekk síðan á land upp með liði sínu ok fór alit herskildi);
    12) to overtake (Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok gat farit sveininn);
    tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun;
    áðr hana Fenrir fari, before F. overtakes her;
    13) to ill-treat, treat cruelly;
    menn sá ek þá, er mjök höfðu hungri farit hörund, that had chastened their flesh with much fasting;
    14) to put an end to, destroy;
    fara sér (sjálfr), to kill oneself;
    fara lífi (fjörvi) e-s, to deprive one of life;
    þú hefir sigr vegit ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, killed F.;
    15) to forfeit (fara löndum ok lausafé);
    16) refl., farast;
    17) with preps. and advs.:
    fara af klæðum, to take off one’s clothes;
    fara at e-m, to make an attack upon, to assault (eigi mundi í annat sinn vænna at fara at jarlinum);
    fara at e-u, to mind, pay heed to;
    ekki fer ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár (it does not matter to me, I do not care, though);
    to deal with a thing, proceed in a certain way;
    fara at lögum, úlögum, to proceed lawfully, unlawfully;
    fara mjúkliga at, to proceed gently;
    hér skulu við fara at með ráðum, act with, deliberation;
    impers. with dat., to do, behave;
    illa hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly; to go in pusuit (search) of (víkingar nökkurir þeir sem fóru at féföngum);
    fara at fuglaveiðum, to go a-fowling;
    fara at fé, to tend sheep;
    fara á e-n, to come upon one;
    sigu saman augu, þá er dauðinn fór á, when death seized him;
    fara á hæl or hæli, to step back, retreat;
    fara eptir e-m, to follow one;
    fara eptir e-u, to go for, go to fetch (Snorri goði fór eptir líkinu; fara eptir vatni); to accommodate oneself to, conform to (engi vildi eptir öðrum fara);
    þau orð er eptir fara, the following words;
    fara fram, to go on, take place;
    ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place;
    veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well;
    spyrr, hvat þar fœri fram, he asked, what was going on there;
    fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice;
    allt mun þat sínu fram fara, it will take its own course;
    kváðu þat engu gegna ok fóru sínu fram, took their own way;
    segir honum, hversu þeir fóru fram, how they acted;
    fara e-t fram, to do., perform a thing;
    spyrr hann, hvat nú sé fram faranda, what is to be done;
    fara fyrir e-t, to pass for, be taken for (fari sá fyrir níðing, er);
    fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself;
    fara í e-t, to go into (fara í tunnu);
    fara í sæng, rekkju, to go to bed;
    fara í sess sinn, sæti sitt, to take one’s seat;
    fara í klæði, to put on clothes, dress;
    fara í vápn, brynju, to put on armour;
    fara í lag, to go right or straight again (þá fóru brýnn hans í lag);
    fara í vöxt, to increase;
    fara í þurð, to wane;
    fara í hernað, víking, to go a-freebooting;
    nú ferr í úvænt efni, now matters look hopeless;
    to happen, occur (alit þat, er í hafði farit um nóttina);
    fara með e-t, to wield handle, manage;
    fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded (the spear) Gungnir;
    fara með goðorð, to hold a goðorð;
    fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit;
    to practice, deal in;
    fara með rán, to deal in robbery;
    fara með spott ok háð, to go scoffing and mocking;
    fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, to practice sorcery;
    to deal with, treat, handle (þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara);
    fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret;
    fara með e-m, to go with one, follow one (ek skal með yðr fara með allan minn styrk);
    fara með e-u, to do (so and so) with a thing, to deal with, manage;
    hvernig þeir skyldu fara með vápnum sínum, what they were to do with their weapons;
    sá maðr, er með arfinum ferr, who manages the inheritance;
    fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case;
    fara vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well;
    undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, these monks behave strangely;
    fara með barni, to go with child;
    impers., ferr með þeim heldr fáliga, they are on indifferent terms;
    fara ór landi, to leave the country;
    fara ór klæðum, fötum, to take off one’s clothes, undress;
    fara saman, to go together; to shake, shudder;
    fór en forna fold öll saman, shivered all through;
    to concur, agree (hversu má þat saman f);
    fara til svefns, to go to sleep (= fara at sofa);
    fara um e-t, to travel over (fara um fjall);
    fara höndum um e-n, to stroke or touch one with the hands (hann fór höndum um þá, er sjúkir vóru);
    fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject;
    fara myrkt um e-t, to keep a matter dark;
    fara undan, to excuse oneself (from doing a thing), to decline, refuse (hvat berr til, at þú ferr undan at gera mér veizluna);
    borð fara upp, the tables are removed;
    fara út, to go from Norway to Iceland; to come to a close, run out (fóru svá út þessir fimm vetr);
    fara útan, to go abroad (from Iceland);
    fara við e-n, to treat one, deal with one in a certain way;
    margs á, ek minnast, hve við mik fóruð, I have many things to remember of your dealings with me;
    fara yfir e-t, to go through;
    nú er yfir farit um landnám, now an account of the settlements has been given;
    skjótt yfir at fara, to be brief.
    * * *
    pret. fóra, 2nd pers. fórt, mod. fórst, pl. fóru; pres. ferr, 2nd pers. ferr, in mod. pronunciation ferð; pret. subj. færa; imperat. far and farðu (= far þú); sup. farit; part. farinn; with the suffixed neg. fór-a, Am. 45; farið-a ( depart not), Hkr. i. 115 MS. (in a verse). [In the Icel. scarcely any other verb is in so freq. use as fara, as it denotes any motion; not so in other Teut. idioms; in Ulf. faran is only used once, viz. Luke x. 7; Goth. farjan means to sail, and this seems to be the original sense of fara (vide far); A. S. faran; the Germ. fahren and Engl. fare are used in a limited sense; in the Engl. Bible this word never occurs (Cruden); Swed. fara; Dan. fare.]
    A. NEUT. to go, fare, travel, in the widest sense; gékk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went, Hkr. i. 100; né ek flý þó ek ferr, I fly not though I fare, Edda (in a verse); létt er lauss at fara (a proverb), Sl. 37: the saying, verðr hverr með sjálfum sér lengst at fara, Gísl. 25; cp. ‘dass von sich selbst der Mensch nicht scheiden kann’ (Göthe’s Tasso), or the Lat. ‘patriae quis exul se quoque fugit?’ usually in the sense to go, to depart, heill þú farir, heill þú aptr komir, Vþm. 4; but also to come, far þú hingat til mín, come here, Nj. 2.
    2. to travel, go forth or through, pass, or the like; þú skalt fara í Kirkjubæ, Nj. 74; fara ór landi, to fare forth from one’s country, Fms. v. 24; kjóll ferr austan, Vsp. 51; Surtr ferr sunnan, 52; snjór var mikill, ok íllt at fara, and ill to pass, Fms. ix. 491; fóru þeir út eptir ánni, Eg. 81; siðan fór Egill fram með skóginum, 531; þeim sem hann vildi at færi … Njáll hét at fara, Nj. 49; fara munu vér, Eg. 579; Egill fór til þess er hann kom til Álfs. 577, Fms. xi. 122; fara þeir nú af melinum á sléttuna. Eg. 747; fara heiman, to fare forth from one’s home, K. Þ. K. 6; alls mik fara tíðir, Vþm. 1; fjölð ek fór, far I fared, i. e. travelled far, 3: the phrase, fara utan, to fare outwards, go abroad (from Iceland), passim; fara vestr um haf, to fare westward over the sea, i. e. to the British Isles, Hkr. i. 101; fara á fund e-s, to visit one, Ld. 62; fara at heimboði, to go to a feast, id.; fara fæti, to fare a-foot, go walking, Hkr.; absol. fara, to travel, beg, hence föru-maðr, a vagrant, beggar; in olden times the poor went their rounds from house to house within a certain district, cp. Grág. i. 85; ómagar er þar eigu at fara í því þingi eðr um þau þing, id.; ómagar skolu fara, 119; omegð þá er þar ferr, 296: in mod. usage, fara um and um-ferð, begging, going round.
    β. with prep.: fara at e-m, to make an inroad upon one, Nj. 93, 94, 102 (cp. at-för); fara á e-n, to mount, e. g. fara á bak, to mount on horseback; metaph., dauðinn fór á, death seized him, Fms. xi. 150; f. saman, to go together, Edda 121, Grág. ii. 256; f. saman also means to shudder. Germ. zusammenfahren, Hým. 24: metaph. to concur, agree, hversu má þat saman f., Nj. 192; þeim þótti þat mjök saman f., Fms. iv. 382; fara á hæl, or á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. step back. retreat, xi. 278, Eg. 296; fara undan, metaph. to excuse oneself, refuse (v. undan), Nj. 23, Fms. x. 227; fara fyrir, to proceed; fara eptir, to follow.
    3. with ferð, leið or the like added, in acc. or gen. to go one’s way; fara leiðar sinnar, to proceed on one’s journey, Eg. 81, 477, Fms. i. 10, Grág. ii. 119; fara ferðar sinnar, or ferða sinna, id.. Eg. 180, Fms. iv. 125; fara derð sina, id.. Eg. 568; fara förum sínum, or för sinní, id., K. Þ. K. 80, 90; fara dagfari ok náttfari, to travel day and night, Fms. i. 203; fara fullum dagleiðum, to go full days-journeys, Grág. i. 91; or in a more special sense, fara þessa ferð, to make this journey, Fas. ii. 117; f. stefnu-för, to go a-summoning; f. bónorðs-för, to go a-courting, Nj. 148; f. sigr-för, to go on the way of victory, to triumph, Eg. 21; fara sendi-för, to go on a message, 540.
    β. in a metaph. sense; fara hneykju-för, to be shamefully beaten, Hrafn. 19 (MS.); fara ósigr, to be defeated, Eg. 287; fara mikinn skaða, to ‘fare’ (i. e. suffer) great damage, Karl. 43; fara því verrum förum, fara skömm, hneykju, erendleysu, úsæmð, to get the worst of it, Fms. viii. 125.
    4. with the road in acc.; hann fór Vánar-skarð, Landn. 226; f. sjó-veg, land-veg, K. Þ. K. 24; fór mörg lönd ok stórar merkr, Fas. ii. 540; fara sömu leið, Fms. i. 70; f. sama veg, Luke x. 31; f. fjöll ok dala, Barl. 104; fara út-leið, þjóð-leið, Fms. iv. 260; also, fara um veg, fara um fjall, to cross a fell, Hm. 3; fara liði, to march, Fms. i. 110.
    II. in a more indefinite sense, to go; fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode, Ld. 56, Hkr. ii. 177, Nj. 151, Vigl. 30; fara búferla, to more one’s household, Grág. ii. 409; fara vöflunarförum, to go a-begging, i. 163, 294, ii. 482.
    2. the phrases, fara eldi ok arni, a law term, to move one’s hearth and fire. Grág. ii. 253; fara eldi um land, a heathen rite for taking possession of land, defined in Landn. 276. cp. Eb. 8, Landn. 189, 284.
    3. fara einn-saman, to be alone. Grág. ii. 9; the phrase, f. eigi einn-saman, to be not alone, i. e. with child, Fms. iii. 109; or, fór hón með svein þann, Bs. i. 437; cp. ganga með barni.
    4. adding an adj., to denote gait, pace, or the like; fara snúðigt, to stride haughtily, Nj. 100; fara mikinn, to rush on, 143; fara flatt, to fall flat, tumble, Bárð. 177; fara hægt, to walk slowly.
    β. fara til svefns, to go to sleep, Nj. 35; f. í sæti sitt, to go to one’s seat, 129; f. í sess, Vþm. 9; f. á bekk, 19; fara á sæng, to go to bed, N. G. L. i. 30; fara í rúmið, id. (mod.); fara í mannjöfnuð, Ísl. ii. 214; fara í lag, to be put straight, Eg. 306; fara í vöxt, to wax, increase, Fms. ix. 430, Al. 141; fara í þurð, to wane, Ld. 122, l. 1 (MS.); fara í úefni, to go to the wrong side, Sturl. iii. 210; fara at skakka, to be odd ( not even). Sturl. ii. 258; fara at sölum, to be put out for sale, Grág. ii. 204.
    5. fara at fuglum, to go a-fowling, Orkn. (in a verse); fara at fugla-veiðum, id., Bb. 3. 36; fara í hernað, í víking, to go a-freebooting, Fms. i. 33, Landn. 31; fara at fé, to watch sheep, Ld. 240; fara at fé-föngum, to go a-fetching booty, Fms. vii. 78.
    β. with infin., denoting one’s ‘doing’ or ‘being;’ fara sofa, to go to sleep, Eg. 377; fara vega, to go to fight, Vsp. 54, Gm. 23; fara at róa, Vígl. 22; fara leita, to go seeking, Fms. x. 240; fara að búa, to set up a household, Bb. 2. 6; fara að hátta, to go to bed.
    γ. akin to this is the mod. use of fara with an infin. following in the sense to begin, as in the East Angl. counties of Engl. it ‘fares’ to …, i. e. it begins, is likely to be or to do so and so; það fer að birta, það er farit að dimma, it ‘fares’ to grow dark; það fer að hvessa, it ‘fares’ to blow; fer að rigna, it ‘fares’ to rain. etc.:—no instance of this usage is recorded in old Icel., but the Engl. usage shews that it must be old.
    δ. with an adj. etc.; fara villr, to go astray, Sks. 565; fara haltr, to go lame, Fms. x. 420; fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind, 264; fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself, Eb. 270; fara apr, to feel chilly, Fms. vi. 237 (in a verse); fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of, Skálda 187 (in a verse); fara andvígr e-m, to give battle, Stor. 8; fara leyniliga, to go secretly, be kept hidden, Nj. 49.
    6. to pass; fór sú skipan til Íslands, Fms. x. 23; fara þessi mál til þings, Nj. 100; hversu orð fóru með þeim, how words passed between them, 90; fóru þau orð um, the runner went abroad, Fms. i. 12; ferr orð er um munn líðr (a saying), iv. 279; þá fór ferligt úorðan, a bad report went abroad, Hom. 115.
    7. fara fram, to go on, take place; ferr þetta fram, Ld. 258; ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place, K. Þ. K. 64; ferr svá fram, and so things went on without a break, Nj. 11, Eg. 711; veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well, Nj. 11, 51; spyrr hvat þar færi fram, he asked what there was going on. Band. 17; fór allt á sömu leið sem fyrr, it went on all the same as before, Fms. iv. 112; fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice, Nj. 5, 66, Fms. vii. 318; allt mun þat sínu fram f., it will take its own course, Nj. 259; nú er því ferr fram um hríð, it went on so for a while, Fms. xi. 108; a law term, to be produced, gögn fara fram til varnar, Grág. i. 65; dómar fara út, the court is set (vide dómr), Grág., Nj., passim.
    8. borð fara upp brott, the tables are removed (vide borð), Eg. 247, 551; eigi má þetta svá f., this cannot go on in that way, Nj. 87; fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means, 134; fór þat fjarri at ek vilda, Ld. 12; fór þat ok svá til, and so if came to pass, Fms. x. 212.
    9. to turn out, end; hversu ætlar þú fara hesta-atið, Nj. 90; fór þat sem likligt var, it turned out as was likely (i. e. ended ill). Eg. 46; svá fór, at …, the end was, that …, Grett. 81 new Ed.; ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess, Dropl. 30, Vígl. 21; ef svá ferr sem mín orð horfa til, Fms. v. 24; ef svá ferr sem mik varir, if it comes to pass as it seems to me, vi. 350; svá fór um sjóferð þá, Bjarni 202; á sömu leið fór um aðra sendi-menn, Eg. 537; to depart, die, þar fór nýtr maðr, Fs. 39; fara danða-yrði, to pass the death-weird, to die, Ýt. 8.
    10. to fare well, ill, in addressing; fari þér vel, fare ye well, Nj. 7; biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell, Eg. 22, Ld. 62; far heill ok sæll, Fms. vii. 197: in a bad sense, far þú nú þar, ill betide thee! Hbl. 60; far (impers.) manna armastr, Eg. 553; Jökull bað hann fara bræla armastan, Finnb. 306; fari þér í svá gramendr allir, Dropl. 23.
    11. fara í fat, í brynju (acc.), etc., to dress, undress; but fara ór fötum (dat.), to undress, Fms. x. 16, xi. 132, vii. 202, Nj. 143, Gh. 16, etc.
    III. metaph.,
    1. to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair, or the like; ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn, Fas. ii. 343; hárið fór vel, Nj. 30; jarpr á hár ok fór vel hárit, Fms. ii. 7; gult hár sem silki ok fór fagrliga, vi. 438, Fs. 88; klæði sem bezt farandi, Eb. 256; var sú konan bezt f., the most graceful, lady-like, Ísl. ii. 438; fór ílla á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse, Bs. i. 712.
    2. impers. it goes so and so with one, i. e. one behaves so and so: e-m ferr vel, ílla, etc., one behaves well, ill, etc.; honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter, Nj. 210; bezta ferr þér, Fms. vii. 33; vel mun þér fara, Nj. 55; at honum fari vel, 64; þer hefir vel farit til mín, Finnb. 238; e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way, Nj. 217; ferr þér þá bezt jafnan ok höfðinglegast er mest liggr við, 228; mun honum nokkurn veg vel f., Hrafn. 10; údrengiliga hefir þér farit til vár, Ld. 48; ferr þér illa, Nj. 57; hversu Gunnari fór, how ( well) G. behaved, 119.
    3. fara at e-u, to deal with a thing (i. e. proceed) so and so; svá skal at sókn fara, thus is the pleading to be proceeded with, Grág. i. 323; svá skal at því f. at beiða …, 7; fara at lögum, or úlögum at e-u, to proceed lawfully or unlawfully, 126; hversu at skyldi f., how they were to proceed, Nj. 114; fara mjúklega at, to proceed gently, Fms. vii. 18; hér skulu vér f. at með ráðum, to act with deliberation, Eg. 582; Flosi fór at öngu óðara ( took matters calmly), en hann væri heima, Nj. 220.
    β. impers. with dat., to do, behave; ílla hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly, Hrafn. 8; veit Guð hversu hverjum manni mun at f., Fms. x. 212: in mod. phrases, to become, ironically, þér ferr það, or þér ferst það, it becomes thee, i. e. ‘tis too bad of thee.
    γ. hví ferr konungrinn nú svá (viz. at), Fms. i. 35; er slíkt úsæmiliga farit, so shamefully done, Nj. 82; hér ferr vænt at, here things go merrily, 232; karlmannliga er farit, manfully done, 144.
    δ. to mind, care about; ekki ferr ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár, it does not matter to me, I do not care, though …, Nj. 18; ekki munu vit at því fara ( never mind that), segir Helgi, 133.
    ε. fara eptir, to be in proportion; hér eptir fór vöxtr ok afl, his strength and stature were in proportion, Clar.
    4. fara með e-t, to wield, handle, manage; fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded Gungni ( the spear), Kormak; f. með Gríðar-völ, to wield the staff G., Þd. 9: as a law term, to wield, possess; fara með goðorð, to keep a goðorð, esp. during the session of parliament, Dropl. 8, Grág. and Nj. passim; fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit, Grág., Nj.; or, fara við sök, id., Nj. 86.
    β. metaph. to practise, deal in; fara með rán, to deal in robbing, Nj. 73; fara með spott ok háð, to go sporting and mocking, 66; f. með fals ok dár, Pass. 16. 5; fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, K. Þ. K. 76; f. með hindr-vitni, Grett. 111; cp. the phrase, farðu ekki með það, don’t talk such nonsense.
    γ. to deal with, treat, handle; þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara, thou wilt deal with him most kindly and most gently, Nj. 219; fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret, id.; Ingimundr fór vel með sögum (better than sögur, acc.), Ing. dealt well with stories, was a good historian. Sturl. i. 9.
    δ. with dat.; fara með e-u, to do so and so with a thing, manage it; hversu þeir skyldi fara með vápnum sínum, how they were to do with their weapons, Fms. ix. 509; sá maðr er með arfinum ferr, who manages the arfr, Grág. i. 217; ef þeir fara annan veg með því fé, 216; fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case, 46; meðan hann ferr svá með sem mælt er, 93; Gunnarr fór með öllu ( acted in all) sem honum var ráð til kennt, Nj. 100; ef svá er með farit, Ld. 152; f. vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well, behave well, Eg. 65; Hrafn fór með sér vel, H. bore himself well, Fms. vi. 109; undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, they behave strangely, 188; við förum kynlega með okkrum málum, Nj. 130; vant þyki mér með slíku at fara, difficult matters to have to do with, 75; f. málum á hendr e-m, to bring an action against one, Ld. 138; fara sókn ( to proceed) sem at þingadómi, Grág. i. 463; fara svá öllu máli um sem …, 40, ii. 348; fara með hlátri ok gapi, to go laughing and scoffing, Nj. 220; cp. β above.
    IV. fara um, yfir e-t, to pass over slightly; nú er yfir farit um landnám, shortly told, touched upon, Landn. 320; skjótt yfir at f., to be brief, 656 A. 12; fara myrkt um e-t, to mystify a thing, Ld. 322; fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject, Fbr. 124, Nj. 248, Fms. ix. 264.
    β. in the phrase, fara höndum um e-t, to go with the hands about a thing, to touch it, Germ. befühlen, esp. medic. of a healing touch; jafnan fengu menn heilsubót af handlögum hans, af því er hann fór höndum um þá er sjúkir vóru, Játv. 24; ok pá fór hann höndum um hann, Bs. i. 644; þá lét Arnoddr fara aðra höndina um hann, ok fann at hann var berfættr ok í línklæðum. Dropl. 30; cp. fóru hendr hvítar hennar um þessar görvar, Fas. i. 248 (in a verse): note the curious mod. phrase, það fer að fara um mig, I began to feel uneasy, as from a cold touch or the like.
    γ. impers. with dat.; eigi ferr þér nær Gunnari, en Merði mundi við þik, thou camest not nearer to G. than Mord would to thee, i. e. thou art just as far from being a match for G. as Mord is to thee, Nj. 37; þá ferr honum sem öðrum, it came to pass with him as with others, 172; þá mun mér first um fara, I shall fall much short of that, Fms. vi. 362; því betr er þeim ferr öllum verr at, the worse they fare the better I am pleased, Nj. 217.
    V. reflex., esp. of a journey, to fare well; fórsk þeim vel, they fared well, Eg. 392, Fms. xi. 22; honum fersk vel vegrinn, he proceeded well on his journey, ii. 81; hafði allt farizt vel at, all had fared well, they had had a prosperous journey, Íb. 10; fórsk þeim þá seint um daginn, they proceeded slowly, Eg. 544; mönnum fórsk eigi vel um fenit, Fms. vii. 149; hversu þeim hafði farizk, Nj. 90; at þeim færisk vel, Ísl. ii. 343, 208, v. l.: the phrase, hamri fórsk í hægri hönd, he grasped the hammer in his right hand, Bragi; farask lönd undir, to subdue lands, Hkr. i. 134, v. l. (in a verse).
    2. recipr., farask hjá, to go beside one another, miss one another, pass without meeting, Nj. 9; farask á mis, id., farask í móti, to march against one another, of two hosts; þat bar svá til at hvárigir vissu til annarra ok fórusk þó í móti, Fms. viii. 63, x. 46, Fas. ii. 515.
    VI. part.,
    1. act., koma farandi, to come of a sudden or by chance; þá kómu hjarðsveinar þar at farandi, some shepherds just came, Eg. 380; Moses kom farandi til fólksins, Sks. 574; koma inn farandi, 369, Fbr. 25.
    2. pass. farinn, in the phrase, á förnum vegi, on ‘wayfaring,’ i. e. in travelling, passing by; finna e-n á förnum vegi, Nj. 258, K. Þ. K. 6; kveðja fjárins á förnum vegi, Grág. i. 403; also, fara um farinn veg, to pass on one’s journey; of the sun. sól var skamt farin, the sun was little advanced, i. e. early in the morning, Fms. xi. 267, viii. 146; þá var dagr alljós ok sól farin, broad day and sun high in the sky, Eg. 219; also impers., sól (dat.) var skamt farit, Úlf. 4. 10: the phrase, aldri farinn, stricken in years, Sturl. i. 212; vel farinn í andliti, well-favoured, Ld. 274; vel at orði farinn, well spoken, eloquent, Fms. xi. 193; mod., vel orði, máli farinn, and so Ld. 122; gone, þar eru baugar farnir, Grág. ii. 172; þó fætrnir sé farnir, Fas. iii. 308.
    β. impers. in the phrase, e-m er þannig farit, one is so and so; veðri var þannig farit, at …, the winter was such, that …, Fms. xi. 34; veðri var svá farit at myrkt var um at litask, i. e. the weather was gloomy, Grett. 111; hversu landinu er farit, what is the condition of the country, Sks. 181; henni er þannig farit, at hón er mikil ey, löng …, ( the island) is so shapen, that it is large and long, Hkr. ii. 188; er eigi einn veg farit úgæfu okkari, our ill-luck is not of one piece, Nj. 183: metaph. of state, disposition, character, er hánum vel farit, he is a well-favoured man, 15; undarliga er yðr farit, ye are strange men, 154; honum var svá farit, at hann var vesal-menni, Boll. 352: adding the prepp. at, til, þeim var úlíkt farit at í mörgu, they were at variance in many respects, Hkr. iii. 97; nú er annan veg til farit, now matters are altered, Nj. 226; nú er svá til farit, at ek vil …, now the case is, that I wish …, Eg. 714; hér er þannig til farit, … at leiðin, 582; þar var þannig til farit, Fms. xi. 34. ☞ Hence comes the mod. form varið (v instead of f), which also occurs in MSS. of the 15th century—veðri var svá varit, Sd. 181; ér honum vel varið, Lv. 80, Ld. 266, v. l.; svá er til varið, Sks. 223, 224,—all of them paper MSS. The phrase, e-m er nær farit, one is pressed; svá var honum nær farit af öllu samt, vökum ok föstu, he was nearly overcome from want of sleep and fasting.
    B. TRANS.
    I. with acc.:
    1. to visit; fara land herskildi, brandi, etc., to visit a land with ‘war-shield,’ fire, etc., i. e. devastate it; gékk siðan á land upp með liði sínu, ok fór allt herskildi, Fms. i. 131; land þetta mundi herskildi farit, ok leggjask undir útlenda höfðingja, iv. 357; (hann) lét Halland farit brandi, vii. 4 (in a verse); hann fór lvist eldi, 41 (in a verse); hann hefir farit öll eylönd brandi, 46 (in a verse); fara hungri hörund, to emaciate the body, of an ascetic, Sl. 71.
    2. to overtake, with acc.; hann gat ekki farit hann, he could not overtake ( catch) him, 623. 17; tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun, Rb. 116; áðr hana Fenrir fari, before Fenrir overtakes her, Vþm. 46, 47; knegut oss fálur fara, ye witches cannot take us, Hkv. Hjörv. 13; hann gat farit fjóra menn af liði Steinólfs, ok drap þá alla, … hann gat farit þá hjá Steinólfsdal, Gullþ. 29; hann reið eptir þeim, ok gat farit þá út hjá Svelgsá, milli ok Hóla, Eb. 180; Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok getr farit sveininn, Ld. 242; viku þeir þá enn undan sem skjótast svá at Danir gátu eigi farit þá, Fms. (Knytl. S.) xi. 377 (MS., in the Ed. wrongly altered to náð þeim); hérinn hljóp undan, ok gátu hundarnir ekki farit hann (Ed. fráit wrongly), Fas. iii. 374; ok renna allir eptir þeim manni er víg vakti, … ok verðr hann farinn, Gþl. 146: cp. the phrase, vera farinn, to dwell, live, to be found here and there; þótt hann sé firr um farinn, Hm. 33.
    II. with dat. to destroy, make to perish; f. sér, to make away with oneself; kona hans fór sér í dísar-sal, she killed herself, Fas. i. 527; hón varð stygg ok vildi fara sér, Landn. (Hb.) 55; ef þér gangit fyrir hamra ofan ok farit yðr sjálfir, Fms. viii. 53; hví ætla menn at hann mundi vilja f. sér sjálfr, iii. 59; fara lífi, fjörvi, öndu, id.; skal hann heldr eta, en fara öndu sinni, than starve oneself to death, K. Þ. K. 130; ok verðr þá þínu fjörvi um farit, Lv. 57, Ýt. 20, Fas. i. 426 (in a verse), cp. Hkv. Hjörv. 13; mínu fjörvi at fara, Fm. 5; þú hefir sigr vegit, ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, 23; farit hafði hann allri ætt Geirmímis, Hkv. 1. 14; ok létu hans fjörvi farit, Sól. 22; hann hafði farit mörgum manni, O. H. L. 11.
    β. to forfeit; fara sýknu sinni, Grág. i. 98; fara löndum ok lausafé, ii. 167.
    2. reflex. to perish (but esp. freq. in the sense to be drowned, perish in the sea); farask af sulti, to die of hunger, Fms. ii. 226; fellr fjöldi manns í díkit ok farask þar, v. 281; fórusk sex hundruð Vinda skipa, xi. 369; alls fórusk níu menn, Ísl. ii. 385; mun heimr farask, Eluc. 43; þá er himin ok jörð hefir farisk, Edda 12; farask af hita, mæði, Fms. ix. 47; fórsk þar byrðingrinn, 307; hvar þess er menn farask, Grág. i. 219; heldr enn at fólk Guðs farisk af mínum völdum, Sks. 732: of cattle, ef fé hins hefir troðisk eðr farisk á þá lund sem nú var tínt, Grág. ii. 286.
    β. metaph., fersk nú vinátta ykkur, your friendship is done with, Band. 12.
    γ. the phrase, farask fyrir, to come to naught, Nj. 131; at síðr mun fyrir farask nokkut stórræði, Ísl. ii. 340; en fyrir fórusk málagjöldin af konungi, the payment never took place, Fms. v. 278; lét ek þetta verk fyrir farask, vii. 158; þá mun þat fyrir farask, Fs. 20; en fyrir fórsk þat þó þau misseri, Sd. 150: in mod. usage (N. T.), to perish.
    δ. in act. rarely, and perhaps only a misspelling: frá því er féit fór (fórsk better), K. Þ. K. 132; fóru (better fórusk, were drowned) margir Íslenzkir menn, Bs. i. 436.
    3. part. farinn, as adj. gone, undone; nú eru vér farnir, nema …, Lv. 83; hans tafl var mjök svá farit, his game was almost lost, Fas. i. 523; þá er farnir vóru forstöðumenn Tróju, when the defenders of Troy were dead and gone, Ver. 36; tungl farit, a ‘dead moon,’ i. e. new moon, Rb. 34; farinn af sulti ok mæði, Fms. viii. 53; farinn at e-u, ruined in a thing, having lost it; farnir at hamingju, luckless, iv. 73; f. at vistum, xi. 33; f. at lausa-fé;. iii. 117: in some cases uncertain whether the participle does not belong to A.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FARA


    1.\TONATIUH en général, soleil.
    " îpan mochîuh in tônatiuh cualoc, nepantlah tônatiuh: ahzo mâcuilli horas in tlayohuatimanca ", en ce temps il arriva que le soleil soit éclipsé à midi, l'obscurité a règné pendant près de cinq heures. Sous le règne d'Ahuitzotl. Sah8,2.
    " quin yehhuâtl quihuâlpoloâya in tônatiuh in ihcuâc huâlquîzaya ", plus tard le soleil le détruisait quand il se levait - later, the sun destroyed it when he arose. Présages, arrivée des Espagnols. Sah12,1.
    " huel quîxnâmiqui, huel quitztimoquetza in tônatiuh ", il peut se tourner vers le soleil il peut regarder droit dans le soleil - it can gaze into, it can face the sun.
    Est dit de l'aigle. Sah11,40.
    2.\TONATIUH Dans des expressions qui disent le MATIN.
    " zan yohualtzinco, tlahuizcalpan ihcuâc in huâlmoman tônatiuh ", tôt le matin, à l'aube, quand le soleil se lève - quite early in the morning, in the morning light, when the sun appeared. Sah4,113.
    " ihcuâc in achi huâlmomana tônatiuh ", quand le soleil se lève un peu. Sah6,205.
    " huâlquîza huâlmomana in yancuîc tônatiuh ", le nouveau soleil se lève, apparaît. Sah6,57.
    " in ye huâlquîzaz tônatiuh ", quand le soleil est prèt à se lever. Launey II 148.
    " in ôhuâlquîz tônatiuh ", quand le soleil s'est levé. Sah9,41.
    " in ihcuac huâlquîza tônatiuh, îhuîcpa itzticah ", quand le soleil se lève, elle regarde dans sa direction. Est dit de la fleur mocuepani xochitl. Sah11,211.
    " aocmo huâlquîzaz in tônatiuh ", jamais plus le soleil ne se lèvera - nevermore would the sun come forth. Crainte à l'occasion de la cérémonie du feu nouveau. Sah7,27.
    " in ihcuâc huâlpetzîni tônatiuh ", quand le soleil commence à briller.
    Launey II 218 = Sah10,168.
    " oc achi hueyi in tônatiuh ", alors que le soleil était déjà un peu fort. Sah9,63.
    3.\TONATIUH Dans des expressions qui disent le SOIR.
    " ôcalac in tônatiuh ", le soleil s'est couché.
    " in oncalac tônatiuh ", quand le soleil s'est couché. Sah2,113.
    " in mômôztlaeh in ihcuac ye calaqui tônatiuh tlamâcêhualiztli îpan quimatiyah ", tous les jours quand le soleil se couche ils tournaient leur attention vers la danse. Sah8,43.
    " oc achi tônatiuh ye teotlac ", il y a encore un peu de soleil, c'est le coucher du soleil. Sah2,150.
    " oc oncân in tônatiuh in xîhuitl huetz ", il y avait encore du soleil quand la comète tomba - there was yet sun when a comet fell. Présages, arrivée des Espagnols. Sah12,2.
    " oc achitôn tônatiuh in quipêhualtiah in cuîca ", il y a encore un peu de soleil quand ils commencent à chanter - a little sunlight (remained) when they started singing. Sah 9,37.
    " in necâhualôya ommopiloa tônatiuh ", quand on cessait le soleil était bas - when (the feast) ceased the sun hung low. Sah2,65.
    " ommopiloa tônatiuh ", le soleil est bas sur l'horizon - the sun hung low. Sah9,65.
    " in ye ommotzcaloa tônatiuh ", quand le soleil commence à décliner - cuando ya asciende el sol. Cod Flor II 151 = ECN9,85.
    " teotlacpa, oc achitôn tônatiuh, ihcuâc ayamo oncalaqui tônatiuh ", vers le soir, quand il y a encore un peu de soleil, juste avant que le soleil ne se couche. Sah2,61.
    " oc achi tônatiuh, ihcuâc in ye onmotzcaloa, onmopiloa tônatiuh, quitlatiâyah ", il le brûlaient quand il y avait encore un peu de soleil, quand le soleil déclinait, quand il était bas sur l'horizon - while ·yet there shone a little sun, when lie already was turning on his left side, when the sun hung low, they burned it. Sah4,70. (La traduction s'appuie sur Molina I 'Lato diestro').
    " oc oncân in tônatiuh in xihuitl huetz ", il y avait encore du soleil quand la comète est tombée - there was yet sun when a comet fell.
    Présages de l'arrivée des Espagnols. Sah12,2.
    " in ommonecuiloa tônatiuh no achi toloa ", quand le soleil descend, elle baisse aussi un peu la tête - when the sun turns, it also nods a little.
    Est dit de la plante mocuepani xôchitl. Sah11,212.
    " cencah zan achihtôn tônatiuh, cencah zan pepetzcaticah in tônatiuh ", il y a très peu de soleil, le soleil ne fait que briller (faiblement) - there was very little sun, the sun had been shinning bright. Sah2,98.
    4.\TONATIUH Dans des expressions qui disent le MIDI.
    " nepantlah tônatiuh necehuiliztli ", sieste, repos au milieu de la journée.
    " in nepantlah tônatiuh, nô tlamelâuhtimani in xôchitl ", à midi la fleur aussi se tient droite. Est dit de la fleur mocuepani xôchitl. Sah11,212.
    " ayamo huel nepantlah tônatiuh ", bien avant midi. Sah12,75.
    " inic ayâc âtliz ic centlathuiz quin cemmomattihuiyah in nepantlah tônatiuh ", que personne ne boive depuis le lever du jour jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient sûrs d'être à midi - that no one should drink from the time that it was completely light until it came to be considered midday. Jeûne qui suit la ligature des années. Sah7,31 le texte transcrit quincenmomattiuiia, en un seul mot.
    " ommotzcaloh in tônatiuh oc tlahcah ", il est passé midi, encore tôt - it was past noon, still early. Présages, arrivée des Espagnols. Sah12,3.
    5.\TONATIUH Dans des expressions qui disent l'OUEST.
    " tônatiuh îcalaquiyâmpa ", l'ouest.
    " ômpa in tônatiuh ye calaquia mihtoâya cihuâtlân ", la direction où le soleil se couche s'appelait l'ouest. Sah 1952,93.
    " ômpa huâlpeuh in tônatiuh îcalaquiyâmpa ", cela a commencé du côté de l'ouest - it began there in the west. Est dit d'une comète. Sah12,2.
    6.\TONATIUH Dans des expressions qui disent l'Est.
    " ômpa in tônatiuh îquîzayan mihtoaya tlâpcopa ", la direction où le soleil se lève s'appelait l'Est. Sah 1952,11.
    " in tônatiuh îîxco ", vers le soleil levant. Launey II 274.
    " in tônatiuh îîxco tlâcah ", les gens qui vivent vers l'Orient.
    Launey II 284 = Sah10,197 et Sah10,187 = Launey II 260.
    7.\TONATIUH Le Soleil comme divinité
    " huel mochi tlâcatl in oquichtli, in cihuâtl, im piltzintli, monacaztequiya, mizôya, mihtoâya: ic izcaltîlo in tônatiuh ", vraiment tous, les hommes, les femmes, les petits enfants se perçaient les oreilles, offaient leur sang: on disait: ainsi on nourrit le soleil. Sah4,7.
    " tonân, totah, tônatiuh in tlâltêuctli ", notre mère et notre père le Soleil, le Seigneur de la terre. Sah6,203.
    Cf. aussi tlâltêuctli
    " tlacotônayah tlenâmacayah in îxiptlah tônatiuh ", ils arrachait la tête à des cailles et offraient de l'encens devant l'image du soleil. A l'occasion du jour nâolin. Sah4,6.
    " in ic êxcân huîlôhua ômpa in îchân tônatiuh ilhuicac ", le troisième endroit où l'on va, c'est la demeure du soleil au ciel. Enumère les différents séjours des morts.
    Sah3,49 = Launey II 298.
    " quihtoâyah, quinâmiquiyah in îzazanillo Tônatiuh, ca quil nanahuatôn catca ", ils disaient, ils se souvenaient de la légende du soleil, c'était, disait-on, un petit boubonneux.
    Cod Flor XI 214v = ECN11,104 = Acad Hist MS 316r.
    " quihuâlnôtza quihuâltzahtzilia in tônatiuh, huel îtlôc înâhuac nemi in tônatiuh ", le Soleil l'appelle, il l'appelle à grands cris, il vit tout près du Soleil. Il 'agit de celui mort au combat. Sah6,114.
    " oncân quihuâlnâmiquih in tônatiuh in nepantlah ", elles viennent à la rencontre du soleil au zénith.
    Est dit des femmes mortes en couches. Launey II 150 (189) = Sah6,163.
    " oncân mocentlâlihqueh in îxquichtin têteoh îhuân monohnôtzqueh in âquin tlatquiz, in âquin tlamamah in âquin tônatiuh yez ", alors tous les dieux se réunirent et se demandèrent qui porterait, qui porterait sur son dos la charge, qui deviendrait le soleil ? - there all the gods assembled and consulted among themselves who would bear upon his back the burden of rule, who would be the sun. Sah3,1.
    " îtônal in tônatiuh ", le signe du soleil - the day sign of the sun. Est dit du signe nâolin. on y célébrait des rituels en l'honneur du soleil. Sah4,6.
    " in îyôlloh con iyahuiliah in tônatiuh ", ils offfrent son coeur au soleil. Sah2,76.
    " ca îca mozcaltia in tônatiuh ", avec cela on nourrit le soleil - with this the sun is nourished. Sah4,6.
    " ôquîzaco in tônatiuh, in tônametl, xiuhpiltôntli, in cuâuhtlehuanitl ", le Soleil s'est levé, Tonametl, Xiuhpiltontli, Quauhtlehuanitl. Sah2,216.
    " in tônatiuh in tiyahcâuh in cuâuhtlehuanitl ", le soleil, ce guerrier valeureux, l'aigle qui s'élève. Sah6,58.
    Tônatiuh présiderait au chiffre douze du calendrier. Alfredo Lopez Austin, Les paradis de brume 32 qui renvoie à HG IX Chap XIV, I, pp. 251.
    " in ihcuâc cualo tônatiuh ahnôzo mêtztli ", durant une éclipse du soleil ou de la lune. Sah5,189.
    " tlâ xicmottilîcân zan tlapântimani in tônatiuh in oncân ômotlâcatilih ", voyez le soleil n'est que brisé quand il est né - consider ! The sun was only broken [half good, half bad] when he was born. Exprime le caractère défavorable du signe sous lequel l'enfant vient de naître. Sah6,198.
    " in ye huâlpanhuetzi tônatiuh ", quand le soleil s'élève. Sah11.212.
    " tônatiuh îtlahtohcahuân ", les seigneurs du soleil.
    Titre de ceux qui mènent le combat. Sah8,52.
    " quîxnâmictimoquetza in tônatiuh ", il se tient face au soleil. Sah9,65.
    * à la forme vocative. on trouve semble-t-il " tônatiuh ".
    Cf. " tônatiuh q.n. nanâhuatlé ", ô soleil, ce qui veut dire ô Nanahuatl. Sah1,83.
    Cité en compagnie de Tlahuizcalpan têuctli, de citlalli îcue et de Tônacâtêuctli. Sah4,54.
    Pour l'expression " in tônatiuh in tlâltêuctli ". Cf. tlâltêuctli.
    9.\TONATIUH à la forme possédée, avec un sens métaphorique.
    " in cihuâtl in quihtoa centetl notônatiuh niquitta ", une femme dit: je rencontre l'unique, mon soleil (pour dire qu'elle se marie). Sah1,Addendum II, 81.
    Form: " tôna-ti-uh " n'est autre que le verbe 'tôna' composé avec l'auxiliaire 'yâuh'. Le sens propre est donc 'qui va en faisant de la chaleur'. Launey Introd 257.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > TONATIUH

  • 17 Довольствуйся тем, что имеешь

    If you are satisfied with what you have and do not envy others, you will be happy. See Не тем богат, что есть, а тем богат, что рад (H)
    Cf: Be content with what you have (Am.). A contented mind is a continual feast (Am., Br.). Contentment is better than riches (Am.). Enough is great riches (Am., Br.). The greatest wealth is contentment with a little (Br.). Не is rich enough that wants nothing (who is contented with little) (Br.). Не is rich who does not desire more (Am.). Richest is he who wants least (Am.). Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get (Am.). То be content with little is true happiness (Am.)

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > Довольствуйся тем, что имеешь

  • 18 Разом густо, разом пусто

    There is either an overabundance of food, money, work, etc. or a shortage of it See Сегодня пир горой, а завтра пошел с сумой (C), Часом с квасом, порой с водой (4)
    Var.: Вдруг густо, вдруг пусто. Сегодня густо, завтра пусто. То густо, то пусто
    Cf: Chickens today, feathers tomorrow (Am.). Either a feast or a fast (Br.). Either too much or too little (Br.). It's either a feast or a famine (Am.). Rich today, poor tomorrow (Am., Br.). Stuff today and starve tomorrow (Br.)

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > Разом густо, разом пусто

  • 19 Часом с квасом, порой с водой

    See Разом густо, разом пусто (Р)
    Var.: Часом щи с мясом, а часом и хлеб с квасом
    Cf: Chickens today, feathers tomorrow (Am.). Either too much or too little (Br.). Feast today, and fast tomorrow (Br.). It's either a feast or a famine (Am.), Rich today, poor tomorrow (Am., Br.)

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > Часом с квасом, порой с водой

  • 20 contentare

    * * *
    contentare v.tr. to satisfy, to please, to content; to meet*; to gratify: cerco di contentarvi, I am trying to keep you satisfied; contentare i desideri di qlcu., to gratify (o to meet) s.o.'s wishes.
    contentarsi v.intr.pron.
    1 to be content (with s.o., sthg.), to be pleased (with s.o., sthg.); to content oneself (with s.o., sthg.): io mi contento di poco, I am content with little; non si contenta di promesse, he's not satisfied with promises; contentare di fare qlco., to content oneself with doing sthg. // chi si contenta gode, (prov.) a contented mind is a perpetual feast
    2 (non com.) ( accondiscendere) to condescend, to deign.
    * * *
    1. vt
    to please, (soddisfare) to satisfy

    contentarsi (di) — to content o.s. (with)

    chi si contenta gode (Proverbio) a contented mind is a perpetual feast

    * * *
    * * *

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > contentare

См. также в других словарях:

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